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Posts posted by boxig

  1. The secret is probably here: ๆ

    เหมือน ๆ = Muan Muan - the same

    มาก ๆ = Mak Mak - very much

    ช้า ๆ = Cha Cha - very slowly

    จริง ๆ = Jing Jing - very true

    เร็ว ๆ = Reo Reo - very fast

    เล็ก ๆ = Lek Le - very small

    บ้า ๆ บอ ๆ = Ba Ba Bo Bo - crazy


  2. Hi,

    Is there any rule for pronunciation of words which include ภูมิ ?

    It seems like sometimes it is "Pum Mi" and sometimes just "Pum".

    How to pronounce these examples:

    ภูมิศาสตร์ - geography

    ภูมี - land

    ภูมิภาพ - scenery

    ภูมิภาค - provincial

    ภูมิแพ้; - allergy

    ภูมิคุ้มกัน - immune

    ภูมิประเทศ - geography

    ภูมิวิทยา - geology

    มาตุภูมิ - motherland

    สมรภูมิ - battlefield

    Thank you


  3. If you mean the set of 8 CDs then they are sold mainly on big shopping centers, usually on first floor (I have bought one in BigC, Chiang Mai). They are very nicely made but, as you said, and considering the set will cost you 2,000 Baht, you can find many other CDs much cheaper and with bigger content. Some of the old time cassettes, made 10 years ago and earlier, are much better than many new CDs hastily made in our computer age.


  4. Here are some answers to your questions, relating to two softwares which you can find on ThaiVisa Store.

    "Spoken Thai - Dictionary" - You can type English or Thai and get the other language. It has words and sentences in total of 20,000. It has no sound. You can copy and paste the results. The translation gives also phonetic.

    "Spoken Thai - Learn Thai" - This is a big package with 11,000 sounds, words and sentences, female voice. It has no Thai script but do have phonetic.

    Both softwares can be downloaded for a try and there is no need for a CD.

    If you buy any CD in a shop, ask to hear few minutes (they allow in serious shops) and check the detailed content of the CD.

    Good luck

  5. Please can someone tell me what this means?


    Thanks in advance!

    I am allergic to all kinds of beans including peanuts, and to coconut (?)


  6. I am not sure about จากัน nor about ค่อยพูดค่อย simply because I have never heard those, but it is good to learn new things. I would use:

    อย่า ใจ ร้อน น่า ค่อย ๆ พูด กัน ก็ ได้

    Or even better:

    ใจ เย็น น่า ค่อย ๆ พูด กัน ก็ ได้

  7. เอารัดเอาเปรียบ

    Is the รัด in the above word meaning to bind, to tighten ?

    Is there any difference between เอารัดเอาเปรียบ and เอาเปรียบ ?

    Thank you


  8. meadish_sweetball

    Thank you for your very profound explanation.

    Of course when speaking I never try to translate such sentences and I'm using the minimum needed to be understood.

    One question, why you use Don+Tuk in the first sentence (it sounds better with both and I assume this is the reason) ?

    Thank you


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