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    Pak Kred

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  1. When new laws around advertising alcohol were first circulated, they were backed by companies that almost own the local liquor market. They wanted cartoons banned from any and all packaging. The excuse being that cartoons draw in children and therefore are a moral hazard. Johnny Walker was the intended target, but the more failed. Just shows to go ya how far they will lie, cheat and steal if they can.
  2. Sorry old boy, you are way off the mark. Have you been to/heard of Bang Saen? They have serious races there; fenced-off city streets with very good controls of who can get on to the track. There would be almost overkill FIA oversight of Thailand's first GP - Thailand's reputation for planนิ่ง is pervasive...
  3. Would not know as I've not been to either. But both have a long lists of internationally recognised hotels which are not in Buriram... Neither are labelled sin-city or known worldwide for reasons Thais would rather weren't true/known.
  4. Perhaps not. In the 90s a group of Poles were busted from bringing weed INTO Thailand...
  5. The F1 crowd want glamour and the best hotel rooms. I don't see the glamourati wanting to be anywhere but Bangkok which does not have a circuit. Buriram works for MotoGP because bike fans aren't venue/hotel snobs. They can't hold it early in the season because the pollution is too bad. They can't hold it from July through October because the rain will make it impossible - Formula 1 Powerboats is its own thing. April and May are too hot leaving November, perhaps between Vegas and Qatar is the only viable timeslot that will not overheat the drivers, bring too much attention to the pollution, or turn into a fiasco and cancelled events due to rain and possible flooding. Keeping international eyes off of Pattaya would seem like a smart move - no need to confirm that Thailand has not dealt with its dirty underbelly as top-shelf sponsors don't like to be associated with that...
  6. False? Seems to everyone else who can read thinks he won...
  7. With that kind of logic you need to apply for your professorship! No really, you are the best, the most logical, fact-driven, data-empowered, deep-thought genius ever! I just wish I could have leverage your deep insight, infallible logic and experience-based breakdown of real facts before now.
  8. Ignoring the inconvenient fact that the severity of injuries are significantly down since pre seatbelt/safety seat days... Car seats for kids have been around since the 30s. Not popular, but around in various forms. In that same period, driving has changed beyond all recognition. We drive faster, and we drive heavier vehicles. They are quieter on the inside which ofter promotes slightly faster driving due to the feeling of quiet suggesting slower speeds. City roads are an order of magnitude busier than 'before'. So when you ask 'how did we survive'? you seem to be ignoring all those changes and simply think that 'we managed before, why can't we just manage now like we used to?' Well we can't. We have moved on. Most of us that is...
  9. Over the years I have seen too many people crash and burn here. Some did so fast, others in slow-motion. Most refuse to accept their situation and keep going downhill. Confession and acceptance are the first steps to recovery. Best of luck.
  10. I know a guy here who was in a serious accident back home in Germany years ago. He was not wearing a seatbelt. The accident investigators told him that had he been wearing his belt, he would have died. Now he refuses to wear one and his family follows his lead. This is known as 'argument from personal experience' and goes along with all the other frameworks psychologist have given names like argument from authority, from incredulity and from ignorance. Taking a single incident and extrapolating it to general use is foolish. The number of people saved by not wearing one is a fraction of those saved by wearing one. The statistics on seatbelt usage are clear. Odd exceptions must be seen as such. People who don't wear seatbelts are as likely to injure other passengers as they are themselves.
  11. Maybe I am obtuse, but I get it. The square-headed Ex-PM has never hidden his distain for any form of consumption. Thousands have died in anti-drug activities, most of which were later shown to be innocent bystanders. Cracking down on minor public nuisances should play second fiddle to cracking down on the incessant death of locals and visitors alike on Thai roads. The point made pertains to priorities...
  12. "Clearly"? Don't judge based on a single experience. That is not how life works.
  13. Perhaps you are right. Me thinks you should take the blame for clearly being a large part of a muppet...
  14. Don't project your own fear and incompetence on others. You are clearly too much of a wus to ride a bike, others might be perfectly competent. As for the rest of Thailand, they mostly ride because they have no choice; their intelligence is not a factor.
  15. That all sounds horrible. I opened an account with Krungsri a few months ago. I took my passport, a bank statement from a Singapore bank with my Thai address which I did not need. I was in an out in 25 minutes. FWIW, I am on a marriage visa.
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