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Posts posted by Johnjc

  1. I am no expert but your documentation says that you have custody of your children and therefore if any questions are asked just produce the documents.

    You can state that you are not contravening your divorce agreement , if there is a problem, because she can visit at any time she likes. The 'they shall be minor' refers to the fact that they are children. IMO

    edit: The last paragraph of the document you provide would appear to give you absolute power over your children

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  2. I am not trying to re -invent the wheel. I know what the authorities want. I have asked my daughter' mother for the last 2.5 months to get me some. I have sent the the requirements for the photos 3 different ways. I have 8 lots of unacceptable photos from her. I am flying out t Thailand just to get some suitable photos and hand the documents in.

    Believe me, if I can just go to a shop and get them, I will. I have to make sure that I cover all bases this time because I may not be well enough to come out again.

  3. Thanks for the replies.

    Ideally I would just get new ones taken but I do not know if there is suitable place near to where my daughter lives which will produce what I want.

    I am only in Thailand for a short time and have only a small window where I can get the documents translated and countersigned by a friend and presented at Trendy.

    I do have a 45mm x 35mm punch for passport photos and I have a good camera so quality is not a problem. I just need somewhere in Pattaya to print the photos to the size I need.

  4. Hi beano2274

    Unfortunately my daughter's mother is a law unto herself.

    We had split up.

    She was told not to do it, but she did.

    I have shaved all my hair off so I cannot pull it out in frustration!

    When I get an email from her, I start to act as commissioner Dreyfus from the Pink Panther films, and that is before I have opened the email - after I've opened it I am usually in a foetal position on the floor quietly rocking myself.................

  5. I as not present when my daughter was born and the mother put another man's name on the certificate.

    I went to the Amphur and asked for it to be changed.

    The Amphur told me to get a DNA test at an accredited hospital in Bangkok.

    Took the results back to Amphur and the Name, Nationality and my age at time of daughter's birth were amended..

    A note was added to my daughters certificate explaining the changes. This was signed and stamped.

    DNA results took two months, can you believe? Had the initial DNA test done in UK - took 7 days including sending material back to UK but the Amphur would not accept it :-(

    Cost of DNA test approx. 14,000 Baht

  6. Rice should be cooled as quickly as possible and placed in a refrigerator in a sealed container for a maximum of 3 days.

    Rice may contain bacillus cereus bacteria which can multiply very quickly this can cause vomiting and diarrhoea for up to about 24 hours. Very rarely fatal so you should be ok.

    However it may be of interest to those who eat in Thailand who think it is ok to go native with food to search for liver cancer in Thailand on the web caused by liver flukes from fish and also the proportion of the population that carry the hepatitis b - it was 70 - 90% infected by the age of 40 - although this is now going down due to vaccination.

    • Like 2
  7. The village is about 10 miles south of KPP. At present they have about 6 rabbits.

    It is something new for their community. I guess if it is successful then more neighbours will start keeping them.

    How widely it is consumed I have no idea.

    No sheep yet. I would guess they would need to be in cooler mountainous regions.

    • Like 1
  8. Best not to put any more water on the area until you have decided how to fix the problem as water will reactivate any remaining acid in the marble. Marble is very similar to chalk and limestone in make up.

    The affected area would need to be neutralised. Baking powder mixed with water into a thick paste or weak ammonia can help.

    Best to research what products are available in your area.

  9. I believe part of the programme shows a Thai official having just checked out a fishing boat saying words to the effect 'There is no cage or prison on board so the men are free to come and go as they wish' !! So no action taken.

  10. My daughter is after a tablet. She is 6 years old and lives 'out in the sticks'. Is a tablet the best option?

    Any connection will have to be via the mobile telephone route. I would appreciate suggestions for good connectivity between Chiang M & Nakhon Sawan

    I have no knowledge of notebooks etc. in Thailand as I use a desktop, spend most of my time in UK and have a 'wind up phone'. I do not even know what a 6 year old would use a tablet for in Thailand, except for games etc.

    Whatever I buy needs to be robust, I'll say that again, ROBUST!, Hopefully easy to use and not expensive to run, ( I do not want her connecting to sites or downloading stuff that costs a fortune to maintain - I am not there to supervise, I know that is saying how deep is a hole :-o - Hopefully you understand what I mean).

    I read on TV that a Nexus seemed to get good reviews, but that was for adults - would it be good for a 6 year old?

    Any feedback that other parents (absent?) have found would be welcome.


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