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Posts posted by ozyjon

  1. My ex g/friends father was and probably still is the bigest moron

    around, a so called oportunist, a very light fingered individual,

    nothing was out of bounds, helped himself to everything, food,

    car, money, he had it all, for free, a lady turned up at their house

    (2 houses) away from ours one night with a group of thugs, seems

    the father was bedding this lady with promises of forthcoming

    money which never was paid, he cowered under the house while

    his wife gave her what money she had and they went away.

    A week later the family were chatting under the straw hut, swinging

    in their hammocks it felt like a picnic, so i don't ask question because

    if i did it means i care, and i really don't care,,,

    The g/friend tells me that if the father shaved his head and went to

    live in the temple for a week all would be forgiven.

    And i was going to marry into this family,, Issan life is not for me.

  2. constant worry about "nutritional content" of food is bad for your health

    so i eat out a lot, the question i ask myself each time is,,,,

    how much MSG, how much oil, how much sugar, how much salt,

    so should i worry, probably not, concerned yes,, prevention is better

    than cure,, i don't like having to take medicines so i watch what i eat.

    Next topic, eating processed meat is carcinogenic, statement by the WHO



  3. I read all the bravado talk, be a man, stand up for yourself, or, don't have the guts to stand up for themselves,

    it's all bull, put your beer down and remember all the crime committed against foreigners, the crime you hear

    about and also the crime that goes unmentioned, OK you big tough guy, back in your home country you

    probably smacked your wife and children from time to time, have you done that here in Thailand ?

    The Thais, especially the poorer ones are very good at making us feel guilty and using blackmail as pogal wrote.....

    A little off track but my friends fiance's mother threatened to make his life hell unless he paid a 1M dowry.

    His g/f was silent on the matter...
    He's thinking of leaving the country he is so worried.

    If things went bad who would be your support, the Thais have extended family support,

    and you tough guy, up against a group of knife wielding thugs, what are going to do now?

    Put down your beer and think with your head, in Thailand you are nothing and have no rights.

    I know because i've been there, couldn't deal with the mind games, so i left.

  4. >> The longer I live in Thailand the less interested I have become in Thai language and culture. (Yes, I'm working on leaving.)<<..I have long given up on learning the Thai language .Learning the culture still interests me .I was brought up Catholic ,but a mere moments critical analysis of their teachings makes be believe that's its even more unbelievable than father christmas .I am more and more leaning towards Buddhist beliefs .I still love Thailand after 10 years full time here .I have a love hate relationship with my own Country ,Southern Ireland .) I may never go back there .

    Thank's for the honesty.

  5. post-141778-0-61379200-1462626684_thumb.

    This is Herman, i've known him all my adult life,

    has no family now, lives alone, retired, had a

    boring government clerk job all his life, very

    kind hearted, would do anything for you, has

    an IQ of 140 (so i'm told) can't tie his shoe laces,

    has no sense of direction, gets lost going to the

    bathroom, figured that quiz before i blinked.

    You figure.

  6. Do You Read Books?

    Answer; NO and NEVER

    does it make me any lesser of a person ?

    I have never read a book from cover to cover in my life,

    and never will, if someone spends month's or years writing

    a book, i'm not going to waste my time months or years

    reading it.

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