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walking wallet

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Posts posted by walking wallet

  1. Thanks for the replys , lomatopo tried the link you posted for CSLoxInfo coverage, and this is what the answer was..

    Your telephone number can not be operated with ADSL service. Please complete the information below. We will contact you to confirm your subscription later.

    so may be as you say our area is maxed out ( 044 phone number ) , looks as if Ive got to sit and wait it out :o


  2. I have a TOT telephone land line, ive just been to the TOT to request ADSL, they have told me there’s a waiting list and it could be many Months wait ....... Just a thought ( ive never before had an ADSL connection ) can I get another ADSL

    Connection from some one else other than TOT, but use the TOT land line..?


  3. I would like to watch some YouTube videos , but due to my very slow internet dial up connection speed, I cannot. If I go to an Internet shop where they have ADSL, is there any way I can download a YouTube Video from the shop’s computer and

    May be transfer the video say onto a USB thumb drive or some other way , so I can take a copy of the video back home to play on my own computer some how..?

    Is it simple to do ..? :o

  4. If you live outside the UK and want a State Pension forecast contact Inland Revenue Centre for Non-Residents.......

    If you are abroad or planning to go abroad in the near future, and not within 4 months of Retirement Pension age, you can ask us for a Retirement Pension forecast. You can download the application form CA3638 (PDF 206K) and send it to HMRC Residency Newcastle. If you cannot download the form you can call HMRC Residency and ask them to send it to you. If you are in the UK please ring 0845 915 4811 or call 44 191 203 7010 if you are calling from overseas.

    Download forms here.....



  5. I have just received a request to pay my UK National Insurance Class 3 voluntary contributions

    for the period of 09/04/06 to 07/04/07 .

    I have been paying NI voluntary contributions since I left the UK

    About 12 years ago.

    Along with the payment request I also received a notification as shown below,

    As far as I can make out, its basically this … pay now and may be you will

    Have paid too much, don’t pay now and you may run out of time, or you will

    Have to pay at a higher rate …? Have I read this right …?

    I will reach state pension (65) in 6 years time.

    Your comments please….

    IMPORTANT INFORMATION Please read this carefully before you decide to

    Pay any voluntary class 2 or 3 contributions

    On 25 may 2006 the government published a pensions Bill

    ‘Security in retirement towards a new pensions system (Cm 6841)

    The proposals include changes designed to increase the number of

    People who would become eligible for a full State Pension. These

    Proposals are reflected in the Pensions Bill currently being considered

    By Parliament. This note only deals with the state pension, it does not

    Cover any other benefits that are dependent on the payment of National

    Insurance Contributions.

    Who is affected

    If the proposals become law , state pension awards will be worked out differently

    For people who reach state pension age on or after the 06 April 2010, that is men

    Born on or after 06 April 1945 and women born on or after 06 April 1950.

    What is being proposed?

    The key proposed changes that could affect your decision to pay voluntary

    Contributions are …..

    A gradual increase in state pension age from 65 to 58 between 2024 and 2046

    A reduction in the number of qualifying years needed to get a full basic state

    Pension , at the moment women need between 39 and 44 years depending on their

    Date of birth and men need 44, but under the changes , everyone would need

    Just 30 years.

    The minimum number of qualifying years needed to get some basic state pension

    Would be reduced to one.

    Home Responsibilites Protection ( HRP ) years , which under current rules reduce the

    Number of qualifying years needed for a full basic pension would be replaced by a

    Weekly National Insurance credits for …

    Parents awarded child benefit for a child under the age of 12 and approved foster


    Carers who provide 20 hours or more weekly care for someone whi is sick or

    Severely disabled.

    How does this affect me ?

    You may have been advised that under the current rules you have a shortfall

    In your National Insurance record and you now ….

    Want to make up the shortfall

    Need to consider paying voluntary contributions

    Ned to make a further payment of voluntary class 2 or 3 contributions

    In order to make the tax year in question qualify for state pension proposed

    Under the current rules….

    If the proposals in the pensions bill become law YOU MAY NOT NEED TO PAY

    THE VOLUNTARY CLASS 2 OR 3 CONTRIBUTIONS. This is because you are

    Due to reach state pension age on or after 6 April 2010 and ….

    You may have already qualified for a basic state pension under the proposed

    New rules or …..

    You may anticipate working and paying enough contributions to qualify for a

    Full basic state pension under the proposed new rules.


    DELAY PAYING CLASS 2 OR 3 CONTRIBUTIONS until it is clear weather the rules

    Will change.

    If you nevertheless decide to pay the contributions, you might not be able to get

    A refund if it turns out that you need not have paid them. However, if you delay

    Pasyment the contributions may have to be paid at a slightly higher rate ( if you

    Delay payment the normal time limits for paying class 2 or 3 contributions still apply )

  6. Thanks to every one for the comments and advice, well to night ive connected 4 times and so far 3 have dropped off, and yes when they dropped off I heard crackling on the speaker phone, so in the morning I am going to install a new set of thicker wires from the TOT junction box just out side my gate

    and connect the line stright to my computer using a phone connection plug in box I have, one of the things I can't get my head around is that when I connect to the internet I all ways at the first try get connected, then the lind stays free of noise , until the drop off, when i can then hear the crackling,

    once the internet has dropped off, and ive heard the crackling which did the drop off, if I stright away try and re connect to the internet it connects no problem...?

    its got me beat at the moment, thanks ......

  7. Well I went to our local internet shop, to see the owner, and ask a few questions

    But found he was not there, so I asked his mother who runs the place if they had recently

    Been having any problems with the internet dropping off..? , She told me that they had a TOT

    Land line connected to ADSL, (there is only one land line into the shop) and had not been having any

    Internet drop off’s at all!!, now here’s where it gets for me a bit confusing… I asked if she had heard any crackling

    On the shop telephone, (the one using the same TOT land line to the computers ) and she said YES all the time…?

    I asked if I could just listen to the shop telephone, when I picked the hand set and listened I could not believe the

    Constant crackling I heard on the phone , now here’s where I just don’t get it… ive all ways been told if you are experiencing

    Any internet connection problems by land line, First check for any crackling on the phone line as this may be causing the

    Some problem, ..

    So how come this internet shop’s computers are not experiencing any drop off’s, even with a very bad crackling phone

    Connection…? I just can’t understand how the large amount of crackling noise I heard, lets the computers carry on

    With out dropping of the internet connection…? …… One last thing after returning from the internet shop I tried to connect

    To the internet (using 2 separate ISP connection numbers) and my telephone line was showing NO signs of crackling!!

    And has the speaker phone on all the time, both connections dropped off with in 5 minuets..? With out hearing any


    Now I am getting even more confused no crackling, two ISP’s connection numbers and still dropping off.

    Any one got an idea what’s going on…..

    Thanks …

  8. Thanks guy's for the info, looks as if it mya be a lost cause...? with the TOT engineers..? I live out in the sticks, but we do have an internet shop in the town , and know the owner , so may be I will ask them what they would recommend I do about my TOT line problem , may be they know some one at TOT, I think out here the only choice is TOT, my next door neighbour had a problem with his TOT land line several months ago his line went dead, it took a week for an engineer to call, he traced the fault to a main connection box in the village and repaired it Ok, he went away with some Chang Etc !! a happy man . ive just noticed that the drop off's occure more in the day time than the night time..? the thing I cannot understand is that the computer all ways connects to the internet OK, but then for some un known reason just drops off when the crackling starts, I wonder why the crackling is normally not on the line at the start...? but after some time of connection, is there any i could trace just where the connection drops off using my computer , i think there's some thing called traceroute..?

    any ideas most welcome ..... Thanks

  9. Reimar, thanks for the comments, ive just connected to the internet 4 times now, and at first all the connections were OK, but after about 30 Minuets , or so the connections droped off again, and I could hear the crackling noise when I picked up the telephone, ive now tried a second telephone, and can also hear the crackling noise too, I am just wondering how the TOT engineer can tell where the problem may be , along the land line or telephone connection boxes some where ...? do they have some sort of equipment to tell them where the problem could be, ive also recorded the line crackling sound with my mobile phone which has a voice recorder, just in case the engineer does not belive me..?

    any extra advice most welcome....thanks

  10. Don’t really know if any one can offer me some advice, or has had the same problem..?

    I have a TOT land Line, which I use to connect to the internet using dial up, and in

    The past I was getting connected Ok, all be it at a slow rate (41.2Kbps Max) but

    At least it worked. Over the past weeks my connections have just been dropping off,

    So I plugged a speaker phone into the telephone wall socket along with the computer

    Connection, as all ways the computer connects to the internet OK, but on now listening

    To the internet connection through the speaker phone, when the internet connection drops

    Off, I can hear a crackling sound come onto to the connection. So Ive checked the other

    Telephone wall sockets with the speaker phone, they also shows the crackling noise on the line

    At some times.

    I have also been and checked the main telephone connection out side of the house,

    And it looks all ok, There are some times when I listen on the speaker phone or handset and the

    Telephone line has no signs of the crackling noise, but other times I listen the crackling noise is there..?

    I have not contacted TOT yet, as I wanted to see if any one has experienced this type of

    Problem..? And what can I expect from the TOT engineer…? I can see the TOT engineer turning up at my house, and lifting the telephone receiver

    And knowing my luck the line sound will be perfect. As soon as he’s gone I know the crackling

    Line will come back, does any one know if it’s possible to locate the cause of the intermittent

    Crackling line …? If the cause is not at my house,( which I am fairly certain ) then it could be any where along the

    Land Line route, which could be a problem in tracing, your comments or advice before I contact TOT would be

    Most welcome


  11. HI simon43,

    well looked in the IT mall and things you are looking for were there on sale, here;s the info from the box.....

    one receiver/controler unit & one remote ...Model No. W101

    one receiver/controler unit & Two remotes ...Model No. W201

    Company ...... Intergrate

    Tel No.s ......... 02-448-6448

    02-886-2025 /7

    company web site ... http://www.e-stylethailand.com/

    company email ....... [email protected]/

    hope this helps ............... WW

    PS ...they look imported from out side Thailand , with Thai instructions

  12. Hi simon43,

    Ive seen the exact thing you are talking about in an IT Mall in Korat ,( not sure if they are by AEI ) so I know that they are sold here in Thailand, I am going to the IT Mall soon and will take any details there are on the box, as it may help with an address Etc ..... and let you know .


  13. When we got married we were offered the option by the British Embassy in Bangkok of Offically recording our Marriage in the UK , by sending a copy of the wedding certificate , and English Translation , and of course a fee , the documents were sent to ....

    The General Register Office in the UK , we then received back a confirmation registration number

    that out marriage was now recorded and listed

    The Main web site for The General Register Office in the UK is found at ..........



  14. Just got the wife to go into a main D-tac shop, and ask about the number change, and she was told that on sept 1st D-tac will be sending out special message to all D-tac customers , and this will

    automatically do the number converting ..? ..But as we all have come to know what you are told

    some times is not what you get !!


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