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  1. Nah, it just means that now there will be 7 people checking your re-entry permit application at Chaengwattana, rather than the current 4 🙃
  2. I honestly can't remember the last time I did a TM6 🤔 3 trips in the past 15 months. I seem to recall asking for one on a plane and the flight attendant said they weren't needed anymore. Am I going crazy? Edit to add: I enter using the Thai queue (not a Thai citizen though), so maybe that's why they don't ask for it?
  3. Ah yes, the modern generation, where the consequences of your own decisions make you a victim.
  4. Maybe they were recalling conversations they had earlier in the day where this weird foreigner was walking around shoving photos in their faces asking them "What do you call them in Thai?" 🤣
  5. This is a dumb comparison - total false equivalency. A better comparison would be the following: would you rather A) put a child in a car X amount of times (like many do every year), or B) let a child crawl under an elephant X amount of times? My kids have been in cars thousands of times, but I wouldn't let them under an elephant once (let alone thousands of times). Why - because the one interaction carries way more short-term inherent danger to my children due to the size and strength of an elephant.
  6. I have just gotten off the phone with a KBank rep - she confirmed that NOTHING will happen to the status of my account (lack of access; mobile banking etc.) if I do not return the form. However, she did say that next time I updated my phone number or passport at a Kbank branch they might ask if I have Thai TIN. I am not a US-Citizen so her answer was based on this.
  7. Well Pharoah got 26 months (although he did have 10kg's more, if that makes a huge difference? His judge didn't believe his "victim" story: "Judge John Potter told Pharoah during sentencing: "People like you, who take part in importing commercial quantities of cannabis like this, must and no doubt would expect on capture to be sent to prison." Maybe Sohail was lucky and got a soft judge.
  8. Clearly not as important as the 80% of the information in the article that seeks to understand why the poor culprit did what they did. Disgusting article to be fair.
  9. I know what "certified" actually means, thanks. However, I also know what "certified" means in practical terms when dealing with banks in Thailand. However, you go ahead and get a notarised copy of your passport and email it to them by all means. 👍
  10. From my experience "certified" in Thai banking means signed by the account holder.
  11. Kasikorn has gone from being very foreign user friendly to being a pain in the ass. Surprisingly KTB (government) allowed me to update information and do some other services without my bank books out of province (just a few verification phone calls to account branch - as they do with Thai citizens), whereas Kbank cited "government regulations" not letting me do the same. Relating to these docs: what happens if we don't reply by 20 December?
  12. Hope she's smart enough to be his ex now.
  13. 80 Million THB per km - seems high for this part of the world 🤔
  14. Seemingly introspective enough to know that they have no self-control... ...yet proving that they are morons. Apple 'n tree etc.

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