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Posts posted by angeledge

  1. A few days ago, PM said : Bangkok will not be flooded.

    Yesterday, teared-eyes : The government can not do anything.

    If she had listened to the experts all around the word instead of trying to look smart enough to handle the situation herself, this situation would be a thousand time better than it is now. Everyone know, even if not an expert, that containing the water in the provinces would have made the situation worse. This is what is happenning. There is lot of water comming to Bangkok. The flow is going to be crazy and I hope no one is going to be on it's way when it arrives.

    After what I saw of the PM, it is now clear that she can not govern a country. A good prime minister would have accepted that Bangkok was flooded a way before. He would have said : Citizens of Bangkok, you have 48 hours to get prepared for the flooding. Get your stuffs to higher ground and get supplies in food and drinking water for at least 2 weeks. For those who can not, you will be evacuated. in 48 hours, the water flow is going to arrive and be sure you are at home. If help is needed, every emergency services will be there to help you.

    No... she prefered to listen to her own instinct instead of listening to the experts who known what was to happen. This is sad, very sad... but there is already 320 persons who died and now, who knows how many are going to die when the water arrives in bangkok, because of her selfishness.

    She have to resign and not after the floodings. She have to resign right now. I can not imagine how worse it is going to get if she stay there and even after, if she try to keep the power, how the people will react. I dont want to see riots that happened a few years ago when many were dying but if she keep the power, this is what is going to happen.

  2. I am trained to rescue people and deliver first aid. I would like so much to help. Sadly, my visa dont give me the right to work. Sad but even with tears in her eyes, i can not do something else than watching those people.

    Pretty sure if you turn up and offer to help, you will be welcomed with open arms...

    Cant promise anything however, but lets be honest here... they need all the people they can get

    I already know the answer. They are going to say that if we want to help, we have to enroll in Red Cross in our country, the UN or give money. I asked the same thing for Tsunami in Japan. I told them that I could give them great help on delivering first aid, rescue missions or securising the nuclear reactors. After 2 weeks, the minister finally replied to me that I could not because it was illegal work in their country. I just decided to stay in my hometown and respond to regular emergency calls as I usually did.

    I am sure if they would let us help them, they would have an hundred more foreigners hands to give the first aid, the rescue missions or placing sand bags. Fact is that most of us want to help, but we dont want to have any problems. How many retired policemen, millitaries or firemen live here and could be very useful for them?

    I dont know... maybe the founder of thai visa can do something. He must have some secret friends who can say okay.... we accept any help we can have.

  3. In my opinion, this is the strangers effort to learn to speak the place he lives language and this, even if he can live properly with the simple use of english.

    Is it not insulting when you are in your own country and can not serve the client with the place language? At some point, the are going to understand when you are a tourist. But after seeing you for a while dont making any effort in learning their language, it is going to become more like an insult in their culture.

    Examples: in usa, there is almost as many americans who speaks english than mexicans who speaks spanish. Those mexicans dont have to learn the country language anymore. Is it not insulting for americans? Yes, it is and they are right.

    In Canada, muslims can go vote with their masks in their face and even, take official pictures with this. Is it not insulting knowing that a regular canadian who just smile on his passport picture will be rejected. Of course, it is.

    I Am from the province of Quebec, where everyone is french and i can tell you, this is insulting to hear someone telling you he wont learn french because he can live properly using english in Montreal.

    There is also a major thing a translator will never be able to replace. Your capacity to negociate and you gain a way more credibility when you do it yourself than using a machine to speak for you.

    As a new expat in thailand (living here since 2 months and a half) i can order food and have simple welcoming words in thai. I do this by respect for them and also for their culture. Many are happy and have fun teaching me new words.

  4. Many people take advantage of the internet to say bad things or try to act superior. At the end, all I see is a lack of self confidence and, in the case of this topic, a bit of selfishness. We all have our reasons to come here in thailand. Most of the foreigners just come to get prostitutes every night. Some other want to find the love of their life. Other one are here to live the thai adventure and some others, to help this country being better. Fortunately, this is the reason why I am here. I had the chance to be born in a pretty rich country, had a great education and no worries about natural disasters. Those knowledges and skills I gained in my country, I want to use them for the profit of honnest thai people who have not asked to be born, like us, and who live in hard situations, too often.

    Any reasons you have to come here, I dont care. My point here is not to judge anyone and even less to make anyone lose the face in front of others, because this is not the way things work in reality. Still, I am very sad of the reactions some had in saying bad things on me and even on what I am doing to help the persons who need help more than ever. For those persons, why are you so cold hearted? what is the reason to have fun on people who spend many hours per days trying to help thai? Do you think you have enough power on this planet to decide of life and death, comfort or misery? One thing I know is that whatever my salary is, my status is or my bank account is, I have a responsability as a human being to use my knowledge and skill to make those who dont have the same chance I had to have a better life.

    I gave another very beautiful interview this evening. and I have 2 other one tomorrow. Maybe am I going to post again on this forum because this is one of the only place I know I can have reliable informations about what is happening here and from people that live directly in the center of the crisis. I do hope that for those who had fun with this post, I made you think a bit. The situation is not fun at all and as I told in an earlier post, if you dont have anything intelligent to say, you can always press the back button instead of answering destructive and/or bad comments. Also, I do hope some that are going to read this post will think twice before judging someone he dont know. This is what I avoid to do and you should do the same. There still some good persons in this planet.

  5. So let's answer all the questions here because I see there is some who like to speculate and thank you for the others who have a sense to help this country.

    I am someone who live in Bangkok and is an English teacher. I am not asking any TV or radio I am giving an interview to pay me. I also dont have any plans in getting money from my country people and put some in my pocket. TV channels and radio stations I am giving interview ask people to give to red cross and other reliable society who will take the money safely to people who need it in Thailand.

    I am not a journalist, a freelancer or a scammer. I am just someone who have the guts to speak live at TV stations and radio 3-4 times a day to give updates and true informations. It is all about using my skill to help people who need it in this country as this is the only thing I can do for them. I use to be a fireman in Canada but sadly, this situation managed so bad by people that have no knowledge that I can not do anything except what I am doing now.

    Thank you for giving me accurant informations about the flooding and the district that are affected. I am going live in a few minutes and those informations was very important for me.

  6. This is my way to help this country to get money from my country. Now, if you have nothing smart to say, just read the post and pass by. If you have something smart to say (like answer and talk about what the post is about), you are welcome. Thank you for your help.

  7. Hello,

    I need to get some pictures and videos for a Canadian news Channel and I would like to know the exact 20 districts that are affected by floodings and also those that live the worse situation.

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