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Posts posted by IMA_FARANG

  1. In general, if you have dual nationality......Thai/foreigner.....nationality, then your best choice is to enter on the Thai passport on arrival in Thailand, and exit Thailand on the same passport.

    Use your foreign   home country passport to book flights and to enter or exit your foreign  home country  passport in your home country.

    As another poster in this topic said, then put your foreign  passport away and d not show it to Thai immigration on entry.

    Don't confuse them, you are as Thai as they are.



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  2. If you have a Thai bank passbook you would be advised to make sure they have your new and valid passport number in your customer database

    Otherwise  if your Thai bank passport is lost or stolen, you may have big problems when you report that lost or stolen passbook to the police.

    Take this from someone who lost a Bangkok bank passbook with 550K baht in it.

    The bank passbook is identified as yours by your passport number, if that passport number is not valid, you will have big problems getting them to identify that passbook as yours.

    Fortunately, when I I got a new U.S. passport I notified Bangkok Bank and they changed my passport number in their database to my new passport number.


  3. Double  or triple entry visas were stopped  at least a year ago, replaced by the METV which is only normally only given to native residents in their home country.

    Don't remember  exactly when they were stopped but it may have been in  November 2015.

    I had one of the last double entry Thai tourist visas  from Laos, but that expired at least a year ago.

    SETV (Single Entry Tourist Visa) are sill available as far as I know.

    A SETV can be extended for 30 days for a 1900 Baht at your local immigration office.

    That will give you effectively a  90 day stays on  your original 60 day tourist visa 


  4. If you had a retirement visa/extension for a year when you left Thailand you could have applied for a re-entry permit.

    That could have kept your retirement visa/extension valid for the whole year of your extension.

    Leaving without a re-entry permit canceled your retirement visa ,extension on exit.

    if you had a 1 year retirement visa/extension  a 1000 Baht single entry re-entry permit would have avoided all that hassle, and your retirement visa/extension would not have been canceled on exit fro Thailand.


  5. Online work in Thailand that is done in Thailand is technically considered "work in Thailand" because it is performed here.

    So you need a "work Permit" to work on-line from Thailand.

    However, as was said previously, the law was never written to consider on-line work and therefore is unclear/uncertain.

    But there is no visa that legally applies for that circumstance.

    Many people do work on-line but just quietly...... you take your chances that you don't get caught.



  6. A nice dream but it will never happen.

    There are those in Thailand as well as other countries who benefit from an exploitive Capitalistic system, and they are those who control governments.

    And they are not about to give up their control of power.

    Even if it kills them and everyone else with them.

    Just the ranting of an old man, pay no attention to this post.



  7. Some 10 years ago, my then Thai girlfriend's father was waiting at an intersection to cross the road when a young Thai motorcycle rider lost control of his bike and came off the bike.

    The runaway bike continued across the intersection and struck my girlfriend's father.

    He was 70 years old at the time, and walked with a cane until he passed away about 5 years later from natural causes.

    You never know, do you..


  8. As someone else explained no chance of a METV, which will only likely be issued in your home county.

    Possibly a multi-entry Non O, but only based on marriage to a Thai

    I doubt that you will get a multi entry based on retirement anywhere in South East Asia.

    Maybe a 90 day Non O which you will have to convert to an annual retirement extension in Thailand with the funds available in a local bank account in your name for 60 days seasoning

    if it is your first extension.

    Or possibly if you can show a monthly pension coming in from your home country each month.

    The rules have been tightened worldwide.


  9. These planes are out of Offut airbase in Iowa,. as indicated  by the OF number on their tail

    I have seen such planes before in Alaska, and in NATO   bases in Greece.

    Their purpose then was to monitor Iranian sites.

    Ttheir purpose is to sample the air over what may be an area where there is are  possible radiation products to determine whether there has been a nuclear explosion.

    They are capable of using such air samples to determine the type and nature of such device for analysis.

    Since China most likely will deny that such a thing as a nuclear explosion occurred in their territory the Chinese are not happy to have samples taken even in international areas that by international law are free for all aircraft to fly through.

    That is precisely why such a plane was flying over the area.


  10. Quote

    Global Warming has changed Thailand's weather. Expect more of the same.


    In any area where there are violent  air updrafts that air must also come down.

    In hilly terrain there will be some tornados every now and then.

    I was born in a town in western Massachusetts and last year there was the first ever small twister seen there.

    Again hilly terrain.

    The hilly terrain cause masses of air to be pushed up to go over the hilly area.

    And due to gravity that same mass of air will fall and on the way down it may be concentrated in a spinning blob, and cause a tornado by gaining speed as it descends

    This happens all over the world.

    Some places it is more common then others, but there is nowhere in the world which does not obey the same weather rules.


  11. You are about a year behind as that information on  2 visa exempt was known  from entries last year.

    However, as pointed out in this topic, the law did not become effective until it was officially published in the Royal Gazette recently.

    I suspect  at least some of the delay in publishing  the law was due to the death last year of the previous king and now it was published with the new king's consent.


  12. In Vietnam I actually  saw the body of a Viet Cong who was hit by a M-16 round that entered his elbow and exited through his chest.

    He was quite dead.

    But that is different as the M-16 round is deliberately designed to be dynamically unstable and tumble erratically through the human body bouncing off bone for maximum killing effect and damage.

    Not the same thing, deliberately designed to kill.




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