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Posts posted by calibanjr.

  1. I'm digging on the opening ceremony right now. Regardless of the events, I dig all the different outfits and flags. I used to really get into the events, both Winter and Summer when I was younger, but don't follow them much anymore. Opening ceremony is probably the only time most people on the planet get to see so many people from so many countries at one time, so I like it, for what it's worth. How often do you get to see the flags of Vanuatu, Turkhmenistan, etc.? I guess once every 4 years is enough, though.

  2. Hi,

    pardon my ignorance but isn't a "Hot Dog" a US invention which you grab at a Hot Dog Stand and almost always consists of a Frank (well the lowest quality possible) which is made eddible by adding lots of mustard, majo, onions, sauerkraut ......

    That is what I always thought, but there are also higher quality, all beef hotdogs - often called Kosher hot dogs - which is what most of us seem to be missing.

    I have only had one good hotdog in all my years in Thailand at a place that was open for a very short time that was in competition with the first Mike's Burgers. By the way, Mike's hotdogs are big, tasteless and mushy - no matter how much gunk you spray on them.

    Yeah, I remember Hebrew National, you KNOW those are beef, not pork! Da*n good.

  3. A lot better than it used to be, there is a pumping station near the entrance to Walking St, all I think this does is filter out the solid stuff and pump the rest out to sea, If you go out on a boat at the right time you can see a very brown streak heading towards the private beach of one of Pattaya's top hotels.

    Best not to swim Pattaya beach, jomtien is better and for the best beachs get a boat out to Koh Larn for the day.


    Lived in Pattaya for about a year '93-'94 before moving on to my next debacles in BKK and now CM. One of my favorite things to get me out of the bars, etc. was a good book to take on the boat, spend a day at Koh Larn. Cleaner, and the water's generally cooler and more refreshing. Great day trip. Other than that, never liked the beach at Pattaya Tai or Jomtien, would go down to Sattahip.

  4. After more than 7 years in office, Bush does interviews fairly well. He knew about Thailand. Did you like his reason for delivering a major speech about East Asia in a minor country? Notice he said nothing about the coup, now that Thailand has a constitutional democracy in place again, such as it is. Did the reporter from either newspaper ask some tough questions, or were they polite in a Thai way? Did Bush respect the press far more than Thaksin or Samak ever have? Notice he said nothing about Thaksin, at least in the first interview.

    I would like to take part in a discussion about the topic, which is the two interviews. I do not intend to moderate this discussion, but about 25 other moderators and admins may.

    Hi PB, always dicey to compliment W. on things he doesn't mention. Never know whether it's delicacy, forgetfulness, or complete lack of awareness. My guess is generally on the second or third cause.

  5. Please watch the replies guys...

    From the Forum Rules:

    4) Gambling or betting topics created by members are not allowed on the forum.

    what about topics that are questions about whether or not a topic is a gambling or betting topic (as per the definition of "gambling" under current thai legislation, that I'm still unable to find out an answer to) :o

    Kind of a conundrum, no? This appropriateness of this thread being a matter of difficult interpretation the difficulty of interpretation of the legalities of the activity in question. A bit of a Russian doll type of thing. The funniest quote so far is NoSpeakIt's didactic (and simplistic):

    u guys are so silly of course playing cards are not illegal. games which dont involve money changing hands is not gambling.

    people gamble on football do you think football is illegal in thailand?

    try to use your brains if you can.

    I've been running a biz here for 5 years and I question the appropriate legality and means of doing the things I do EVERY day. Wish everything were so clear when the Immigration Guys/Labor Guys need paperwork/fees or when BiB show up.

  6. Hi,

    Try SurftheChannel (http://www.surfthechannel.com/). This site has all kinds of Movies and TV Shows, which you can stream or download.


    surfthechannel is very good, but some of the links provided go to hulu.com is not viewable outside the US. However, I am sure that if you are creative enough you will be able to find some way to reach hulu.com while overseas.


    Yeah there are always "options" which sort of can "un-overseas" your box, or so I hear. Guilty pleasure, I like watching the old "Highlander" series, when I'm in the States.

  7. Last year Romo <deleted>*#ked up with that Jessica Simpson trip before the big game.

    When I played, our coaches absolutely forbid us to have sex the week before the game. They said for sure it made you soft. Best to have those teststerone levels full bore. O.k. after game party, go for it, but starting with Monday practices, no.

    Now, Huggy, maybe Tony and Jessica just held hands, and stared into the stars in each other's eyes. We don't know that they had sex. :D

    I'll bet when Strahan first knocked the sh*t out of him, he wished he was back in the sack with JS..........

    Actually...................I wish I was in the sack with JS.

    Huggy, I'd have to question the masculinity of any guy who didn't, at the very least, "lust in his heart" to be in the sack with JS! In general, I prefer brunettes. But JS is physically a '10' by any criteria that I can imagine!

    Ridiculously rocked body, but I actually think her face looks a bit like a guy, but not enough to kick out of bed. Sh!t! Now I'm confused! :o

  8. I am a girl, 21, and have lived in NYC on and off for about 7 years, and have lived here in BKK for one, and NYC BY FAR is much safer then BKK.. It is so much cleaner, safer, etc. You can go out at night late as you want (alone as agirl) and you are safe. here in bkk, no way, not safe at all. I mean you dont go out in harlem or brooklyn like that, but in NYC its much safer then BKK.

    Last time I looked Brooklyn and Harlem were still parts of NYC. Here in Bangkok would you walk alone through Khlong Toei at night?

    Umm no actually you are wrong. Harlem and Brooklyn are considered there own city, such as harlem and brooklyn. thats why NYC is an ISLAND where brooklyn is south of the ISLAND and Harlem is in the NORTH. Just to set you straight. I lived there almost all my life. and BANGKOK is not safe , esp for foreign women. I have experienced much unsafe things here already. where in NY, i never have. So please get your facts stragiht.

    Nonsense. New York City comprises five boroughs: The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. Harlem is on the north side of Manhattan. Source: The official government of New York City website nyc.gov

    I don't like to get pissy, but 200mphplus is starting to back up all those stereotypes about Americans being crappy at geography, especially about a place where one has ostensibly lived "almost their whole life" You don't know that groongthep's right? You don't actually know that there are 5 boroughs, and that Harlem is actually IN Manhattan? I knew all this as a teenager from Boston before I'd ever been there! Maybe because I hated the Yankees and it's good to "know thine enemy"

    Actually to the point, this highlights one strong aspect of NYC, the neighborhoods. I lived in Park Slope (Brooklyn) in '92-'94 and it was a bit run-down, could be dangerous now and then, but up-and-coming. Near Prospect Park (Brooklyn's sort of Central Park stand-in), so it's nice, but my girlfriend would not go jogging around that park alone after dark. Park Slope is now unaffordable for anybody (including me) without SERIOUS money, unless you luck out with a rent-control joint, which people guard like family jewels. There are SO MANY neighborhoods in Brooklyn alone, you can't generalize about Brooklyn's like this, etc. So for me, I don't have enough experience in BKK, lived there for 2 years, and its many areas, but there are places in NYC you (and the locals) sure don''t want to go (e.g., Brownsville, where Mike Tyson's from) after dark (or during the day, if you're unlucky) , and places that are pretty safe round the clock (Brooklyn Heights, Park Slope, Williamsburg, none of which I could afford to move back to.)

    Even though I'm from Boston, I loved Brooklyn, interesting people from everywhere, and more importantly, food :o from everywhere!

  9. With all the background you provided about your g.friend, my belief is that there's no chance of getting the tourist visa approved. Has she used those two visa's you mentioned? Has she been out of Thailand previously?

    Here's my advice: This route will cost a bit more, but much less headache and I believe the chances of approval are much better.

    Find a travel agency that specializes is group travel to the US. The agency would take care of the visa and all travel. That way, your gf will not have to have any interviews. Get a vacation package for her to let's say Los Angeles. After she arrives, she doesn't have to stay with the group. She could just hop a plane and go to meet you. I'm not sure how long of a visa they would approve. Just maybe a two week period, or maybe 6 months - check with the tour agency. I've know people that went this route. Let's see what others have to say.

    Good luck.

    This idea sounds interesting.

  10. Actually the length of your relationship thus far is not the most critical in my experience.

    Also it is incorrect to assume you cannot mention marriage.

    Here is a excerpt from the US Foreign affairs manual........... For allowed reasons

    (N11.1-1 of the Foreign Affairs Manual):

    (1) Simply to meet the family of his and/or her fiance;

    (2) To become engaged;

    (3) To make arrangements for the wedding; or

    (4) To renew a relationship with the prospective spouse

    As you can see it does allow for it.

    But & this is a big but in the end it still depends on what the interview person feels is the likelihood of her returning lawfully to Thailand.

    My take is the same. I got my wife a Tourist Visa (10yrs., wish we could get those for Thailand!) last year, and throughout the process I was told that our relationship meant next to nothing. The decision is centered around the interviewer's belief that the interviewee will actually return lawfully. Note: in CM at least, farangs are not allowed in the Consulate at ALL during the day of the interview, and the letter that I wrote in support of her visa was unread and handed back to her. They only cared about her bank info, land, and family, not our relationship. In other words, just what many people say the Thais only care about! :o

  11. I'm fine with the shoes off, it's a lot more comfy, etc. The guys wigging out about shoes on in "American movies" and bringing "filth" etc. into other's houses are a bit over the top to me. The VAST majority of American homes I've been in, people don't expect guests to take their shoes off. There are some people that do, and it is expected that they tell you their preference for it, if you don't notice them taking them off themselves when you enter. Feet up on the coffee table or other furniture, shod or not, is always a no-no. I'm from a winter wonderland area, and if you come over with snowy/wet shoes, you're expected to wipe them off or take them off as the situation dictates, but that's usually it. Most of those homes, like my whole very large extended family's, seem as clean as anything I've seen anywhere else. Seems like some hyper-anal-retentive types in the vicinity.

    Anal retentive?

    You said.

    Would you be happy with someone walking bare foot in your home IF

    They had verucas, athletes foot or other contagious fungal infections

    These conditions are associated with poor feet hygiene and wearing shoes too much.

    Never said that and not sure how it relates to my post.

  12. I'm fine with the shoes off, it's a lot more comfy, etc. The guys wigging out about shoes on in "American movies" and bringing "filth" etc. into other's houses are a bit over the top to me. The VAST majority of American homes I've been in, people don't expect guests to take their shoes off. There are some people that do, and it is expected that they tell you their preference for it, if you don't notice them taking them off themselves when you enter. Feet up on the coffee table or other furniture, shod or not, is always a no-no. I'm from a winter wonderland area, and if you come over with snowy/wet shoes, you're expected to wipe them off or take them off as the situation dictates, but that's usually it. Most of those homes, like my whole very large extended family's, seem as clean as anything I've seen anywhere else. Seems like some hyper-anal-retentive types in the vicinity.

  13. If I may be serious about the subject (may I?), the thought does cross my mind on odd-numbered Thursdays that immediately precede odd-numbered Fridays (such as next week). I have a burning desire, like temporary heartburn when I eat a chili, to educate every last Sino-Thai and a few Akha or Shan tribespeople, about the similarities between the Tex-Mex border and the Mex-Guat border. Or, to explain what our old Tex-Mex flaming gay friend is doing in Boston, translating French.

    They do not care. Unless they know a farang closely, they have no need or desire to be educated about us. Some Thai educators (and I use that term loosely) would prefer to teach English without its accompanying culture. Who really needs to know that London is foggy, Florida is hot and humid, or the care and feeding of kangaroos?

    They could get along without us, even without our money. They can sing "Got along without you before I met you; gonna get along without you now." The winter in Winnipeg is irrelevant. Of course, our loved ones love us, and need us and our money. The rest do not need to know the difference between bangers and Jimmy Dean sausage. Thais are nice, charming people who tolerate our idiosyncracies and our idiots. But they do not need lectures about lariats or cowboy hats. :o

    I have to pretty much concur all the way around with PB. Just don't care. Why should they, really? If one wishes to try to clue Thais in on certain idiosyncracies about people back home or general tendencies of one's countrymen as an exercise in storytelling, sociability, or for language practice, go ahead and enjoy. Maybe some Thais will take an interest, but none I've met yet. Mostly I've experienced it with my employees and my wife's family just trying to see if I can tell a story, have a good/fun heart, etc. Sure there are exceptions, which just prove the general rule. In the end, you'll be gone (me, too) and Thailand and the Thais will still be here together.

  14. any brits or yanks out there that know anyone that HAS POSTED THERE KEYS AND WALKED AWAY, WHAT UTTER BULL KEY.

    My last "real job" was at Wells Fargo in, of all things, risk management. I still have friends (shockingly) there with whom I discuss finance, among other things. "Jingle mail" the actual mailing in of keys has ALWAYS been a reality, just not a common occurrence. The term is used metaphorically at Wells, just meaning that the "owner" formally releases possession of the property, the keys not really being necessary. There are spikes during real estate slow-downs, of course. The current loss rates (default rates, in my old dept.) are showing exponential curves right now, and thus "jingle mail" is not only a reality, but an expanding phenomenon. Someone (idiot, IMO), say, making combined 200k or whatever, who took out an interest-only loan (which should be illegal, IMO) on a 700k condo/home, with variable rate, getting reset, who needs 50% of his and his wife's income, ANY financial difficulty in paying, combined with no equity in a property that is now worth 450k (maybe), now has incurred debt much greater than his yearly combined income, usually combined with other (e.g., SUV, Harley, etc.) interesting lifestyle enhancements. He will now retract necessarily any discretionary spending at all. This contraction, combined with tighter credit all around cascades throughout the entire economic system, and unfortunately, around the world to some degree. Apologies as an American for not having the ability to stop the Republican, "deregulate everything" and "invade now, send the bill to Joe Q. Public of the future" policies.

    Not sure you grasp the degree of "air" in the real estate values over the recent past and the effect of the pop. It is happening.

    My prognosticastion is serious economic slow down. Recession of 2-4 years, severity something of what I remember the 70's being like (I'm 41, so I was young), probably worse. Recovery slow, but a recovery nonetheless.

  15. No real rules, AFAIK. Stay away from the police. Stay away from drugs. Stay away from Canadians! (a la "The Jerk", which we are all capable of being, I think)

    Oh shit--my brother and wife, from Vancouver B.C., are arriving for a month's stay with us in Chiang mai in 1 week--anyone selling any secondhand body armour?

    Thanks for the humor back-up and hope you and they have a great time!

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