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Posts posted by FlyByNights

  1. <snip>

    I really cannot say what happens at Immigration for I never go there, but there sure is a hell of a lot of people bitching about the place.

    I wasn't bitching at all. I reopened this thread to post what a breeze it was to get my one year extension. From the time I arrived in the parking lot at the immigration office 'til the time I was driving out was less than 15 minutes. No problem whatsoever! The officer was very polite and efficient. And no, I didn't tip him...

    That wasn't directed at you Jimi007, you been here long enough to know you don't go in there acting like a fool.

  2. You can be "defiant" as much as you want about not being near retirement age, but, it's "definite" you will get there some day (barring accidents and illness).

    Whoooooosh, straight over FlyByNights' head!!!


  3. Yes most defiantly " You get what you pay for."

    This I say in regards to translations, nothing more.

    There is much more to a translation than just a translation. You have to consider the cost is also being determined by many factors such as language, size of document, complexity, deadlines, quality of the source text, formatting and the platforms being used, not to mention the proofreading and editing.

    Also translators who only focus on the transformation of words, without the consideration of cultural factors, are more likely to misunderstand the culture in the message which the client is trying to convey.

    Here are some infamous errors made by multinational corporations when translating brands or slogans abroad.

    The name Coca-Cola in China was first rendered as Ke-kou-ke-la. Unfortunately, the Coke company did not discover until after thousands of signs had been printed that the phrase means "bite the wax tadpole" or "female horse stuffed with wax" depending on the dialect.

    Things weren't much easier for Coke's arch-rival Pepsi. When they entered the Chinese market, the translation of their slogan "Pepsi Brings you Back to Life" was a little more literal than they intended. In Chinese, the slogan meant, "Pepsi Brings Your Ancestors Back from the Grave".

    In Italy, a campaign for Schweppes Tonic Water translated the name into Schweppes Toilet Water.

    When translated into Chinese, the Kentucky Fried Chicken slogan "finger-lickin' good" came out as "eat your fingers off".

    IMO if your content is on going to be on the web for example, thousands of people will be able to see it everyday, you better be damm sure your translations are on point.

    Don't skimp on a quality translations to save yourself a couple of bucks. You will regret it.

  4. KB

    It has nothing to do about being about being defiant

    Believe me I see and feel my age creeping up on me every day when I wake up in the mornings. Now that's a definite

    Retirement must be great though! I cannot wait to be in a position where I have to keep myself busy in order not to get bored, and them not having to worry about money either. Honestly, I can't wait for that day to come. Unfortunately I still need to work and it sucks punching the clock.

    I’m sure many here have paid their dues in life, and I guess working is the sacrifice some people have to make in order to have the entitlement of a retiree. I don't see age being an issue, and hopefully my post doesn’t convey that type of message. I apologize if it did.

    I would love to switch places with some of the guys who are already retired. I must say many have done really well for themselves, and I doubt with the way things are going in this economy that I will ever be able to have the same financial independence as many retirees living here already.

    In retrospect, this is the exact reason why I decided to live my life in LOS. Not to make a fortune, but to age gracefully in a completely different environment from back home. Too bad it’s getting so dangerous.

    I really cannot say what happens at Immigration for I never go there, but there sure is a hell of a lot of people bitching about the place.

  5. I have never heard of or seen a Farang bribing tipping a government official before, at least not directly.

    Why would anyone risk such a thing especially at Immigration? Basically you’ll probably get trapped tipping forever or get your ass deported back home for being an idiot or something.

    I've always been under the assumption that the majority of people that go to immigration are tourists are they not?

    IMO the IO’s don't care about your money, and they don’t especially care for Farang in general. They are just doing their job and taking the piss,why not? Have a complaint, have an excuse, take a number.

    Most “retirees” probably know some of these IO's on a first name basis by know, and I’m sure they all know when and who to wai.gif when it comes down to actually having to do it.

    off topic : Some guys I see actually wai.gif bar girls too. GEEZ.

    I think I'll make a new thread about this topic soon, be interesting to hear what some people have to say for themselves.


    I don’t know the procedure some of you have to go through, because I don’t have 800K cash stashed in my account, I am not married, don’t own a house, and defiantly not anywhere close to retirement age unfortunately.

    IMO, anything having to do with the government here is a nightmare, especially if you have to do it yourself. You should find yourself a Thai sponsor that can do these things for you.

    In regards to tipping respecting the IO's, it has always been my observation to give gift baskets in appreciation for their services. This is usually the case on special holidays a couple times out of the year, but defiantly not given by the Farang, though I could be wrong.

  6. Always remember "You get what you pay for "

    Industry standards on average

    • English to Russian translation: USD 0.04 - 0.1 (EUR 0.032 - 0.078) per source word
    • English to Russian technical translation: USD 0.08 - 0.14 (EUR 0.062 - 0.11) per source word

    IMO most important is the adaption

    "An adaptation differs from a translation in that it seeks to capture the essence, meaning and message of an original text without being literal. The result is not a literal translation but nevertheless conveys the original meaning."

  7. So, I left via train crossing to George town and at the border, was stamped out of Thailand in my Aussie passport.

    I then went to the Malaysian counter and, showing them my Aussie passport stamped out of Thailand, asked if they could stamp me into Malaysia on my British passport, which they did.

    I then got a new Thai visa in my Brit' passport in Georgetown,

    So yes, it can be done.


    Where did you take the train from, and how long ago was this? Where exactly did they stamp you out of your Aussie PP , and where did they stamp you in your Brit PP. How much seperation time was between the two? Did they not ask you any questions? Have you tried do do this anywhere else beside Malaysia?

    Got some strange stares when they looked through my passport and did not see the exit stamp from the previous country, but no questions asked. BUT, these were countries that did not care about exit stamps.

    Thailand and neighbouring countries all check and insist on an exit stamp from the country you are coming from. Mario2008 is correct: You can only change nationalities if you are flying in. That way they don't know which country you are coming from, since you are "falling from the sky". Trust me on this, I have first-hand experience.

    "BUT, these were countries that did not care about exit stamps."

    Which were the countries where you successfully managed to get this done?

  8. Nowadays “good” editors and writers whose specialty is foreign translation are extremely busy especially here in the LOS.

    The Russian translators on the net are pretty useless; such applications cannot convey the same message across as actual human form translation.

    It’s not the Russian language skills that matter so to speak either, but actually the familiarity with the English language and how to use it to begin with.

    This goes for all languages translated from English content.

    Unfortunately the Russian natives I personally know don’t have the time to take on certain jobs at the moment, and sometimes they just reject the work all together.

    Translations are not easy and they don’t come cheap, at least nice and neat ones’ don’t. The cost for proofreading documents alone usually costs a third to one half of what is charged for a regular document translation, and sometimes there is a minimum that has to be paid as well.

  9. Entry/exit stamps are only checked at land borders, not at airports. When switching passports the advised method is always to just fly to another (neigbouring) country.

    At airline check-in one produces the passport the ticket is bought under, at immigration you sow the passpor you entered on and when arriving at another country by air you just produce the passport you want to use to enter.

    Entry/exit stamps are only checked at land borders, not at airports. When switching passports the advised method is always to just fly to another (neigbouring) country.

    At airline check-in one produces the passport the ticket is bought under, at immigration you sow the passpor you entered on and when arriving at another country by air you just produce the passport you want to use to enter.

    Thanks Mario2008

    Does it matter which pp I use to buy the ticket?

  10. You depart Thailand on your US passport as this is the one you arrived on. Show your US passort at checkin if this was the passport you used to make the booking. I take it that the same name is in both passports. Then when you arrive in Malaysia use the German. They will not check for departure stamps. It takes to much time.

    "They will not check for departure stamps. It takes to much time."

    They will have time to see that the German passport has never been used when they stamp in the arrival.

    I’ve heard Malaysia doesn’t look too favorable on dual nationality to begin with, or if they even allow it for that matter.

    Maybe another surrounding country that allows dual citizenship would be the best bet. They will need to have a Thai embassy/consulate there as well. Land border crossings don't qualify damhikt.

    Any suggestions?

  11. I have dual nationality

    I entered Thailand with my US passport.

    I will be leaving Thailand on my American passport, and want to enter Malaysia with my German passport. I will be flying by air.

    What will happen when I give my German passport to the IO in Penang and they do not see a exit stamp from Thailand in the German passport. Will they still let me enter?

    When leaving Thailand, what passport do I show at the ticket counter in BKK?

    Anyone have some information you can share?

  12. I have some specific questions in regards to immigration control with a newly issued Non Immigrant B. I hope someone can help to clarify things a little.

    Arriving in Sadao from KL by mini van

    1. Will there be any problems coming into Thailand (land crossing) with a new Non Imm B visa if I flew into KL or Georgetown to obtain it? Don't I have to fly back out as well?

    2. I heard Thai immigration will only stamp the visa for 30 days ( Non Imm B ), even though it's intended for 3 months (land crossings), but if someone were to fly into Thailand (Swampy, Phuket, etc) they would stamp in the full 90 days?

    3. Some say they will stamp in 90 days (airport & land crossings), even if the Non Imm B was intended for one year, and was issued by a outside embassy?

    Master Question:

    4. ** Is it possible to get a one year Non Imm B in KL or Georgetown and actually get the full one year stamped coming into Thailand, and if so what are the requirements beside the usual company documents etc. Is there something in particular needed?****

    I thank you all in advance for your advice and suggestions. FBN

  13. Thank you everyone,

    On another note, will there be any problems coming into Thailand (land crossing) with a new Non Imm B visa if I flew into KL or Georgetown to obtain it?

    Don't I have to fly back out?

    I heard someone mention Thai Immigration will only stamp the visa for 30 days (Non Imm B ), even though it's intended for 3 months (land crossings), but if someone were to fly into Thailand they would issue you the full 90 days (airport)?

    Some say they will only issue 90 days (airport & land crossings), even if the Non Imm B was intended for 1 yr?

    BTW, is it possible to get a 1 year Non Imm B in KL or Georgetown and actually getting the full 1 yr stamped coming into Thailand, and if so what are the requirements.

  14. Is this the James with the tattoos? Did some handyman work during the day? If so this was one of the realest people I have ever encountered while living here on the island.

    What a shock, he was an extremely nice person

    My condolences go out to his close friends and family.

    Can anyone elaborate on what happened?

  15. This Immigration Act is just a farce, a joke, a masquerade!

    It was a republican’s idea from the very start.

    Rubio was preparing to introduce his plan before Obama’s own proposal was implemented, but the president’s effort took the wind out of his sails.

    It was Rubio's attempt to begin with to find a compromise on the DREAM Act, formally the Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors Act

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0612/77736.html#ixzz1ybXV7tTr

    It's time for the sheep to start waking up.

    “Presidents are selected, not elected.” - Franklin D Roosevelt

  16. Where is 'Barka" ?

    He went back to the UK several months ago. Health problems (I think).

    Barka will be back in LOS next month. The GOGO bar is defintely not happening! Foolish notion dead in the water before it was launched.

    I was wondering what happened. He seemed to know the latest happenings in the area.

    Such a shame with that place. From outside still looks good. but never had a chance to look inside. Someone know what is happening there?

  17. Anyone know what happened with "Barka"?

    Just wanted to follow up with him in regards to the "The Spot" in Rawai.

    I still drive by sometimes, but seems it's still not open? Maybe some of you that frequent this area can share some info on what is happening down on that side of town nowadays.

    Where is 'Barka" ?

  18. Or maybe its because he's only 28 years old that pisses people off.

    That's ancient for a programmer in IT.

    I guess those guys at Twitter don't know what they're doing then. cheesy.gif

    They do, probably got him for a low salary. Had the guy been fluent in English and working outside Thailand before he most probably would be in management already. Now he'll be competing with the 18-25 age bracket. It's explained in the article though, he tried his wings as an entrepreneur, that's where the years went.

    Because he is Thai you automatically assumme they got him for a low salary? Give me a break man. I'm sure the salary he will receive is not a low as you might think.

    Take into account what he said, "his challenge at Twitter would be to create and develop new features for Twitter users, especially for those in Thailand and in Asia.”As a member of an international team, I will be responsible for the overseas market of Twitter, that means Asia and Thailand."

    I’m not too sure if a native English speaker would have the capabilities necessary to perform some of these tasks associated with his position.

    IMO they made the best choice possible, considering most people around the world do not speak Thai, or even write it for that matter .

    Here take a look for yourself,

    Software Engineer Twitter http://www.glassdoor...ies-E100569.htm

    Average salary per year is 113,769 USD. That is over 300,000 THB per month, nice chunk of change for a 28yr kid from Thailand..

    And especially for being for being a non native English speaker for that matter.

    Farang CIO don’t even make that much here.

  19. I hope he doesn't have a problem working with ... Indians.

    Personally, I find it kind of pathetic (for Thailand) that this is even news.

    What is the problem working with Indians? I have worked around them all my life, in fact still do.

    They are also considered human or are they not?

    Why do you think this is pathetic (for Thailand ) that this is even news?

    IMO this is a nice story that shows perseverance, dedication, and hard work from a 28yr old Thai boy, who apparenlty is doing pretty good for himself.

    Does all news need to be bad news to be worthy of mention, or is it that you think this kid's story is not worth the shyt?

    Happy to work for a company that will close so fast.

    Twitter is useless and people will know it soon.

    Useless? I think your wrong

    The Numbers On Tweets

    • 3 years, 2 months and 1 day. The time it took from the first Tweet to the billionth Tweet.
    • 1 week. The time it now takes for users to send a billion Tweets.
    • 50 million. The average number of Tweets people sent per day, one year ago.
    • 140 million. The average number of Tweets people sent per day, in the last month.
    • 177 million. Tweets sent on March 11, 2011.
    • 456. Tweets per second (TPS) when Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009 (a record at that time).
    • 6,939. Current TPS record, set 4 seconds after midnight in Japan on New Year’s Day.

    The Numbers On Accounts

    • 572,000. Number of new accounts created on March 12, 2011.
    • 460,000. Average number of new accounts per day over the last month.
    • 182%. Increase in number of mobile users over the past year.

    The Numbers on Employees

    • Jan 2008 – 8 employees,
    • Jan 2009 – 29 employees
    • Jan 2010 – 130 employees
    • Jan 2011 – 350 employees
    • Today – 400 employees

    Officially, Twitter has 100 million active users – again, members who log in at least once a month. Which makes the platform about an eighth of the size of Facebook. This was back in September – obviously, Twitter has been growing since then. There’s certainly no reason to assume that the membership is shrinking or even flatlining.

    Yes, if , all the trees in the world would have been pulped by now.

    Pathetic that this is such an extraordinary event.

    Yes your right but this boy is from Thailand, not India or China.


    He is also the first Thai to be offered a job with Twitter as a software engineer

    Personally, I think this is pretty immpresive, and I am sure many readers on this forum do so as well.

    Extraordinary event maybe not, but it is refreshing to read a story like this every once in a while.

    The only thing I see pathetic about this is you, reason being that you would rather support a couple Farangs without a pot to piss in selling cup cakes at the market, instead of giving credit to a kid that has apparently worked really hard to be where he is now. jerk.gif

  20. I noticed that you keep putting 5555 in your post, why do you do that.?.

    I thought that the correct way was just 3

    x 5's.

    Well according to the urban dictionary anyway.

    And if you wonder what my actual point is well let me explain, by you actually writing 5555 kind of makes me think that you don't know as much about Thailand as you like to think you do.


    Thai word for 5 is hah I believe pronounced ha so 555 would be "hahaha"


    An extra 5 is just so uncool so get with it and drop a 5.

    Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect App

    ขอโทษ ผมลืมไปว่าคุณไม่รู้เรื่อง เพราะคุณไม่ใช่คนไทยเหมือนผม, but yes 5 is pronounced as ha, not too sure about hah. In Thai 5555 is hahahaha.

    Force of habit that I use five of them, dont ask me why.

    I personally like hehehehe.... Do you know how the Internet slang for that one?

    IMO you can also use two, three or four 5’s as well and get the same point across, bit I really I want to do whatever is considered cooler in your eyes MB1, so with you being a senior member, and showing me the ropes I will start using 555.

    BTW it’s exactly the opposite in China. “555” means the sound of crying pronounced as [wu:].

    Are we on the same page, or do you think we should start a nationwide thread and see the results? tongue.png

    I see 55555 on my Thai families FB chat quite often. I'll let them know it's so wrong.

    Actually 55555 is ok too, but you better ask MB1 first, or else ....1zgarz5.gif

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