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Posts posted by Deaw

  1. Some people have mentioned Nana Plaza and patpong, soi cowboy, etc as being possible targets........probably even Khao San road.

    Obvious places perhaps, but I live on an island down south which attracts upwards of 10K westerners every month for a big party; although a fraction are only yanks such as myself, some type of action here would create the desired effect for any terrorist group wanting to hit a 'soft' western target and making big news.

    I also first thought of the soldiers urinating on the Taliban deceased when I first saw this notice, that will surely only make us even more hated in the world uggghhhhh.

    BTW: Not any sort of a 'troll'; even though this is only my 2nd post I have lived in Thailand for the past 10 high seasons and I read the Thai Visa updates daily. More of a lurker I suppose.

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