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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. The Guardian also has an article based on the Global Witness report.


    'A transparency watchdog has alleged a “stranglehold” on the Cambodian economy by the family of Hun Sen – one of the world’s most notorious autocrats, who has ruled the south-east Asian country across three decades.'

    So we have an ex Khmer Rouge terrorist; now a virtual dictator who suppresses real opposition and dissent, who has made his family incredibly wealthy and pays little attention to HR or any such legislation.

    And what do the virtuous Western countries do or say - very little.

  2. ...wow....

    ...seems like 'someone' was apparently trying to emulate him......

    probably someone who was very friendly, whose relative married a son of one of his right hand men.....................

    the sort of adulation that leads to eternal friendships.........................

  3. The passport/ s were reported to have been issued during yingluck' s watch, to countries that it just so happens thaksin has made numerous business deals with and /or visited.

    You never know who some people are pimping for, or where /how they find the potential company that they have been requisted to find.

    Oh dear God.

    And Thaksin is now causing the floods too...

    Sweet Jesus.


    Ah the resident let's pretend Thaksin is pure and innocent and never ever did any wrong merchant. Always the same, try and divert any post that dare hint of any <deleted> on the Shins.

    Guess what, it was the puppet regime of Thaksin's little sister that pushed for, followed up and made sure this person got a diplomatic passport.

    The connection needs to be investigated as does why that regime decided she was entitled to a diplomatic passport as she apparently is a rich housewife.

    But carry on trying to use the absurd and ridiculous if it makes you and all the other Shin lovers happy.

    Shame your not posting in favor of justice, prosecuting this woman and finding out whose involved - all of them, no matter who they are, or from which family, or which political party. But we can't have the poor people finding out their self appointed champions might be involved in trafficking poor young girls into prostitution now. That wouldn't do the cause any good at all.

    OK? All done? Feeling better now all that nonsense isn't clogging you all up?


    You can go now...


    Ah the child like response. About as amusing as a dose of piles.

    Nothing constructive to comment? Same as usual then.

    Like to speculate or comment on why the YL government insisted a diplomatic passport was issued to her?

    No worries, you'll shift will soon end.

  4. Another people linking with YL regime......

    PTP still dirty secrets to hide

    How about commenting on "factual knowledge", before running the mouth!!!

    It has been reported in the media that the suspect is the proud holder of Thai diplomatic passport - which was issued at the request of PTP during the YL government.

    Of course, they may have had a very good reasonable reason for doing so, but just have thought up a convincing lie explained it so far.

    How about doing some reading before running of the mouth in eagerness to defend?

  5. The passport/ s were reported to have been issued during yingluck' s watch, to countries that it just so happens thaksin has made numerous business deals with and /or visited.

    You never know who some people are pimping for, or where /how they find the potential company that they have been requisted to find.

    Yeah right Slapout, obviously Yingluck"s fault, would never happened before of since eh?

    Long bow buddy.

    The usual "everybody else does it, has done it, and might do it" defense. Right on queue and the Shin defense No.1 for everything.

    Fact - she has a diplomatic passport issued during the Yingluck regime, apparently expedited through by PTP. Now why was that issued to her, for what reason and by whom? Who thought it so important to give a housewife, albeit a seemingly titled and wealthy one, a diplomatic passport.

    Don't you think that might be pertinent to the case and should be thoroughly investigated?

  6. The passport/ s were reported to have been issued during yingluck' s watch, to countries that it just so happens thaksin has made numerous business deals with and /or visited.

    You never know who some people are pimping for, or where /how they find the potential company that they have been requisted to find.

    Oh dear God.

    And Thaksin is now causing the floods too...

    Sweet Jesus.


    Ah the resident let's pretend Thaksin is pure and innocent and never ever did any wrong merchant. Always the same, try and divert any post that dare hint of any &lt;deleted&gt; on the Shins.

    Guess what, it was the puppet regime of Thaksin's little sister that pushed for, followed up and made sure this person got a diplomatic passport.

    The connection needs to be investigated as does why that regime decided she was entitled to a diplomatic passport as she apparently is a rich housewife.

    But carry on trying to use the absurd and ridiculous if it makes you and all the other Shin lovers happy.

    Shame your not posting in favor of justice, prosecuting this woman and finding out whose involved - all of them, no matter who they are, or from which family, or which political party. But we can't have the poor people finding out their self appointed champions might be involved in trafficking poor young girls into prostitution now. That wouldn't do the cause any good at all.

  7. Another people linking with YL regime......

    PTP still dirty secrets to hide

    I hope you are not so naive as to think only one side of the aisle is dirty. When you own both sides of the coin, doesn't matter if comes up heads or tails.

    I doubt he's naive. But to be fair this case is about an alleged sex trafficker, whose had people thrown into jail on trumped up charges without the right of trial, who has awarded herself a false title, and has a diplomatic passport issued by the Yingluck government.

    Does suggest which side of the coin she might be linked to.

  8. "it could lead to senior politicians, top brass police and members of the army ...."

    For her sake, I hope her accident insurance policy is current

    It seems to be leading to some very influential or formerly influential people as more details about the scale of this come out.

    Wonder why the Yingluck government insisted she was issued with a diplomatic passport? She claimed to have only visited HK twice, including one time when she had a big casino win. Wonder if someone is checking her travel for the last few years and overseas communications? Wonder if the HK Police have been asked to investigate anything?

    If she is indeed guilty as the media thinks then, if she has any sense, her insurance policy will be details, very extensive details, safely kept somewhere. That should help her avoid any real punishment. But the chink in her armor just might be that false title despite her creative attempt at explaining it. Maybe someone might want to know where all that money supposedly donated came from?

    Sadly, this has all the makings of a case that will suddenly get hushed up and money will be used to smooth everything. Hope I'm wrong.

  9. Does this mean all Filipinas teaching English are criminals? I know many expats think 'farangs' teaching English are.

    Just goes to show how easy it is to teach English here if you're a certain kind of person. If you're white or Filipina, it's just assumed you can teach English.

    I know of a British Citizen, of Asian extraction, who "teaches" at a language school in Korat.

    Not qualified in anyway, fled Malaysia to avoid a court ruling for theft and openly brags on social media that he works without a WP on a retirement visa.

    So yes, sadly, it still seems easy for some, and not necessarily white, farang to get teaching jobs and flaunt the law. But I guess all countries have such people. I know of one illegal immigrant in the UK who entered on a student visa and never left. Been there yonks, had a baby whose now at school and been reported several times by people she's pissed off. So let's not pretend all authorities are water tight and all check are done diligently.

  10. "Jonathan Moorby, formerly of Ingleby Barwick , has twice been convicted for drug dealing.
    He received a six-year sentence in May 2004 for conspiracy to supply Class A drugs and possession with intent to supply Class B drugs.
    The then hotel manager was jailed for a further three years in 2011 after he was caught with a holdall containing more than £100,000 of illegal drugs.
    Teesside Crown Court confirmed a warrant for his arrest was issued in December 2014. However he has never been caught."
    I'll be sitting on the side of the fence that says guilty as fl*ck.

    Strange how some posters have immediately jumped to his defense on TVF?

    All in favor of innocent till proven guilty but there does appear that outstanding arrest warrant and previous form to consider.

  11. I do not condone his behavior in any way, first off. I do wonder just how jurisdiction over crimes of this sort is rationalized. Shouldn't he be extradited to Thailand where the crimes took place? Say I were to smoke some pot in Oregon (my home state, pot is legal, and I don't smoke btw).... would it be acceptable for me to be prosecuted for that in Thailand? I recall in Pattaya some years ago big banner put up by US DEA "Do the crime here, spend prison time in USA" or something of that sort.

    Them poor guys in Norway are subject to prosecution in Norway for buying sex anywhere on the planet.


    The Norwegian law applies to all its citizens anywhere, making it illegal for Norwegians to buy sex even in countries where the activity is accepted.
    Penalties for breaking the law are set by local municipalities. In Oslo, Norway's largest city, convicted sex buyers face a 25,000 crown ($4,000) fine.

    Progressive Scandinavia and it's obsession with punishing anything male.

    Fine to have laws so that pedos and those indulging in sex with underage partners overseas can be prosecuted. But insisting you are bound by some laws of your country when in other countries, very Orwellian. No wonder a high proportion are piss artists albeit quite well behaved ones.

    • Like 2
  12. One of my friends back home is a Christian Iraqi (refugee) and I just want to quote him on this...

    "Under Saddam Husein Shia, Sunnis, Christians and even Jews lived together in peace in my city then US invaded Iraq and all the non-Muslims (and even some Sunnis) that didn't leave was killed!"

    Don't forget the Kurds - oh wait, he gassed them with poisonous chemicals.

    He was a ruthless dictator who murdered any who resisted, spoke freely or opposed his brutal regime in anyway. He advocated murdering the relatives of those guilty of political crimes - reasoning that way families would police their relations behavior.

    Hitler, Stalin, Mao, must all have done some good things. Trouble is the bad outweighs the bad significantly. Saddam was bad.

  13. If May is made PM it is likely to open a whole new can of worms as she is a 'remainer' - and I've no doubt will do her best to say/ensure 'we're not able to get a decent deal - time for another referendum'.....

    Don't worry, she'll outsource the who Brexit negotiation and procedure to G4S advised by all those wonderful accountant/consultants who missed so much and gave such crap advise to business and the public sector.

    As soon as clown Cameron went down this path it was never going to end well. Now, things just get worse and worse.

    Sad day when the only sensible politician in the UK seems to be Martin McGuiness.

  14. Never had any problems ordering from them. Chances are your order was as it should have been.

    Agree. We've ordered around 20 times from them, always COD. Sign for receipt, open box and quick check, pay courier and keep all packaging just in case later or warranty issue.

    Never had any problems so far.

  15. attachicon.gifTHB-GBP.gif

    Source: xe.com

    That's tough for British people retired in Thailand.

    Now do the same chart for THB Vs any other western currency (excluding USD), the pound is doing relatively well.

    A the start of WWII the GBP against the Dutch guilder was about 7,5 to 1. During the war it rose to 10,5 to 1, and since then it has slowly declined to now (including the Euro exchange) about 2,5 to 1.

    Are your Gilders still legal tender?

  16. Let's see if Theresa May gets the nod as Tory leader. As a 'remainer' she could then justifiably state she feels the public must have a new say via a fresh election, along with perhaps an attached 'updated' referendum question:

    No she couldn't. She's not standing for the leadership as a Remainer. She's standing as a contender for the position of negotiating the Brexit.

    That's her declared position at the moment, having kept a very low profile during the in out campaigning.

    Of course, would be very convenient if, as the majority of constitutional law experts claim, a vote of parliament is required before the government can act on a referendum. Then she could say that reluctantly she has to abide by that parliamentary vote which would most likely be a large majority to stay. She wouldn't even have to call a general election and could carry on as leader.

    Crafty - as a barrel load of monkey's, all of them.

    EU have already said that no informal negotiations before article 50 invoked. And no PM is going to do that unless they are very very sure of the legality.

  17. Just how well connected this woman is we may never know but there may be an indication in the way the case is handled.

    Of course if it becomes just too hot for some she may well be thrown under the bus in an effort to distance themselves.

    She received a diplomatic passport under the YL government which was pushed through by PTP. Her husband is a police officer, don't know what rank but presumably fairly senior.

    Could be interesting where this runs too.

  18. " He cautioned the UN not to trust this group and to listen to what the Thai people really want for their country."

    The UN already know what the public want, they want elections, democracy, freedom of speech and no more censorship.

    The public would probably like less corrupt sleazeball lying cheating criminals involved in politics too. Along with real justice for all, equal and fair with real enforcement.

    Don't hold your breath.

  19. I do it at French Embassy, it's free.

    I cannot imagine the British Embassy doing anything for free, they rob you at every turn.

    Their website says ThB 1500 per document - not sure if it's more now as E/R down; or if that's still the right price. It also advises lawyers can do it competitively and gives a list of recommended lawyers.

    Not only won't they do anything for free, or even a reasonable price, they don't really want to be bothered either.

  20. Been with my local branch of Bangkok Bank for over 34 years. First opened an account there when I used to visit Thailand as a tourist and later fixed accounts when I came here permanently, the staff know me by my first name, I speak Thai and always have my accounts well stacked.

    Early last year had to renew my British passport and on the form required a countersignature. No problem I thought, I`ll ask them at my bank. Took the form into the bank, asked if someone in there who knows me could counter sign the form and all I received was a cannot. No explanation, just cannot. After that I almost decided to close my accounts with that bank, but what`s the point I thought. In the end I asked a Thai friend who is a teacher.

    Seems this is now a general policy of all the banks, not to commit to anything that is not directly linked to the banking business.

    Not sure how new that policy is with banks here. I bank with Krungsri and moved across when HSBC sold their retail business to them. Most of the HSBC management moved across and have known me for over 12 years as a premier customer. In 2014 HSBC Expat wanted new copies of my current passport and POA, signed and attested. Krungsri wouldn't do it even though several managers know me and also know the managers at HSBC who were requesting it. Apparently the banks here will not put their chops on and witness anything even as simple as a passport copy.

    HSBC UK now insist on a bank, which none here will do, a lawyer or the Embassy Consulate. Would not accept the other professionals who are allowed to sign passport applications.

    It's becoming harder with less service and less common sense across the globe. All in the interests of stopping money laundering I'm assured.

  21. So it looks like the illegal government supporters on here don't care what happens to Thai citizens freedom of speech and expression..

    I just wonder what countries they come from and what freedom of speech they have back at home and would they just bury their heads if their government was overthrown by a coup?

    I think we all pretty much know the answer to that one.

    Nice post Deez.

    Isn't it strange how someone can call a government illegal, knowing full well they are not; whilst never considering anything wrong in the previous regime simply handing all power and decision making to a non elected criminal fugitive. Nothing absurd or immoral about allowing a non elected criminal to skype into cabinet meetings, reshuffle cabinet posts, have ministers fly to other countries for instruction, meet with senior police officers in other countries. Just the usual Shin abhorrence of the law.

    Those who resort to calling any who dare speak against the Shins "Junta lovers/huggers" in a futile attempt to silence them or detract from the comments are sad. Wonder how they'd react to an openly corrupt government being totally controlled by a criminal fugitive in their own country? With a political family and clan trying to put themselves above and beyond the law?

    Interesting that so many old shin fanboy posters are re-surfacing. Welcome back.

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