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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. I asked the first question shown here under the photograph, concerning what the British government, or EU, is doing to secure a treaty similar to the US one. I can't see any reply to that. If its covered in the video interview where can I see the video? Is there a link?

    The Ambassador refers a couple of times to Mr Browne's visit and meetings "with representatives / cross section of the Britsh community". And, prey tell, how were these representatives selected to ensure a good representative cross section ot the community?

    I'm registered with the FCO alert site, and have been in several other countries, along with my family, as I'm sure many are. Would have been easy for them to email advice etc during the floods - but nope, nothing.

    The pension policy needs changing to - well done Mike Bell for writing on this.

  2. Yingluck comes across as someone totally out of her depth, being given conflicting advise, and manipulted in all directions. She doesn't have the political experience, guile, or presence (yet?) of a Thatcher, Gillard or Merkel. If she does have some of their traits, she'll be sacking and re-shuffling a few around her soon! Pressure, confusion and wrangling with an apparently unsolvebale problem often result in tears when being questioned due to stress and frustration being let out as part of the bodies defense mechanisms.

    Too many agendas, lack of strong leadership and as usual its the poeple who suffer. Turning down international help is the biggest mistake so far.

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