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Posts posted by dee_jai_maak_maak

  1. No actual experience, I'm afraid, but from Drop Box Facility
    you may send your applications to our drop box either through a travel agent, courier, representative, or in person.........We will give you or your representative a receipt and we aim to have your passport ready for collection within 2 working days.  For security reasons, you must produce the receipt to collect your passport.
    So it appears that it must be collected in person, but she can nominate someone to do it for her.

    If you cannot get through on the phone, try e-mailing them ([email protected]). I have found this to be quite efficient in the past, with replies coming within 3 days, sometimes the next day.

    Hi all,

    Has there been any more news on this? I emailed the embassy recently about using the drop box facility. I asked them whether a courier / rep could collect the documents, but so far I have had no reply from them. :o



  2. The offer of employment is sorted, in Bognor Regis. My brother and sister both own their own houses in Ipswich, and we can stay there. How will the Embassy view her going to the UK, with accomodation arranged, but a long way from the job offer?

    I feel caught between a rock and a hard place!

    It might raise eyebrows at the embassy, but could you not say that you intend to commute fom Ipswich to Bognor each day? It's a heck of a round-trip (about 250 miles in total), but there are people I know in London who actually do a similar distance each day. :o

    Best of luck.


  3. how long do you plan to send her this money every month ?

    1 year ,5 years, 10 years, 20 years or 50 years ?

    and where exactly is it going to lead ?

    does she have a job ?

    Don't know if this was aimed at me or not, but I'll answer.

    I asked for some advice on transferring money from my UK bank account to gf's Thai accoiunt. I didn't say I would justify why I was doing it.

    Have a nice day. :o



    Quite right too...however you can understand the cynicism here as most of what you said has been heard so many times before it is positively clichéd…having said that it’s none of my business.

    Back to your question…as mentioned before, if you want to send the girl money the best way is to set up an a/c in your home country and send her an ATM card. That way it’s cheap or even free to withdraw, you can put money in whenever you want and keep an eye on it if needs be.


    I can understand the cynicism, but there are tons of threads on TV about the why's and why not's of sending money to a TGF. I was hoping to sidestep that debate. :D

    Thanks for the ATM suggestion anyway. I'll check it out.



  4. how long do you plan to send her this money every month ?

    1 year ,5 years, 10 years, 20 years or 50 years ?

    and where exactly is it going to lead ?

    does she have a job ?

    Don't know if this was aimed at me or not, but I'll answer.

    I asked for some advice on transferring money from my UK bank account to gf's Thai accoiunt. I didn't say I would justify why I was doing it.

    Have a nice day. :o



  5. You could always take the risk and post it in acard. Cheap cheap. Anyway i havent read all the thread but i know you will be getting shit for the sick buffalo etc. :D

    They can be expensive :D

    Oh Jocko, I do believe you might be a teensy bit cynical. Shame on you! :D

    Actually the buffaloes are fine. It's the bloody 4x4 that's not well. She crashes it, I fix it. :o At least I could eat the f***ing buffalo! :D

    Take it easy,


  6. http://www.moneybookers.com/app/

    this service deposits the money straight into any account in the world inc thailand, fee is about a pound & you can control it all from the internet. you open an account in your name & add your bank deets & if your girl isn't pc literate then open another account in her name with her details & when you send the money you got into her account & withdraw it for her & viola, it's in her thai account. Hubby does this for the MIL as she had too many problems with the nationwide atm card & we wanted to keep it for our trips abroad. Also, she couldn't check the balance of the english account due to exchange rate but can see exactly how much is in her thai account before she withdraws anything.


    I wonder if you could give me a bit of advice regarding the use of moneybookers.

    I have been trying to use Moneybookers and have got as far as transferring money from my Moneybookers account to my gf's. I have been setting everything up myself, and have done the transfers from my account to the gf's, but I am stuck now.

    The site has requested verification of my gf's bank account. It has stated that she must "request a bank transfer withdrawal with an amount less than THB 720.00. We will then make a payment for this amount to your bank account and include a unique verification code in its reference field. This is the code you will have to enter after you receive the payment"

    What does this mean? Is the gf supposed to request money FROM moneybookers? If so, how? What is the moneybookers account number?

    After this is done where is the unique verification ID entered?

    Hope you can help because the money now seems to be in limbo.



  7. However, I’m more inclined to think there’s plenty of variety and enjoyment to be had in most places. It just takes a little looking, interaction with people and getting involved. There might be exceptions, but there’s no reason to be bored anywhere. Of course, people have different interests.

    Well said, sir.

    Regardless, do the people in these pix look bored bored?

    Actually, the guy in the white top on the right of the second pic does look a BIT bored! :o

  8. Travelling by train is fun on the Bkk-CMai route. A second class air-con sleeper (lower bunk) is your best bet and will be between about 600-800 baht on that route depending on rating of train (speed).

    I gotta agree with this. The night train to Chiang Mai is a great journey. I've dome it a couple of times and I slept like a baby. And it's great to wake up and look out of your bunk bed to see beautiful countryside and jungle going by. :D

    And as Jackr says, you gotta get the bottom bunk. The top bunk has no window and is a sauna! :o


  9. When I receive resumes with salary expectation way beyond what I am willing to pay, I assume the person does want to receive a salary in this range, and will not be happy with much less. I will not try to push a person to work for half of what they stated - I prefer employees which are satisfied with their salaries - not such employees which are forced to work for less and then leave at the first chance they get.

    A work interview is not the same as bargaining in Jatujak. The best is if you can research a bit about the company or similar companies - do they publish job openings and what salaries to they offer. Search in Jobdb.com, for example to see what salaries are offered for similar jobs. Get to a figure which is realistic and good for you as well. You might start with less then what the employer is willing to pay, in that case you can assess your contribution to the company and ask for a raise on a later date.

    Good luck  :o


    Good sound advice. Obviously, here in the UK I know the market rate for any role I go for. Thailand is a bit tricker, but I am indeed alrerady trying to find out the going rate for the role.


    Thanks for the feedback, You sound like an ideal boss! (Except for the "show up early" bit. :D )

    I'll find out what I can and then take it from there. I am not desperate, so I don't need to jump at a position that is not right for me, but I appreciate the advice, guys.



  10. Hi,

    I am currently in the process of applying for a job in Thailand. I have been contacted by the employer and asked to state my salary expectations, and I don't know how best to answer this question.

    I don't know a great deal about the market rates for jobs in Thailand. I know the minimum I would be willing to work for, but this may be less than the employer is willing to pay, and it would be a shame not to maximise my earnings. :o

    If I give them a figure, can I expect this to form the basis of salary negotiations, bearing in mind I don't know the full details of the role yet, or will I be committing myself to any figure I give?

    Any useful advice would be much appreciated.



  11. If you are a higher Police Official and you happen to read this, plese reward Captain Charlie, but please do not promote him out of a position to do good and help those within Thailand or those visiting here.

    Very nice post. Thanks for writing it. I wholeheartedly agree in recognizing his outstanding performance. Any chance of finding "Captain Charlie's" full Thai name? It could then be sent to his superiors, via eg email, for recognition. His bosses need to hear it.


    Hear hear. :D

    ...but please do not promote him...

    But you might want to leave that bit out. :D

  12. was just wondering why the lack of sharks in Thailands coastal areas? not that im complaining....but u never hear of any sightings or attacks thank god...

    I have seen leopard sharks and reef sharks while diving in the Andaman Sea near Ko Lanta. Both species are fairly harmless. :o

    I am sure there are whale sharks (also harmless to man) near the Similans (not seen any though).

  13. 83 dead. It's quite interesting that the "world" media doesn't care a lot about the Egyptian event...

    Why would you say that (aside from the fact that it was entirely predictable that SOMEONE would say this)?

    This event was the top story on the news on ITV and BBC here in the UK. It's on the Boston Globe's web site. The story is covered in the Clarin newspaper in Argentina and the Herald on Sunday in New Zealand. Even the humble web site of the Bangkok Post sees fit to cover the story.

    In short, it is big news to the "world's" media.

  14. It is apparent that a many on here seem to view Thailand little more than a glorified cheap knocking shop & in fact have little regard for the real Thailand or people.

    By exploiting an economic advantage they seem to revel in exploiting young girls/boys misfortune, where as at home they cant hold down a relationship; let alone get a partner ( i use that word very loosely).

    Let me Explain something about the attitude of many back here in the UK

    There was a Thai girl who worked at my friends restaurant to earn some extra pocket money whilst she finished her masters degree. When she finished and told the customers that she was going home to Thailand the majority asked the same question.

    "Do you have to go and work in a bar now?"

    Every time Thailand is shown on the  television there are always images of the  Pat Pong or Pattaya bar scene.

    I was even asked on my wedding day here if i found my wife in a bar!!!

    It p**ses me off that so many have such little regard for Thailand and its customs and in fact could never stay there if it was not for some young thing playing with their manhood because of  their economic superiority.

    Get real people most of you are being taken for a ride: no money no honey!!!

    how many of you have partners the same age as you or older?


    Oh dear.

    I'm off to Thailand soon to do what I thought was a bit of island-hopping with the gf. But you've opened my eyes to the reality that I am in fact going to exploit her (well, I do have soooo little regard for her) and her compatriots, whilst immersing myself (ooh, I like the sound of that! :o ) in the seedy sexual underbelly of the (Farang only) sex industry. And all she wants to do really is ram wong, and maybe grow a litlle rice in the time-honoured traditional way.

    My gf's idea of culture is buying shoes and phones. I'm the one who nags to go see a temple or visit a market, or take off on a bike to see the countryside.

    The UK has many people who are ignorant about Thailand, many of whom have never even been. They come out with crass ill-informed statements like "most people only go to Thailand because of the sex industry". Sound familiar?

    BEGIN RANT. Oh, sorry, I already did! :D

    Don't paint with so broad a brush.

  15. Dont know if its already been posted recently, but havnt seen it.

    The two cheapest access number i used have both gone out of service due to capacity problems.



    These are both 1p/minute rates.

    I just used Dialaround about 20 minutes ago to call Thailand. It was working fine.



  16. GU22, do you or have you ever worked for the UK Immigration Department?
    No, but I have had plenty of pratical experience and have read the rules.

    Immigration Rules.

    Requirements for an extension of stay as a fiancé(e)

    293. The requirements for an extension of stay as a fiancé(e) are that:

    (i) the applicant was admitted to the United Kingdom with a valid United Kingdom entry clearance as a fiancé(e); and

    (ii) good cause is shown why the marriage did not take place within the initial period of leave granted under paragraph 291; and

    (iii) there is satisfactory evidence that the marriage will take place at an early date; and

    (iv) the requirements of paragraph 290 (ii)-(vi) are met.

    Extension of stay as a fiancé(e)

    294. An extension of stay as a fiancé(e) may be granted for an appropriate period with a prohibition on employment to enable the marriage to take place provided the Secretary of State is satisfied that each of the requirements of paragraph 293 is met.

    Refusal of extension of stay as a fiancé(e)

    295. An extension of stay is to be refused if the Secretary of State is not satisfied that each of the requirements of paragraph 293 is met.

    I have highlighted the relevant paragraphs.

    I know this refers to extending a fiance visa within the UK, but the ECO will want the same before issuing a second fiance visa.

    I am not saying it is impossible, but it wont be easy. Giving twix38 the impression that it will be does him no favours.

    Allow me to butt in here if I may.

    Could the OP's gf not apply for a tourist visa? After all, he didn't say that they specifically wanted to apply for a 2nd fiance visa.

    Despite what has happened, the gf returned to Thailand before her visa expired. So would an ECO not consider there to be a low risk of her overstaying, and so be happy to give her a tourist visa?


  17. Want to spend a week in Vietnam in August.  Does anyone know where I can get a cheap flight there.  Also I'm undecided as to where I will go in Vietnam.  Does anybody have any suggestions on how to spend a week.  I have to do some visa stuff, but that should only take a couple of days.

    You could try Hanoi. It's smaller and more laid-back than Saigon. There's a lovely old French quarter, lots of nice bars (all of which seem to have good-quality pool tables), cafes, museums, a lake, reasonably-priced hotels.

    If that gets a bit dull for you, you can nip up to Halong Bay for a day or two and chill out.

  18. I know everyone's attention will be largely focused on the London bombings, especially as there's a fair few Brits on the board here - I know it's on my mind, but I would like to take my mind off it, if just for a moment.

    I've a (Thai) friend who would like to study their Masters in the UK next year and let me tell you, it's not going to be cheap! Bt3,000,000 apparently (the course itself is £12,000 a year), so the only thing we can think of is getting a scholarship somehow.

    I just wanted to ask you folks to see if any of you have any experience or insight on this subject. Maybe you have some blueprints of a bank and know the guard change on Tuesday night, when Reggie is on duty is the best time to strike or something. This has got to be feasible somehow.

    For distance learning, try the Open Univeristy. Their Postgraduate courses are listed here: http://msds.open.ac.uk/stephigher/qual.asp...0507051150_1857

    Don't know if they offer scholarships to non-UK persons though.


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