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Posts posted by pedro01

  1. Hi All

    I'll be going to Samui in late October with my wife, mother and the 2 kids (10 & 3).

    I'm wondering if any of you might know which hotels are good for the kids. Kids club, activities, slides in the pool that sort of thing.

    Any advice would be appreciated - price range I am looking at is up to $200/night but if we go over that a little, it's no a huge issue.



  2. It is absolutely amazing that some people are still able to deny that innocent people were killed by the governmnet! Are you living in a paralele world or have you been in Thailand for so long that you start to believe your own lies?

    I don't think anyone is denying that the army used live rounds and shot some people, the question is - why

    So far from what has been reported -

    The army did not fire first - they were upon, the question is - were they justified in returning fire, - at that point several army personel had been killed - I'd say yes.

    If the reds had armed (black shirts) people in their midst with guns shooting then the idea of a peaceful demonstration turned into a terrorist attack, IMO red shirt protesters upped the game and unfortunately got the only response that one would expect in that situation.

    Who's to blame - well that has got to be the organisers of the armed gangs within the demonstrators

    The troops have every right to defend themselves

    Members of the public should not be on the streets with AK47's grenades etc and that is the simple truth

    As soon as the red shirt protesters were aware of armed gangs in their midst they should have left immediately

    what is the proof that the army was fired on first? Suthep?

    I have read that the first fatality was a protester shot by a sniper and it was not stated definitively that the sniper was from the Army. That would seem likely, but the reporter was prudent enough to not jump to conclusions without any evidence.

    As for the April 10 dispersal attempt, the reports have been rather clear that the army screwed up the operation... completely. Starting with the timing of the dispersal (late afternoon). In that regard, the CRES and the government have their portion of the responsibility to carry...

    Why did the reds suddenly decide to go there that day?

  3. It is absolutely amazing that some people are still able to deny that innocent people were killed by the governmnet! Are you living in a paralele world or have you been in Thailand for so long that you start to believe your own lies?


    A bunch of people on this thread are talking about something that occurred on a different day to April 10th.

    April 10th was Kok Wua - which was 100% instigated by the red shirts. It started with a move of their people into a narrow street - their followers weren't even in that area on April 9th. The high casualties on the army side were expounded by the fact they were packed into a narrow street.

    it was a well planned ambush on the army. This is more than likely the primary reason that Seh Daeng is no longer with us.

  4. Suthep denies troops fired during the day of April 10


    Suthep denies that troops were the ones that started shooting on April 10.

    strange, as that is what The Nation says in the title of the article. Maybe they are wrong (again).

    But then in the article, they go on to write...

    "Suthep said investigators had shown him a YouTube clip, which they claimed has been recorded during the day of April 10. ...

    And Suthep is described as saying ...

    Suthep said he told the DSI investigators that he had never seen the clip or learned of the shooting because operations to tighten security during the day of April 10 were closely witnessed by both newspaper and TV reporters."

    which sounds like a denial, doesn't it?? Maybe the denial referred to in the title of the article even...

    April 10th was Kok Wua...

    As I recall, the red shirt leaders announced that a number of their followers were to go to Kok Wua - which, as you know is just off Khao San Rd. It's also fairly narrow road which makes it a great place for an ambush.

    As I also recall, the trouble did indeed start in the evening. There was an ambush and I believe a grenade was launched from the side in which there was no army, into the army position killing some of them.

    A firefight ensued, there are videos of it and you can clearly see that the army is being fired upon.

    Of course, in the later battle, the one where they cleared Rajadamri, there was shooting in the daytime.

    • Like 2
  5. Yep the "who shot JR",Sae Daeng? The most possible popular rationales say the Dem Government wasnt involved, the most lunatic Red rant has Abihist as the sniper. Impossible because it was an expert shot.

    "I was at Sala Deang area near the MRT station. A group of us reported about noise coming from the the Dusit Hotel. What looked like a long stick extended from the roof top. Within minutes, the general was speaking to his supporters, offering water to an elderly lady and giving her a hug. Moments later, a shot was heard from overhead. The object had been pulled back and a man with a black hood stood up and walked away. About 5 min. later. A man wearing the same outfit was escorted out of the hotel into a black police van. Quickly, it took off and proceeded to go up Rama 4 and turned left to go towards MBK............ “The reporter, who was two feet away and facing the general, heard a loud bang similar to that of a firecracker.

    “The general fell to the ground, his eyes wide open, and protesters took his apparently lifeless body to a hospital, screaming his nickname: “Seh Daeng has been shot! Seh Daeng has been shot!”


    So let's get this right....

    A trained sniper let off a loose round, the crowd looked up to see the trained snipers gun barrel hanging out over the roof. After SD went down, the trained sniper stood up, making himself totally visible to all before walking off.


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  6. yet another tragic story because of retarded parents.

    They made dog a guard dog and left 9 day old unattended with easy access for the dog.

    honestly some people i am certain have less brain than a chicken and should not be allowed to breed, or better yet should be locked up so they do not cause any harm to others

    This is pretty harsh.

    Just because the dog got into the baby when Granny was babysitting does not mean it was the norm to give the dog easy access to the child. Accidents happen, perhaps Granny made a mistake.

    Either way, it is very low to say the parents have "less than the brain of a chicken and should not be allowed to breed".

    You really do have a terrible attitude. This is a tragedy.

  7. Yeah ok cute video, but really I could give a rats behind that some spoiled affluent kids might get there dreams to come true here.....most show up having paid no dues in life to teach them anything, what little they do know is usually some regurgitation of politically correct crap about social responsibility that their lefty college prof. has pounded into their mushy little heads.....they and the world they travel to would be better off if they were home washing dishes and digging ditches to unlearn all the years of crap their schooling has mis-educated them about before they venture overseas.....but hey, thats just me....always the romantic.

    Sigh - what a completer bore you are.

    Been everywhere, done everything, eh?

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