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Posts posted by Elsuisso

  1. It's pretty simple, as in all parts of the world:

    I wait in the queue

    You turn up, smile and put my luggage in the boot

    I get in tell you where I want to go

    You smile

    Turn on the meter

    I chill out and look at the view from the window

    We arrive

    I say thank you

    You get out and help me with my luggage

    I pay you the fare an a tip

    Job done!

    How can it be anymore difficult than that!!!!

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  2. This might help.

    I got mine renewed - because it was full - in 2 weeks; from the day I went there to the day they emailed me it was ready, this was mid December 2014.

    I emailed on Thursday afternoon for a Friday appointment because I only had 6 weeks on my visa. 20 minutes later the email came in to confirm.

    Regarding the proof of address I simply took 2 copies of my visa page in the passport (you need to have every page scanned in colour to apply) and signed it, this was fine. This was my back up as I had also taken my car (Toyota) purchase agreement but it was in Thai. So I just said I have a visa, it's in English and proves I live here. She asked a superior and they said it was fine.

    Used a UK credit card.

    I wrote on the form - and mentioned in person - that I needed a quick service because I only had 6 weeks of Visa remaining.

    Much, much easier than I thought to be honest and only had to wait 10 minutes when applying and picking up the Passport. I was worried I wouldn't get it for 6-8 weeks!

    If you need any more info let me know.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    Surely the Visa Page in your passport didn't show any address, so I am astonished that HMPO accepted this, particularly if it was a visa, not an Extension of Permission to Stay..

    Can you provide any more information on this aspect?

    Yes in post #12 visa or resident permit, colour photocopy

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  3. This might help.

    I got mine renewed - because it was full - in 2 weeks; from the day I went there to the day they emailed me it was ready, this was mid December 2014.

    I emailed on Thursday afternoon for a Friday appointment because I only had 6 weeks on my visa. 20 minutes later the email came in to confirm.

    Regarding the proof of address I simply took 2 copies of my visa page in the passport (you need to have every page scanned in colour to apply) and signed it, this was fine. This was my back up as I had also taken my car (Toyota) purchase agreement but it was in Thai. So I just said I have a visa, it's in English and proves I live here. She asked a superior and they said it was fine.

    Used a UK credit card.

    I wrote on the form - and mentioned in person - that I needed a quick service because I only had 6 weeks of Visa remaining.

    Much, much easier than I thought to be honest and only had to wait 10 minutes when applying and picking up the Passport. I was worried I wouldn't get it for 6-8 weeks!

    If you need any more info let me know.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    Surely the Visa Page in your passport didn't show any address, so I am astonished that HMPO accepted this, particularly if it was a visa, not an Extension of Permission to Stay..

    Can you provide any more information on this aspect?

    As far as I am aware of the requirements it does say a "current/valid visa within the past year" - so that's what I used. It was an ED visa.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    Perhaps my language / knowledge is not great, it was a 1 year ED visa/extension.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  4. This might help.

    I got mine renewed - because it was full - in 2 weeks; from the day I went there to the day they emailed me it was ready, this was mid December 2014.

    I emailed on Thursday afternoon for a Friday appointment because I only had 6 weeks on my visa. 20 minutes later the email came in to confirm.

    Regarding the proof of address I simply took 2 copies of my visa page in the passport (you need to have every page scanned in colour to apply) and signed it, this was fine. This was my back up as I had also taken my car (Toyota) purchase agreement but it was in Thai. So I just said I have a visa, it's in English and proves I live here. She asked a superior and they said it was fine.

    Used a UK credit card.

    I wrote on the form - and mentioned in person - that I needed a quick service because I only had 6 weeks of Visa remaining.

    Much, much easier than I thought to be honest and only had to wait 10 minutes when applying and picking up the Passport. I was worried I wouldn't get it for 6-8 weeks!

    If you need any more info let me know.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    Surely the Visa Page in your passport didn't show any address, so I am astonished that HMPO accepted this, particularly if it was a visa, not an Extension of Permission to Stay..

    Can you provide any more information on this aspect?

    As far as I am aware of the requirements it does say a "current/valid visa within the past year" - so that's what I used. It was an ED visa.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  5. This might help.

    I got mine renewed - because it was full - in 2 weeks; from the day I went there to the day they emailed me it was ready, this was mid December 2014.

    I emailed on Thursday afternoon for a Friday appointment because I only had 6 weeks on my visa. 20 minutes later the email came in to confirm.

    Regarding the proof of address I simply took 2 copies of my visa page in the passport (you need to have every page scanned in colour to apply) and signed it, this was fine. This was my back up as I had also taken my car (Toyota) purchase agreement but it was in Thai. So I just said I have a visa, it's in English and proves I live here. She asked a superior and they said it was fine.

    Used a UK credit card.

    I wrote on the form - and mentioned in person - that I needed a quick service because I only had 6 weeks of Visa remaining.

    Much, much easier than I thought to be honest and only had to wait 10 minutes when applying and picking up the Passport. I was worried I wouldn't get it for 6-8 weeks!

    If you need any more info let me know.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  6. I Think we are all missing a vital thing here. That's Sean McAnna. He is now going under the name of Gianni DeLupo. Type that into FaceBook and it will pop up with the new Sean McAnna.

    Sean's link is intriguing. He was friends with David. He was the singer and guitarist in a Leeds band called These Fading Polaroids and Mr Miller was an engineering student. Both lived in the Hyde Park area.. He had obviously spent some time with him on Koh Tao and claims he was supposed to be meeting him on the evening of David's Murder. However he claims he slept on in his bungalow, this formed his alibi for his whereabouts whilst the crime was committed.

    Here is my problem and concerns.

    Why did Sean sleep in. Koh Tao is about Night-time fun and drinking. He was also playing music to get money. It is said he had worked in the AC Bar. This wasn't his first trip to Koh Tao and he clearly knows the scene there, the people who run it, the owners and DJ's. He had previously spent 18 months living and working as a barman on Koh Tao. Why wasn't he out when the place comes to life. A lot of these guys sleep in the day and party at night don't they.

    David and Hannah where in the AC bar the night of their murders.

    He obviously knew Mon. Mon is the older brother of the Headman. and Uncle to Nomsod. They own the AC bar.

    Sean had some injury's similar to David. They looked like puncture wounds. He also had blood on his Guitar. Was the blood there because he ran with his guitar from the scene with his arm bleeding.

    Is it possible that they heard a commotion and he went with David when they realised Hannah was being raped.

    Did he run when it kicked of and David was being beaten down. Taking his trusty guitar with him that he carry's everywhere.

    Was his life spared by the Thai's because they knew him. He had worked at the AC bar playing for example. Or perhaps he was just a coward and realised he wasn't up for a fight. Perhaps he even realised he could be killed and took off. Self preservation.

    Now I don't think that Mon and the plainclothes copper goes after Sean for no reason. They wanted him to keep quite. To get off the Island and be gone.

    You don't chase people into shops and around streets if you don't want to put the fear off god into someone. They knew he was a liability.

    He was squealing a frightened Pig. Texting phoning and raising his profile to save his backside and get the help he needed to get away. Which he did achieve and he was off. Not to Scotland but Milan. He has not sold his story as far as I can ascertain but uses an alias. His sister Nicola has changed hers to Nic. You may remember she was frantically texting on FB with Sean while they were trying to get him some help.

    We also had the pity from Sean. writing on David's Facebook shortly after it happened

    TUE 16 12:30pm

    “Nah man. Please tell me it’s not you.”

    on DMs facebook page/now tribute

    exactly 30mins later this

    “I loved you so much brother. I know you tried to save her. You are the most honourable guy I’ve ever met. From getting mauled by a honey badger giving out sleeping bags to homeless people, to just partying like there’s no tomorrow. I will miss you terribly. I’m sorry I didn’t come out with you that night. Really my heart is breaking. The legend that is Dave Miller. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1 … =3&theater“.

    Sean is now posting on David Facebook page as Gianni and dedicated a song to him.

    Something stinks here. Out of all the people on Koh Tao at the Time why on earth would the 2 Thai men target Sean. There's hundreds of people there. Why not Chris Ware?. In fact why would those 2 men target anyone?

    I Rest my case M'lord.

    For now ;-)

    "I know you tried to save her" is a very strange thing to say. It means he was there and saw it or he knew she was in some sort of danger, either way I agree a very important person in the case.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  7. The best upbringing a kid can have is by their parents, guiding, loving and nurturing them, where they are in the world and who they hang out with should actually be secondary. Some parents think kids going to school means they will get an "education"; I see them everyday dumping them

    Off so they can go shopping, play golf, whatever. No one's going to have an impression on your child

    like the parent, end of. Put effort in and results will come, no matter where you are.

    There is a lot to learn from Asian culture, to shield them would actually be backwards.


    Most of the Thais I know, send their children off from age 2, to school leaving at 7:30 am and returning at 4:30 pm, 6 days a week.

    Not sure you are all that up on modern Thai culture. Don't know about many other Asian cultures but Korea & Japan is even worse.

    I thought we were talking about Farang kids?

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  8. Pretty pointless living here, having kids and a family here and trying to shield your kids to behave like they are home - wherever that is. I mean what would be the point of that?!

    Like coming here and wanting all the stuff you have in the UK, the only place you are going to get that is in the UK - doh!

    Kids are kids, they are smarter than you think. For me and my son, if he learns to respect the older

    Community, have respect for others, enjoy his life as much as possible then that's enough, for God's sake he's only 2!

    There are bad kids in the west; bullies, toffs, all that. Go figure it out.

    The best upbringing a kid can have is by their parents, guiding, loving and nurturing them, where they are in the world and who they hang out with should actually be secondary. Some parents think kids going to school means they will get an "education"; I see them everyday dumping them

    Off so they can go shopping, play golf, whatever. No one's going to have an impression on your child

    like the parent, end of. Put effort in and results will come, no matter where you are.

    There is a lot to learn from Asian culture, to shield them would actually be backwards.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    • Like 1
  9. sa-naam-bin = airport

    (liSA went to vietNAM to but her rubbish in the BIN)Ponounce as one word

    haawng-naahm = washroom / toilet / WC

    (I flew from HONG kong to vietNAM by plane)

    barn = house / dwelling

    (the cows are in the BARN at the farm)

    mai-ow = do not want

    (i cut MY leg it hurt and I shouted nOW)

    Cheeky Farnag !!laugh.gif What an amazing way to remember words!!!!!!!! It provides a neumonic device for remembering!!! More !! I want MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or is there a source I can go to ? Are these your own?? jap.gif

    agreed I love this way of learning, even if you don't learn all the complex stuff at least you learn the pronunciation from English words :) perfect bravo please continue!

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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