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Posts posted by dopenhagen

  1. Should never have let him out to rape again. This time it should be the firing squad or for a more painful end put him in a locked room with the ten women he raped and their partners.

    They let similar types of people out early in NZ some / many reoffend and some have murdered after being released not just a Thai problem here.

    People in NZ complain all the time about the inadequate sentencing of criminals in NZ to no avail, the Jails are full and bursting--- the solution build more prisons and privatise them Ha Ha, prisons and crime privatised into a money making scheme, some judges in the USA have been found guilty on corruption for sending people that have done virtually nothing to jail just to keep the private prisons making a profit. wai2.gif

    It seems you have a lot of inside knowledge, unless you are referring to the judge caught in 1936... so why don't you contribute to Wikipedia with your inside information...


  2. A friendly immigration officer showed me the computer screen when I was denied entry in Sungai Kolok during a Visa run... to my understanding, the computer said "No" because I had 6 Visa exemptions combined with extensions within a 6 month period... T Visa at the consulate in Kota Bharu was subsequently not a problem, and I entered the following day.

    It's worth noting that it's only for entry by land that the immigration is narrowing the gaps in their enforcement of the rules, you apparently still get Visa Exemptions when you enter via Air, regardless of how many Visa Exemptions. and Extensions you have...

  3. there is something strange and unique about thai mentality, when you look at Wikipedia at the most deadly roads in the world, and Thailand on number 4 is the only country in that end of the list that most of us even remotely would consider civilised, and they are only road deaths... not counting all the other deaths, like e.g. boat or plane accidents... until some Thai people start talking about this in a straight way, I have and reserve every right to criticise Thai people's immaturity and irresponsibility, regardless of where in the world I am, however even more so since Im in Thailand and love Thailand very much, enough to be here and enjoy the good sides, and enough to even bother trying to make a change by discussing the problems...

    So, to the Thai people, if you want to shut the critics, reflect on the truth of the situation and improve, then you will shut the critics, not by whining about being criticised !

  4. agreed... interesting is how he freaked out when it came to realization for the kid that he was shooting a foreigner... probably there is still more heat to be caught when you snuff a foreigner than a local here... that's somewhat comforting to know !

    ...I'm completely aware that I'm extrapolating in the following, however it could appear that visibly being a foreigner (dare I say white skinned foreigner) saved the guy's life... however, just pure extrapolation !

  5. Where does it say the biker gang was Thai...?

    Also, this even happens in the nanny states, bikers all over the world make a point of raping, its a male chauvinistic culture that endorses abuse and objectification of women... this happens often even in the most highly "nannied" states... bikers are just scum with a delusional sense of entitlement and a perverted perspective on life, values, fellow human beings and society !

    Having reported the crime proves well for the young lass... don't let these pathetic thugs have the better of her... !

  6. Listen... these "Bikers" (criminal organisations with a biker history background and an affinity for loud, big machines to boost their egos) are outside the law, they say that themselves, by calling themselves the outlaws... they defy justice and publicly refuse to obey by the rules and do so proudly... once you declare yourself an "outlaw", you can't morally come back and claim the right to the law when the deck is stacked against you, can you really... nopes, they have declared themselves outlaws, which means the protection of the law doesn't apply... most of them are also great at tax-evasion and social fraud (many of them receive well-fare and pension), which paints an even more pathetic picture of these career juveniles delinquents... summa summarum, they don't want to obey the law (and declare it publicly with pride, so naturally they can't call on the protection when they want it... pathetic that his is even being discussed, and it's even more ludicrous that he is being public addressed with his made-up title in his gangster organisation / slash biker club... scum like that deserve no public respect !

    Anyways, my 25cents... you don't want to obey the law, you can't expect it's protection, civilisation is based on give and take !

    And in this case, it just a matter of Australia making a judgment call stating that he doesn't fit the profile of what is wanted in Australia... that is totally within the reams of the rules and it's incredible that it has to be escalated to that level before a piece of shit like this guy can be denied Visa ! Amazing !

  7. correction, they are not using black powder but a mixture of pig shit and some other fun stuff... not saying it's not lethal, but get you facts straight before posting, there IS a difference between things in the world, no, snake, crocodile, rabbit and mongoose doesn't taste like chicken, people are just too blind and ignorant to tell the difference...

  8. providing gifts in exchange for sex ? human trafficking ?

    then, a quick survey would indicate that most people on TV and in deed most men in Thailand (and perhaps the world) are guilty of human trafficking !

    Now, having lived a year in Philippines, I know how unscrupulous those people can be, I'm not defending anyone who has sex with minors, but the argument is a different one here...

    Taking a liking to young women, guilty as charged, and so is most men that I'm familiar with... "Old cow likes to eat young grass" (Thai Proverb) !

    This could have happened to me if I had stayed, I have tried a whole variety of blackmails, including raping our maid (which I disputed and the case was quickly forgotten), but other blackmail schemes soon found their way to my path and I decided it was time to leave...

    Now, I'm in a lovely relationship with a woman I have known for many years and who is closer to my own age than the girls this poor sod obviously was attracted to, the sympathy I can produce for child sex offenders is very very little, and knowing a lot of these old timers, I find it very plausible that he is guilty of procuring minors for sex, and I know 100's of more like him and have none to very little sympathy for them should their arrangements get messy and they will be blackmailed to the point where they can't afford it... all I can say is that he should have seen it coming !

    Philippines is much worse than Thailand... so I'm happy to be back in Thailand !

  9. hopefully they are returned when she runs out of money, and that she has enough common sense (or moral, which seems unlikely however) not to sell them...

    Ooy vay, are you on something? Is this what you did?.Ever think, as she is the Mother, that she loves her children so much, that she would do anything to be with them , incuding, ignoring the Courts order. Boy, get a fecken life.

    Getting a court to award full custody to the father is rare in every non-mosleem country, including Thailand... so since this is the case, I safely conclude the mother has been deemed unfit to be a mother.

    Now, I have seen plenty of desperate people do things I would consider insane, and I have seen drug-inflicted desperation drive people to do acts that to me seems from out of this world.

    There are no facts in this story stipulating that she loves her kids, only that she has been deemed unfit as mother and now has deprived them of their father while taking them on the run.

    A life in hiding is not a very charming life and definitely not a life for a 6 and a 10 year old, which makes it probably (however likely or unlikely) that she would have the same lack of proper judgement preventing her from making a decision that would harm them further.

    Either you are very naive, you have non-disclosed information or your a troll..

  10. What just happened today... maybe someone saavy in the Thai Immigration regulations can advice me...

    I was denied re-entry with reference to me having done something 6 times (I couldn't make out what they were referring to in Thai and they wouldn't/couldn't describe it in any other language).

    I have previously entered 3 times via Airplane followed by 2 times via land (Malaysia and Myanmar), each time obtaining a Visa exemption, I have had 2 extensions done on the Land Arrivals by Kanchanaburi Immigration (paid 1900 THB each time), this time they denied me re-entry referring to something with 6 and pointing to a red box on the computer screen that in Thai read something with the number 6.

    They continued to apologise for the fact that the computer said NO, then continued to give me a document form for filing an official complaint.
    The were very polite and apologetic and was at the end when they followed me out, even mentioning that they appreciated my understanding, they continued to make some statement that I will not repeat here as they were very inappropriate with respect to the current government, something it was clear they did have their own thoughts about.

    I waived the opportunity to file a complaint referring to my love for Thailand, after which they seemed very relieved...

    This was a BIG hassle for me as I'm now stuck in Malaysia without even a tooth-brush, and having to stay here until Monday as the consulate doesn't open until Sunday and the minimum processing time for a Visa is 2 days.

  11. having to change taxis under the most inconvenient circumstances is something I have tried in basically every country I have travelled... sometimes its in heavy rain, when the taxi stops and asks for more money to continue and sometimes when they just don't like you... driving a taxi is stressful, even in most modern countries, with surveillance, monitoring, panic buttons, procedures for dealing with situations, etc...

    everyone here knows the risk of taking a taxi, and it is something we calculate in the balance of convenience versus cost and (in)convenience of arranging private transport.

    these are backpackers, they crave and thus deserve to have these experiences, which without, their backpacking story would just be another boring travel epos of a small family traveling to thailand on holiday.

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  12. I have had my scuffles with taxi drivers in bangkok, even had to defend myself physically a number of times, and I know what mean bastards they can be, the meds they take to stay awake to make the most of the lease they have on the taxi doesnt and the heat they take from law enforcement doesn't make it more easy for them to maintain posture when dealing with 1000's of people every day that has different ideas and sometimes no knowledge about how the system works.

    Now, from a realist perspective (not knowing any of the details leading to this picture being taken), this couple obviously decided to backpack to Thailand, and isn't dealing with sh** like this part of life as a backpacker ?

    I don't feel sorry for the kid, he will probably grow up to be one mean son of a b**** and being able to deal with all kinds of situations.

    I don't feel sorry for the couple, they signed up for this when they decided to go backpacking and bringing their toddler and their guitar.

    From the original post:
    "Surachai said he received the photo from a traffic police officer who eventually hailed another cab for the family. He added that the tourists did not remember the name or registration number of the taxi driver."

    Well, kudos to the Traffic police to taking action (read the OP) and kudos for the passer by mentioning it.

    I'm not sure I feel so terribly sorry for the family, they made a number of mistakes (like not taking the number of the taxi) and they were taken care of by traffic police subsequently.

    I think if this proves anything, it proves that 1) Traffic police actually do their work sometimes, 2) there actually are compassionate Thai people and that 3) actually most backpackers are reckless hippies !

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