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Posts posted by jshorts

  1. On another note, I wonder how many farangs could / would want to stay in Thailand if the whole society was more educated and therefore more 'western'?

    Why do you think that a better education would make them more 'western'?

    Some of the stupidest people I have ever met have high levels of education.

    All right, let's just dive right into this stupid thing. Recently, a professional athlete was quoted in an article as saying I made the stupidest mistake. The athlete was talking about his personal life-his VERY personal life. (It's hard to keep track these days, isn't it?) The superlative form of stupid is most stupid, as in I made the most stupid mistake, not stupidest. Stupidest can be heard and seen everywhere, but it's wrong. (Please don't ask me to roll out my entire exposition on why finding a word in a modern dictionary doesn't make it legitimate, standard English. Paul and I have already paddled across that ocean several times.)Stupid is just like lucid (same -id ending). The comparative form is more lucid, and the superlative form is most lucid. Likewise, the comparative form of stupid is more stupid, and the superlative form is most stupid. In fact, in general, -id words use more and most instead of -er and -est. (The water was more tepid, he was the most lucid, they could have been more candid, his reflexes have grown more torpid, the milk was the most rancid, his tongue had grown more acrid. No one would even think to say tepidest, lucidest, candidest, torpidest, rancidest, or acridest.) Oddly enough, as many times as I've heard the word stupidest (and believe me, if I sold my soul to the devil in order to have eternal life, that wouldn't be long enough for me to count the number of times that I've heard it over the past few years), I'm not sure that I've ever heard anyone use the word stupider (even though it is now given as an alternative form in some modern dictionaries!). Maybe that's because people know how stupid the word stupider sounds and that the correct form is more stupid. Then why don't they know how stupid stupidest sounds and that the correct form is most stupid? Regardless, the aforementioned athlete may have made the most stupid mistake in his personal life, but he also made a mistake when he used the word stupidest. I hope that we can now lay this stupid grammar error to rest. == ==http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_stupidest_a_word
    • Like 1
  2. Since a few months, I give basic english lessons, to a small group of children. They are aged between 8 and 16, and only one can speak English a little bit. I don't know, what they doing in the school, but they not stupid. But the most have problems to concentrate, the girls are better then the boys.

    That there is no money, for more teacher and there education too, is here terrible, the corruption in all areas is worse.

    So, I must say, that the Administration, what colour ever, is not interested to change this. The people match perfect with the system.

    And I miss curiosity by the children, but I think, it is the worldwide culture of hard core capitalism. bah.gif No ideals, no culture, no lifestyle, only money, sad generation.

    Inasmuch as your writing indicates that you are not a native English speaker, I wonder what could possibly qualify you to give English lessons.


    Looks like everyone's giving you an F on this forum, mate. I hope those basic lessons were free of charge...

    Yes, you are right, I'am a german, and the lessons are free. But that is no problem, because we do basics and conversation. And for the pronunciation, I speaking clear English. What should I do, I'am the best English speaker in our area, and they want me to teach the children. But if anybody have a time on Saturday 1400, you invited to visit us, send me an PM. biggrin.png

    I am surprised that you didn't ask me how I knew that you are German.

    I would be more than slightly surprised if you spoke "clear English." I have read two of your posts and they are filled with errors, typical errors that Germans make on a regular and ongoing basis.

    If you would like specific examples, you can send me a private message.

    Are you trying to tell me that a bad English teacher is somehow better than no English teacher at all? You do the same (if not worse) disservice to the Thai children as the poorly trained Thai teachers do.

    BTW, where are you located? I would be interested in assisting at your 2 p.m. classes.

  3. I really feel for these kids. The other day at work, I was trying to explain basic math to my colleague, even using a calculator. Then I asked her what 2 x 4 was, and she answered "5"? She is in her 20's. Now I see why so many people are starting charity organizations to raise money to send Thai people to school.

    I would like to contribute to one of these organizations. Would you please provide a link? Thanks!
  4. I'm a teacher and I have ONE word to describe the kids of today............LAZY!! Plain and simple.

    They expect everything to be done for them (because the parents do everything for them) and when it's not, they receive a passing grade anyway because we 're 'encouraged' to give the kids a passing grade.

    That's the education system everywhere............not just in Thailand.

    I believe you are mistaken. That is not the education system everywhere. Japan is a prime example.
  5. For a lot of younger straight girls, the tom-dee relationship is a safe 'time killing' relationship before they are of marrying age. Safe as is former 'dees' usually aren't considered 2nd hand or damaged goods to local fellows. For older straight girls, again the tom-dee relationship is a convenient and 'safe' escape from what would otherwise be a lonely 'over the hill' existence. Naturally mixed in there would be legitimate lesbians.


    Where did you get this piece of wisdom from? My bet is that you have never met any tom or dee.

    I've lived in CM for 10 years and see them all the time. The toms always have the most beautiful girls. Heng is spot on.

    My sister in law was with a tom, but only until about the age of 25 when it came time to get serious about a relationship

    leading to a family. She then dumped the tom right on her crewcut. The only thing Heng forgot to mention; Toms ALWAYS pay for EVERYTHING. Those beauties have some brains too.

    Is that similar to how "fahrangs" always pay for everthing?
    • Like 1
  6. Sterile refers to your attitude and personality, not your medical condition and your response reflects your ignorance.

    I may not agree with you but u respect your right to state what you want and I will do the same. You're not Ina position to comment on others, stick to the subject,stutter which will provoke a varied response, some serious, some humorous as will be expected.

    If honestly think no one laughed at this, then it's you that needs help.

    An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an attempt to negate the truth of a claim by pointing out a negative characteristic or unrelated belief of the person supporting it.[1]

    I will be glad to stick to the su . . . su . . . . su . . . subject.

  7. I am saying that because I went into a lesbian biker bar and before I even ordered a drink or opened my mouth to talk they tried to kill me. Trying to kill me I would think is a sign of hate.

    I doubt if you have ever been into a lesbian bar in a big city (one with a lot of lesbians). They don't want you there. They want to hit you on the head.

    Why would you go into a lesbian biker bar? Are you a lesbian? Are you a biker?
  8. Hmmm, well I'm no expert in such matters, but I suppose that there are men/women who are living their lives per societal norms and not pursuing their own innate sexual desires. This is particularly true in very oppressive societies (Africa, Middle East, etc.). So you do have a point.

    You might also think about the US, England, Australia, Europe, South America, Central America, and so on.
  9. I've never undestood the lesbian thing. As far as I know, women arent capable of having sex drives. Is it just a feminist rejection of traditional relationships?

    I have never understodd why they want to look like what they hate the most and why would you go with someone who looks like what you hate. I guess there mone woman than they will admit, cannot make up their minds

    No one has said that lesbians "hate" men. Where did you get that idea? They are just not sexually attracted to them.

    Did you ever go to a lesbian biker bar? Are you nuts?

    A lesbian biker bar is only one kind of bar. Just as there are singles bars, couples bar, a go go bars, host bars, so are these many different kinds of lesbian bars. Do straight people hate lesbians? Do straight people hate gay people? Why do you imagine that lesbians or gay people would hate you? They are just not attracted sexually to you.
  10. For a lot of younger straight girls, the tom-dee relationship is a safe 'time killing' relationship before they are of marrying age. Safe as is former 'dees' usually aren't considered 2nd hand or damaged goods to local fellows. For older straight girls, again the tom-dee relationship is a convenient and 'safe' escape from what would otherwise be a lonely 'over the hill' existence. Naturally mixed in there would be legitimate lesbians.


    Best answer. And to be frank, there would be many more "tom-dee" type relationships in the west if it was socially acceptable. Many young farang women have fantasized about lesbian relationships, but simply couldn't deal with the stigma. Thailand is tops when it comes to tolerance.

    And, to be "frank" as you so aptly put it, there would be many more male-male relationships in the west, if it were socially acceptable.

    Yes, that would be true. Maybe not necessarily more in real numbers, but certainly more out in the open.

    Not more in real numbers? Really? So, I could imagine you believe that societal pressure doesn't prevent a large percentage of men from experiencing this side of their sexuality.
  11. The way it was explained to me is that its a fling of youth, not serious relationship, dee is not necc lesbian, companionship, immaturity. Tom takes care in a caring way many men don't. Maybe more serious issues w males in.their lives.

    Most of these young women go on to hetro relationships.

    I was told the relationship sexually is very one way. Dee is not very if at all participatory.

    Great generalization. I was told the sexual relationship is a two-way street.
  12. I've never undestood the lesbian thing. As far as I know, women arent capable of having sex drives. Is it just a feminist rejection of traditional relationships?

    I have never understodd why they want to look like what they hate the most and why would you go with someone who looks like what you hate. I guess there mone woman than they will admit, cannot make up their minds

    No one has said that lesbians "hate" men. Where did you get that idea? They are just not sexually attracted to them.
  13. For a lot of younger straight girls, the tom-dee relationship is a safe 'time killing' relationship before they are of marrying age. Safe as is former 'dees' usually aren't considered 2nd hand or damaged goods to local fellows. For older straight girls, again the tom-dee relationship is a convenient and 'safe' escape from what would otherwise be a lonely 'over the hill' existence. Naturally mixed in there would be legitimate lesbians.


    Best answer. And to be frank, there would be many more "tom-dee" type relationships in the west if it was socially acceptable. Many young farang women have fantasized about lesbian relationships, but simply couldn't deal with the stigma. Thailand is tops when it comes to tolerance.

    And, to be "frank" as you so aptly put it, there would be many more male-male relationships in the west, if it were socially acceptable.
  14. I am almost sure that she will get nothing as a foreign wife. Indeed, a mate of mine in Thailand is close to passing, lives riggght out in the boonies on the Burmese border and when he goes they have no intention of informing the authorities so the pension keeps getting paid into his account and she keeps the ATM.

    Good planning skills though.

    Yea! nice honest people,commit Fraud,rob another Country,that owes them nothing. I'm sure they will be proud of themselves.

    I dont believe there is a provision to be 'proud' when one lives in abstract poverty; though I could be wrong.

    I have no idea what you mean by "abstract poverty." Please clarify.
  15. That man just displayed more bravery then all of you together


    The guy cut his fingers and half his pee-pee off because he's either crazy or on drugs...and that makes him brave?

    Clearly we have different understanding of the word "bravery".

    What is your definition of idiot, just for interest sakes?

    What caused you to mention drugs when the article clearly stated that he was mentally disturbed?
  16. 'attempted to cut off his own penis'

    As well as possibly having mental and/or drug related problems, from the location of the dressings on his body, he also has very little knowledge of anatomy.

    You make fun of a mentally ill person. Where are your morals?

    come on jshorts, give us a break. A joke is always good for everyone of us. Nothing wrong about joking on such subject: maybe when this mentally ill person will read this forum he will have some thoughts on what he did as we all have now...

    Are you suggesting that TV members make fun of crippled people, too?
    • Like 1
  17. Does he need help, sure? Do I feel pity for him sure? Do I find the situation funny, sure? A hell of a lot of humor is based on the sufferings and pratfalls of others. So to those on their soap boxes, I would suggest you lighten up. I must add though that some of the pun I have seen are bloody awful.

    You find the situation funny that a mentally ill person would want to cut off his penis?

    Please clarify what is in the least bit funny about that.

  18. 'attempted to cut off his own penis'

    As well as possibly having mental and/or drug related problems, from the location of the dressings on his body, he also has very little knowledge of anatomy.

    You make fun of a mentally ill person. Where are your morals?

    My morals are fine, thank you for asking. Was not 'making fun' just pointing out a fact.

    Sorry you see it the way you do.

    Just pointing out a fact? Did you see the location of all the dressings? Why did you find it necessary to point just that out?

    Your comment is embarrassing.

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