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Posts posted by farang24

  1. Off topic. What is your reason for being, Dr pong?  You may think that your Devil's advocate style one liners serve a purpose, in fact, like you, they don't.

    Go back to flirting in the ladies forum.  I cringed as i read your boasting about your 'timing'.

    On topic.  Would anybody agree that The Londoner pub serves up the best British snap in Bangkok?  The jacket spuds must be some kind of record breakers.  If there is better i would like to know.

    It has been a good while since I have been there Dodge. With 44 posts one wonders who you used to be. Won't take long to establish I think.

    I believe the one liners are one liners coz that is as far as your intellect extends.

    Dr Pong you are certainly on the nose.

    Getta life.

    Oh Yeah Happy New Year :o

  2. I know a number of Pakistani English guys and they all told me that Paki is a derogatory term.

    SO WHAT ? Other countries cope well with their assigned nicks based on nationality. Kiwi's cope with sheep shaggers. A truncation of the national name is nothing. REST IT

    The fact that people find it offensive it good enough reason not to use it.

    Truncation has got nothing to do with it...

    Would you call someone a nigger?

    Get light hearted or get out.

    What is that supposed to mean?

    Think about it. Then run and lend money again.

    You are too deep for me.

  3. I know a number of Pakistani English guys and they all told me that Paki is a derogatory term.

    SO WHAT ? Other countries cope well with their assigned nicks based on nationality. Kiwi's cope with sheep shaggers. A truncation of the national name is nothing. REST IT

    The fact that people find it offensive it good enough reason not to use it.

    Truncation has got nothing to do with it...

    Would you call someone a nigger?

    Get light hearted or get out.

    What is that supposed to mean?

  4. I know a number of Pakistani English guys and they all told me that Paki is a derogatory term.

    SO WHAT ? Other countries cope well with their assigned nicks based on nationality. Kiwi's cope with sheep shaggers. A truncation of the national name is nothing. REST IT

    The fact that people find it offensive it good enough reason not to use it.

    Truncation has got nothing to do with it...

    Would you call someone a nigger?

  5. The chances are, is that the young lady is naive and probably not educated close to the same standard as what we are in the west.

    Sorry, but that's a stereotype about Thai women that I just don't buy into.

    Most of the women I know have college degrees, high-paying jobs, and are VERY well-educated, intelligent and rational.

    However, let's not turn this thread into yet another discussion about the idiotic stereotypes western men have about thai women.

    Believe what you want to believe about Thai women and let's just leave it at that.

    But from my point of view, this situation is no different than the one I faced when I came to Thailand. I came to Thailand with a promise of employment (made after an online interview), and many of my friends cautioned me not to go because (based on their un-informed stereotypes) they believed Thailand to be a "dangerous place". Now it's true I wasn't facing the possibility of being kidnapped into sex-slavery (gee, now there's a fun thought), but my prospective employer could have very easily been a "shady" place and they could have shafted me and left me in very dire financial straits.

    My point is, that any time an individual (male or female) travels overseas on the promise of employment, there are a host of risks involved. Different risks, YES, but risks nonetheless.

    Therefore, it is up to the individual to assess these risks and decide whether or not the rewards justify them.

    How many of you have ever physically set foot IN Ghana? Anybody??

    That's my point.

    Rumors, stereotypes and scare-mongering news stories don't take the place of first-hand, eye-witness experience. If I had believed every goofy story people told me about Thailand, I never would have come here, because according to some people back in the States, the police here slip drugs into your pockets right after you step off the plane, just so they can arrest you and sentence you to life in prison. Yes, that's absolute horsesh!t, but that's the kind of nonsense people where telling me before I moved here.

    So what do you REALLY know about Ghana, this hotel that's offering her a job, or the manager who's booking the trip?? NOTHING.

    For every human-trafficking story about Ghana you find on the net, I bet you can find ten about Thailand, and yet plenty of women come here on vacation or two work and they aren't hog-tied and sold to the nearest brothel.

    So in spite of all those negative articles about the sex industry in Thailand, last time I checked ajarn.com there weren't any bogus job offers by shady individuals hoping to lure young women over here so they could be gang raped and traumatized into accepting the hooker-life.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not disputing those news stories. I'm quite sure they are accurate. But just because those perils do exist doesn't negate the possibility that legitimate job offers ALSO exist.

    See, unlike the black-n-white abstraction that most pundits THINK is reality, the REAL WORLD is actually a bit more complicated than that. In the real world, it is possible for opposite things to exist at the same time. In the real world, it is possible for good and evil to exist in the same place. In the real world, just because a negative thing can be true about something (like Ghana), that doesn't negate every single positive aspect of that same thing.

    In other words, there may very well be a serious problem with human trafficking in Ghana, however, that does not negate the possibility that legitimate work ALSO exists in Ghana. I realize that's a difficult concept for a polarized mind to grasp, but trust me, it can happen.

    The existence of the negative necessitates a cautious approach and some background research, but it should NOT require a knee-jerk dismissal of every opportunity.

    Basing a decision about a job opportunity in Ghana on some stereotypes and news reports would be STUPID. Can you imagine avoiding Thailand based on some of the nonsense you see posted on these forums? Then why avoid Ghana simply because you "heard" some heresay antecdotes about "Bad Things" going on there.

    It's a good opportunity for her and she should seriously look into it. If he has concerns, he should raise those concerns, and then do his best to do the research to alleviate (or confirm) those concerns.

    I can't believe you are still trying to justify your first post on this topic.

    Ghana ......50,000 baht a month = scam.

    Given that there are thousands of beautiful women in Ghana who could do the very same job for a lot less money why on earth would they want to bring someone all the way from Thailand and pay them what is a very large sum of money in Ghana for doing a job a local could do.

    Mate, it doesn't add up.

    Stop giving credence to something that doesn't deserve any.

  6. Many of you are correct. Trying to point blame is positively incredulous. The same people who search for blame in every situation are the same people who are quick to pose unwarranted lawsuits in thwart of self blame or mother nature.

    But, wouldn't it be nice for the defending Thai government to be able to say they were on top of this and did everything they could have to prevent these deaths. Perhaps the warnings would go unnoticed. Maybe it would have killed as many people, maybe a different kind of person like the ones who would rush to the beach to watch.

    I am not saying the Thai government should be held responsible for every death that occurred. I just think that a warning with at least 5-10 minutes of time with a siren and a flashing light on a sign about tsunamis . Maybe even an announcement that the biggest quake of 40 years occurred 1 hour ago and possible waves MIGHT be expected. My guess is most intelligent people would have collected their belongings and walked away. Maybe one block, maybe 2, maybe to safety. Anything would have helped.

    That sounds reasonable enough to me.

  7. I would strongly advise reading the novel Private Dancer by Stephen Leather.

    You can download it for free at http://www.stephenleather.com/author.html

    He covers much the same predicament.

    I Know stephen and this is his story not one he made up, however he should have seen the signs long before it got bad. Its free because his publisher refused to publish it.

    I have to agree with Davethailand, my wife is also an EX BG together 7 years could not be happier, they are not all bad so take a bit of time and go with your gut feelings.

    My feeling is that most guys who get into bad situations with Thai girls would get into bad situations with any girl.

    My understanding is that this book is fictional.

    Obviously it is based on peoples experiences and the authors obsevations but it is not a true story.

  8. You're clearly quite innocent and inexperienced in how the world works, and the consequenses of human traffiking, so I'll spare you the blast that most would get.

    Wow, gee, thanks for "sparing me". I guess tonight I should count my lucky stars and give alms to my ASDL modem. Weeeuh! Lucky for me, eh!?! I don't know if poor "innocent" little me could have handled the full brunt of your "blast" (did you mean mental fart? I think that'd have been more accurate).

    However I think you need to take a look around, perhaps do some more reading and travelling and you'll see that some bastards out there in the world maybe don't care about women or your politically correct way of thinking. It's odd how you think the poster should lay off and risk her life "just to be polite".
    Next time, read my post, a$$wipe.

    a) I said NOTHING about "laying off and risking her life".

    b ) I said NOTHING that could be construed as "politically correct". Unless you're one of those polarized pigeon-holing vaporheads who simply parrots everything your favorite idealogical pundit says, irregardless of whether or not it actually APPLIES to the current discussion. Maybe then, you might be able to gleen something "politically correct" from my post, but quite frankly, that'd be a pretty big stretch. So I must have uttered some keyword that triggered your mental knee-jerk. Maybe in the future, you'll learn how to read things in CONTEXT, rather than simply extracting a few "soundbites" that you can harp on with ready-made, canned comebacks courtesy of your favorite talking-head.

    c) I said NOTHING that would indicate I was ignorant or dismissive of the risks involved in working overseas.

    In other words, your comments and criticisms do not apply to my post since you obviously did not READ my post.

    You are simply giving a Pavlovian response to some word or phase I used, but your replies make no sense because you've taken my comments completely out of context and replied to things I simply did not say.

    Next time I suggest you use the BRAIN in between your ears to process information for you, rather than simply downloading cut-n-paste replies from whatever pre-fab political media-outlet you call home. Just because you need some pundit to turn a multi-faceted world into an easily digestible black-n-white abstraction, doesn't mean the rest of us need to be "enlightened" by your off-base diatribes.

    READ THE POST, moron, otherwise take your less-than-original ventriliquist act (with you starring as the dummy) elsewhere.

    You seem more concerned with your own ego than with this girls predicament judging by your latest post.

    The point most are making is that by letting her go to Africa the situation will be totally out of anyones influence or control should things turn nasty.

    It is patently obvious that this is not a bona fide job offer.

    Once that girl hits Ghana it is beyond anyone to help her.

    Sometimes it requires courage to tell people unpleasant news and shatter dreams and illusions but it is a true friend that will stand up and tell things the way they are.

    There are better options available for this girl.

  9. I think muslims want far more than for us to "live in a hole", to the real nutters at the top only the destruction of the west will suffice.

    If this were to happen they could go back back to practicing genocide on eachother.

      Muslims killing muslims! Isn't that the reason why they chant "Death to Ameriaca, France, Britain" and any one else they dislike.  This should give you a glimpse into the mindset of followers of Islam.

    To that end, i belive we should be more aware.  The 'it can't happen to me' idea is just as dumb as locking yourself in.

    Khun Thaksin should be very wary, if Indonesian muslims with the mentality of Bin Laden and backing of Saudi money should make their presence felt on these shores he can kiss goodbye to tourism and all the jobs it provides.  With that mobile phones sales would suffer and that is the only thing he cares about.

    You might be surprised to learn that the average Muslim is not much different from anyone else.

    They want to make money have a nice home life etc

    They are not interested in violence, revolution etc

    You are the perfect example of someone who has swallowed all the claptrap that the mainstream western media pumps out.

    Maybe you should stick to kiddies books as you moniker suggests!

  10. It's funny really someone said the other day "Aren't you worried about going to Thailand with the threat of terrorism?"

    Well I pointed out to them that i happen to work in Saudi so I feel like I am much safer in Thailand than in Saudi.

    Considering how many people have been killed by terrorists over the last few years the media hysteria over terrorism is disproportionate to the actual threat.

    The media and govts are thriving in this orgy of terrorist propaganda.

    The freedoms that have been hard for over the years disappeared over night due to the so called threat of terrorist action. The US and UK in their supposed role of defenders of democracy have taken away some of the basic tenets of a democratic society like 'due process'

    The media have thrived on terrorist activity racing to give accounts of the latest offerings on Bin Laden and any other crackpot who wants to make threats. This has only served to make these crackpots more popular and given them the perfect platform for publicity whenever any minor terrorist activity takes place.

    Those 24 hour news channels really don't have much news so they thrive on this terrorist claptrap providing them with good copy to fill in those vacant hours.

    There are indeed terrrorist threats but for most people they have more chance of being killed by a bumble bee than by a terrorist.

  11. Even if the story was true, so what.

    Why would you give money to her anyway seeing as you hardly know her.

    Tell her to get medical insurance next time.

    These bargals don't respect guys who hand over money so easily.

    In fact they think they are stupid.

    Have spoken to a many gals over the years and they are more than happy to get the money but they usually think the guys are crazy or just too rich to care.

  12. The biggest drug problem most countries have is alcohol.

    It is a major factor in most crimes related with violence, the cause of many deaths via motor vehicle accidents , the cause of many health realted problems, the cause of many family and relationship problems and the list goes on.

    The we have prescription drugs.

    The results of dependency on many of these substances is very well hidden in our society but they too extract an enormous social cost.

    In fact if you look at the statistics you would see that most of our western countries are full of people with substance abuse problems.

    Now i haven't mentioned illicit drugs.

    These are certainly a problem as well but they are even more of a problem because they are illegal and there are no controls over their manufacture ie purity, dosage etc

    I believe that these illicit drugs should be made legal.

    Firstly they should be make legal so that there is some control over their manufacture.

    Secondly the profit motive needs to be removed for the profits from illicit drugs corrupt all layers of our society. Politicians lawyers,  bankers, policemen, and accountants are being corrupted by illegal money.

    Our present drug laws have proven ineffective.

    Supply is present because the profit incentive is so great.

    All the busts in the world have not stopped or slowed the drug trade and they won't.

    By legalising illicit substances there should be a corresponding drop in many property crimes as the drugs will not be so expensive.

    Drug problems should be treated as health issues and those that have them should not be further marginalised by society because their choice of drug happens to be an illegal one. THey should be provided with the necessary health facilities to help deal with their problems.

    Locking people up with drug problems serves no one any good cept those self serving smug types who like to think that they are so much better than the drug addict whilst they sip on their gins smoke their fags and down their tranquilisers when they can't sleep at night.

    I have known a number of drug users (Crack Cocain and heroin) All were prostitutes and pimps and thieves. Paranoia reigned supreme in their lives but when locked up they still contrived to get their drug smuggled in. Those who were weaned off in drug abuse programmes came out looking so much better transforming their ematiated bodies into healthy beings but before not too long they were back on the drugs their bodies wrecked again from lack of food. They started again on their crime waves to pay for their habit. Around them come the suppliers, the buyers of stolen goods, the sex pests, hangers on, the pimps and prostitutes the petty thieves and shopplifters. the bad drivers without driving licences and insurance or MOT . The drug world is a nightmare of corruption and degradation and fear for user for family and for those who live near the abusers, the shop managers and those who just walk along the same streets.

    Making the drugs more available at cheap prices would remove the impetus for crime for most of the users.

    What we would have is similar to what we have now with drunkards or alcoholics who sit on park benches or wander the streets. We would have a group of people who cannot and don't want to be helped with their problem but at least we could free up all the resources wasted on imprisoning drug users and also remove a lot of corruption that flows from all the illegal money garnered from the drugs trade.


    You might be surprised but not all illicit drug users are pimps, pros and thieves.

    Rather illicit drug use crosses all spectrums of society.

    Rock stars , film stars , sportsmen and women, middle class families, university professors , school kids etc

    I think you are rather naive if you believe that only certain class of people take and/or abuse illicit drugs....

  13. eljeque

    Did you work at DMC?

    I have many friends who worked there when the Aussie nurse was murdered?

    There does seem to be an awful lot of murders of farangs in strange circumstances in Thailand.

    Falling off balconies seems to more popular in Thailand than most countries!

    From the Thais that i know the majority think dangerous and violent crime is a lot worse these days.

    They always tell me to be very careful in Thailand as in their words

    "thailand not same anymore , very dangerous...

  14. The biggest drug problem most countries have is alcohol.

    It is a major factor in most crimes related with violence, the cause of many deaths via motor vehicle accidents , the cause of many health realted problems, the cause of many family and relationship problems and the list goes on.

    The we have prescription drugs.

    The results of dependency on many of these substances is very well hidden in our society but they too extract an enormous social cost.

    In fact if you look at the statistics you would see that most of our western countries are full of people with substance abuse problems.

    Now i haven't mentioned illicit drugs.

    These are certainly a problem as well but they are even more of a problem because they are illegal and there are no controls over their manufacture ie purity, dosage etc

    I believe that these illicit drugs should be made legal.

    Firstly they should be make legal so that there is some control over their manufacture.

    Secondly the profit motive needs to be removed for the profits from illicit drugs corrupt all layers of our society. Politicians lawyers, bankers, policemen, and accountants are being corrupted by illegal money.

    Our present drug laws have proven ineffective.

    Supply is present because the profit incentive is so great.

    All the busts in the world have not stopped or slowed the drug trade and they won't.

    By legalising illicit substances there should be a corresponding drop in many property crimes as the drugs will not be so expensive.

    Drug problems should be treated as health issues and those that have them should not be further marginalised by society because their choice of drug happens to be an illegal one. THey should be provided with the necessary health facilities to help deal with their problems.

    Locking people up with drug problems serves no one any good cept those self serving smug types who like to think that they are so much better than the drug addict whilst they sip on their gins smoke their fags and down their tranquilisers when they can't sleep at night.

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