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Posts posted by farang24

  1. So people who don't want to pay more than the going rate are cheapcharlies, tightwads etc.

    Once all Farang are conditioned to paying double, what's to stop it doubling again and again?

    So at the moment, most of you don't object to paying 10Bt for a 5Bt Fare.

    When will you start to object?

    When 10Bt changes to 20Bt, 40Bt, 80Bt??????

    When do you stop being a cheap charlie and become rightously indignant?

    Yeah and the end of the world is nigh and there is a conspiracy around every corner...

    Sorry but have more important things to worry about than the 5baht farang surcharge... it is after all still a very cheap way of getting around

  2. Have caught hundreds of cabs in Bangkok and found most of the drivers to be very good and most of them just put the meter on.

    They are one group of people i really like to tip because it is a very tough job for little pay.

    Of course if they refuse to put the meter on i just get another cab...no problem...this happens more frequently late at night...

    The cab drivers in Bahrain are much worse than Bangkok will not put the meter on and charge over the top rates....300-400 baht for a 5 minute trip....

    Bangkok taxis are dirt cheap really.

  3. Do a search under alternative therapies ....there is heaps of advice available

    fresh pineapple is supposed to be beneficial...as is garlic horseradish and vitamin c.....anything that boosts immune function...

    maybe cut dairy as this tends to aggravate hayfever

  4. If you thought Latham was bad you should get a good long gander at Howard.

    BTW Howard is the PM.

    Unfortunately for Australia there is not a leader amongst the present bunch of the pollies and there is very little difference between the two major parties.

    They both suck big time.

  5. Quite a few posters here reckon they can read the newspaper back the front and not find any word, expression or idiom that they don't understand.

    Frankly, I doubt it.

    In fact I would love to put you guys to the test and have a little wager on it.

    As for the degree of difficulty well any language when you are an adult is hard to learn as it requires a lot of dedication.

    Motivation really is the key to learning languages thou.

    If you are sufficiently motivated to learn Thai i am sure you will eventually grasp a working knowledge of the language.

    Now it may indeed be theoretically easier to learn another European language if you are a westerner but if you don't have the motivation and desire and dedication you will not be successful in reaching a workable knowlege of the language.

  6. I have noticed in Phuket that the gals do grab you and molest you when you walk through the bar areas. They are very aggressive in their domain but haven't noticed this happening in the streets.

    Patong beach is filthy and i can't believe anyone stays there for the beach.

    If you want a nice beach go outside of Patong.

    Phuket is worth going to if you haven't been before but for me it is too expensive when you compare it to other destinations in Thailand.

    And, if you are a hardened sanuker you cannot beat Pattaya.

  7. "All this social comment on Thailand from someone who chooses to be in enlightened Saudi Arabia. "

    Hey it is sunny every day over here....can't beat the weather

    No need to worry about early closing times either as there is nothing to close

    It is not far from Makkah either

    Anyway I don't live in Saudi just work here and live in Bahrain and when the coffers are filled i will go back to live on the north coast of NSW and visit Thailand as a tourist.

  8. It is my understanding that omega 3s are good for the heart so taking a salmon oil capsule daily would be a good idea.

    Garlic may also be beneficial as it is known to be good for blood pressure.

    All the other things are important too like plenty of fruit and veggies and cutting back on saturated fats.

    Exercise is very important as well as it reduces stress and gets the heart going....

  9. Let's face it Thailand is a third world backwater which happens to have cheap food, cheap pussy, nice beaches and sunny weather .

    These positives are enough for many people to want to live in Thailand.

    However being a third world backwater means that they have endemic courruption, poor infrastructure, no social security, high crime rate and on top of that if you are a farang you have very few legal entitilements.

    That is what you have to weigh up as a farang if you decide to live in Thailand.

    Up to you.

  10. The good doctor said

    " And can you imagine how many miles of Japanese d*ck she got through in five years? Still plenty of good girls, even virgins, in Thailand if you take the trouble to look for them ... and learn Thai!"

    I am not concerned how many guys she shagged......

    I don't really want a good gal as they more often than not boring and heaven forbid a virgin.... i am not a teacher i like my gals to come fully trained!

    I am learning thai but am still at a basic level...

  11. Thanks for the replies guys.

    I am interested in what tech said as it seems that what was said at the passport office may well have been true even thou according to another poster not the law.

    In any case i am leaving the matter in her hands.

    I am not interested in bringing her to my country but would consider bringing her to the ME where i work so the visa is not really a big issue and can be gotten quite easily once she has the passport.

    I would not consider taking her to my own country because of the financial implications.

  12. Are you a functional consultant?

    What area is your speciality?

    There are always projects going on in Asia and some in Thailand but they are usually short term 3 months 6 months or a year if you are lucky.

    I was offered a job in Thailand a few years back but they only offered about 70k US tax free but things come up all the time.

    Just check Jobserve or Jobnet Australia....a lot of the Aussie boards advertise for positions in Asia.

    IMHO Better to just make as much as you can where ever you are and come to Thailand when you are between contracts.

    If you are lucky enough to find a well paid gig in Thailand good luck to you but money comes first for me and if i can get a lot more else where then that is where i will go.

  13. TG was recently refused passport as a result of problems caused by her going overseas to Japan and overstaying there 5 years.

    Eventually returned to Thailand through a letter from Thai embassy in Japan.

    We went to Thai passport office in Bangkok to see if there was someway they could issue her a passport.

    They said according to her ( i was standing next to her but cannot understand thai and nobody could explain to me in English) that she could get a passport if we were married and i could provide copy of marriage certificate and also prove that she had sufficient funds in bank.They also wanted a signed photocopy of my passport.

    Now quite frankly i couldn't believe this story even thou i was standing next to her when she was making the enquiries.

    It just doesn't seem logical to me why i would have anything to do with her getting a Thai passport. A visa for another country i can understand but this just seems unbelievable. I told her i didn't believe it but she insists that she is not lying.

    I have point blank refused to make any concessions and said it is up to her to get a passport and nothing to do with me.

    Am i being unreasonble?

    Is it remotely possible that this could be true?

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