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Posts posted by elgordo38

  1. 50 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Isn't that what we really want from all politicians, whichever party? Listen to the electorate and have the courage to change policies to take our views into account? (The exact opposite of the SNP btw).


    In the past people have voted for one party or another because they always did, their parents and family did, etc etc. No people are becoming more challenging which can only be good for democracy.

    Yes I agree listen to the electorate which in the majority are the poor the old and the struggling. When you want to cut benefits to this class and give to the rich hmm is she listening to the majority or the polls. Politicians are canny beasts testing the air constantly for a change in the winds. I think this change turned into a bit of a hurricane. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Grumpy Duck said:

    I served mikea, way back when the shah was in power in Iran. I recall seeing West German polizei armed with sub machine guns guarding Turkish embassies and consulates. I recall when we had friendly Syrian rendition sites gaining tortured confessions. My nephew was one of the rangers that rescued the survivors of "blackhawk down" in Somalia. He was one of the first victims of a roadside bomb in Iraq II. His foot was rebuilt at Walter Reed and he returned. We both agree there is nothing wrong with showing sympathy for victims of war & other tragedies.  Too bad it is all for the ill gained profits for the owners of the DIC, (defense industrial complex) who also own the majority of the US Congress. Quite often we in the west are perpetrators of death misery & mahem. All for the wealthy masters to make more profit. Open your eyes and stop being their tool. 

    I agree humans are cannon fodder for the defense industry. Their product must be used up so that they can replace it and of course charge the government. Its a vicious circle where humans are expendable. Humans are targets. Without humans the defense industry would collapse. Today with some humans its like shooting fish in a barrel. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Radar501 said:

    "......She is expected to be charged with drink driving while the man will face charges of resisting arrest......."


    Resisting arrest?......Exactly what offence was Comrade Ruski being arrested for in the first place?   

    Guess acting like a Jacka** doesn't count. He was asked to step out of the vehicle not unusual police proceedure and refused and wanted the army to come. Looks a bit like Rasputin. 

  4. 30 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    This was a mass fraud in the UK. Certain people (I will let you guess their nationality) with higher than average incomes took out finance agreements or hire purchase agreements on these supercars and then shipped them by sea-freight to Thailand. Thai Customs then taxed the vehicles at lower than normal value, and the cars were sold on by criminal dealers in Thailand. 


    The cars were then reported stolen in the UK, insurance was claimed by the 'owners' and there was a healthy profit made all round. 


    However Old Bill in the UK are not usually complicit in this sort of stuff (unlike their criminal Thai counterparts) and thus have been investigating for some time. Without this applied pressure, it would be business as usual. From what I have heard the Thais were threatened to be exposed here and were allowed to save some face by leading from the front and making it look as if they have discovered this rampant criminality themselves.


    There will be a few angry influential people, officials and business owners this week as this potentially could affect nearly everyone that owns a supercar or has been benefiting from these 'imports'. 


    Just shows the level of criminality and corruption. Worse than Africa and just better hidden IMO. 


    No doubt it will all blow over and it will be back to normal once a couple of lower class scapegoats have been sent to inactive positions. 





    Yes they cannot let this run to far back into history as there would be just to much fall out and there can only be so much cover up. You revealed a new slant on things that I did not consider silly me thinking that the exposure was made by Thailand rather their hand was forced.

  5. 19 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    Agree with you that flip flopping is normal but in this case, the party lead by Ahbisit sold out not flip flop. He betrayed the democratic principles and values and betrayed his party image. His party took undemocratic short cut to be the government and he sold out by boycotting election twice. Big difference and unforgivable. 

    Yes your right of course but Thai's are not noted for long memories or future planning. 

  6. 6 hours ago, webfact said:

    On Monday May was forced to backtrack on one of her Conservative Party's most high-profile election pledges to force elderly people to pay more for their social care after her opinion poll lead halved.

    Yes Theresa never underestimate grey power. I think the opinion polls just made you a little to cocky when it comes to robbing the poor and you soon backed off. I am sure if you were ever above board on how much you are handing over to your supporters the elite and rich the rest of your popularity would vaporize as well. Watch your step Theresa the electorate is very volatile. 10 Downing Street could prove to be only a temporary residence for you. 

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