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  1. Interesting.!!! Thanks Heminda.!!! I may have to keep my options open for now, then.! My current contract with Asia Expat TV expires on May 1st.... I am undecided whether to remain with them or switch to Not so PerfectPlayerTV.!!! But since I watch all TV channels in English, perhaps Not So PerfectPlayer TV would be fine.?!!!
  2. Many thanks, ThaiGenius and brewsterbudgen, I think I will switch to PerfectPlayerTV when my current contract comes to an end on May 1st 2025... Happy New Year.! 🙂 ✅
  3. Hey Guys, I used to be with Pulse for around 7yrs. They were "ok"ish.... sometimes fine.... sometimes good.... sometimes really, irritatingly crappy.... Last year I switched to Asia Expat TV.... they're pretty good.... but irritatingly "catchup tv" is only available 7hrs after the end of the "live" program. When my contract ends in a couple of months time, I'm considering switching back to Pulse or Perfect Player TV. After what appears to have been a very poor start, has PerfectPlayerTV now got everything sorted.? Is "catchup TV" working well, now.? Is Catchup TV immediate or do you have to wait a few hours after the "live" program has ended before being able to use Catchup TV.? And a couple of additional questions.... I like to use "catchup" tv on the "music" channels... do some of the music channels still have the "catchup" tv option available on PerfectPlayerTV.? Coz Asia Expat TV, my current provider, doesn't have any "catchup" tv music channels. And is "catchup tv" available for the SKY MOVIES channels, coz my current provider does not provide catchup tv for them.? Cheers guys, I appreciate any responses to the above queries.!
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