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Posts posted by Dararasmi

  1. On 3/25/2022 at 10:58 AM, SAFETY FIRST said:

    Who leaves an unprotected, exposed window open these days. 


    These unauthorized entries happen all over the world. 

    You want to leave a window open get bars or camera's maybe a dog. 


    Be accountable, don't be complaining when things go pear shaped because of your neglect. 


    Pear-shaped? As in a "pear-shaped diamond"? Hmm...where were you on the night in question? ????

  2. 2 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

    I personally think that the country has slid downhill and landed in a big pile of the smelly stuff. The laws are unfair, police and everyone corrupt, people unfriendly, bad roads, bad hygiene, bad affordable health, xenophobia, farang hatred,,, and on and on,,,. However you are correct, we all know what to expect from such a place so if you don't like it leave (which I did), for others who are in denial or stupid enough to stay well it's all yours..????

    Either you're relatively new to Thailand or you know very little of its history. Thailand has ALWAYS been as you describe. (Personally, I find the Thai citizenry quite friendly. Depends on the circles one moves in, I suppose.)

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  3. 1 hour ago, GAZZPA said:

    As I said those attitudes are long gone, you refer to ripped jeans and t shirts as innapropriate dress code for a beach bar in Thailand but actually it is perfectly acceptable, it's called dressing down. Oh and like it or not ripped jeans are fashionable nowadays. Why you think someone dressing down lacks dignity tells me you either don't understand the word or you are horribly snobbish.. ????????

    I wear (naturally) distressed jeans and t-shirts for most of my waking hours and in every type of normal daily/nightly activity one can imagine. I meant that getting "dressed up" as to attend a function, such as a visit to a government office, city hall, etc., mens no holes in the jeans and a button up shirt (sometimes it's even clean). Get it? There's "dressing down" and there's looking like meth addicted Walmart trash. If you think wearing jeans and a t-shirt makes me a snob, then so be it. I'm snobbish as all hell. Let me guess, you wear sweatpants and sandals on flights?

    • Haha 2
  4. 15 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

    I think the days when you dress in your 3 piece suite just to pop out and buy the paper are long gone old boy. Drinking in a bar on a beach in a tropical climate then perfectly acceptable clothing. ????

    I've never owned/worn a suit in my life and I would never patronize any type of business establishment that had a dress code. "Dressed up", to me, is jeans with no holes and a shirt with buttons. What I'm alluding to is the lack of class and dignity. It all looks so...scummy.

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