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Posts posted by nongsangcity

  1. If you are English and of course a native speaker, come to Issan you will get a job yesterday....I am getting peppered with job offers on a weekly basis. I don't need to work at the moment so I refuse the offers I did a class room TEFL in England but nobody is interested in that, I don't think they have ever heard of on line TESOL/ TEFL.....look when these people haven't heard of the BEATLES,the ROLLING STONES, Elvis Presley, Mohamid Ali......I leave in a small village with a catholic church and people go ever sunday when Pope john died a fews back I told the village Catholics the Pope had died, they just gave me a blank look ??? they had never heard of the Pope....this isn't a joke...........come and fill your boots 35-37000 bht a month without breaking a sweat........I know an Irish guy near me he works 3 hours a day with 6-10 years old.....37000 bht a month and hes as bright as a 3 watt bulb....and he like a drink.....he was doing private work on a weekend as well but he kept falling over.....like I say he enjoys a drink or three.......so his weekend work had to stop.....

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  2. give them nothing as you will never get anything from them........if you need a small job doing around your house or land they will wont paying, you will get nothing for free....funny about 6 years ago the wife said we should help them build a new bedroom for the in laws....so I thought ok what the hell...paid for the materials etc came to about 250 pounds.......got the materials delivered......went around about 6 weeks later, thinking the new bedroom would be finished.....all the materials were still in the same place as 6 weeks earlier, I said how come they haven't built the new bedroom........the wife said we have got to pay them 200 bht a day to build it.........guess what.......the materials are still there......they want 200 bht a day to build their new bedroom..well for me the materials will still be there in another 6 years.....very selfish and ungreatful ..................I don't wish them any harm.....but I wouldn't turn the hosepipe on.............

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  3. I was in Manchester recently as well.....went to the Etihad stadium.......Singha beer.....£ 4.50 a pint.............225 bht......I nearly chocked on my Bovril....

  4. I was standing outside a bank last year waiting for my wife to deposit some money....the road is 6 lanes wide 3 in each direction and a middle gap between the 3 lanes....parked on the far side road a way from me a pick up...with 2 people inside....a motorist comes from the other direction cut across his 3 lanes then the middle gap and cut across the other side of the road now hes going the wrong way down a main road he clips the parked car on the parked car rear bumper...no real damage to the parked car but the moving car is badly scratched and dented on the driver side the whole side of the vehicle.....so the driver has crossed 7 lanes in total and hit a parked car.....the driver of the car was a young thai man....the people in the parked car are a swiss man and his young son..every one is ok the swiss mans car has a tiny dent on his rear bumper....the thai car is a mess....any way they shake hands and even have a little hug....all is ok...the thai man goes into a shop buy a few things then back into his car and off he drives........10 mins later iam still waiting for my wife and the swiss man is sat back in his car...at this moment the damaged thai car turns up at high speed with the parents of the thai driver....all hell lets loose...the mother is screaming in broken English...you f---ing falang so and so....demanding to see the swiss mans driving license and proof of insurance etc ..the swiss guy is now in total shock....at this time my wife comes out of the bank so I got her to explain to the family that her son has cut across 7 lanes and hit a parked car...and its her sons fault 100%...she not having any of it its the farangs fault....she calls the police , they turn up I tell them what I had seen.....they were satisfied it was nothing to do the parked pick up truck owned by the swiss man who has a full thai licence and number 1 insurance....fair play to the police they told the thais to go home as It was the young man fault.........

  5. All depends.....do you already have a house , transport , a women..etc............if so living in Issan £ 10000 pounds should last at least 2 years..........I live in sakhon nakhon......I have all the above.......friends of mine rent near me....nice house air con, hot shower etc 3500 bht a month....electric and water 600 bht a month,,,,gas 600 bht a year.....good food 1500 bht a month.....if you live alone even cheaper.........then if you drink and smoke.....box of chang 525 bht 12 pints.....beer archa 475 for 12 pints......cigs 40 bht for 20.......you do the maths...............spend peanuts or a fortune its up to you..........I hope this helps......plus have fun and enjoy...

  6. Had the pleasure of teaching a fine young man English at my local school.....top of his year in most subjects....went to khon kean uni for 5 years on an engineering course.....passed the course top of his year....got a job with Toyota in chon buri as an engineer , they liked him so much that he is now on the design team ( office job) rate of pay......for 8 hours a day....300 bht.....if he works 12 hour shift he can earn 500 bht a day....

  7. finished mine yesterday.......single size 6m x 3.5.............4 post, apex roof ( don't ask why)..................4 posts, steel, sand,cement ,stone..8000 bht.....strong roof tiles 7000 bht....had to buy gutters for main house and carport because of apex roof...6000 bht........2 men 4 days 300 bht a day each..........total cost 23400 bht......if I had been the foreman and not the wife...lol...........could of used 50% less steel and roof tiles and not guttering at all............could of saved at least 12000 bht...........its a very strong good build but a single slopping roof would of been much cheaper.....so a double carport with a single slope should cost more than 12-15000 bht.....I live in sakhon nakhon costs might be more expensive where you are.....good luck and don't spend too much

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  8. mike......go on line and look at agoda.com i use them on a regular basis....you can book on line but you will need a printer to print off your voucher....i stay at the great residence suvarnabhumi hotel....approx 2 miles from the airport....they will pick up at the airport and one nights stay is approx 600 bht...its a basic hotel ideal for one night, it has a restaurant, swimming pool and bar service................so collected at the airport and room with a/c, hot shower , tv....all for 600 bht................plus the guy who meets you at the airport always asks how many ladies you would like in your room ......iam not sure the cost of this service as i always travel with my wife............thats thailand for you.....enjoy your first trip......

  9. my friends wife has worked in a bank for the past 10 years, first 8 years on a rolling one year contract plus had to take a exam each year to get the next one year contract...last 2 years passed more exams and is now full time...now she deals with running the bank, own office etc....not forgetting the 100s of extra hours she has done over the years plus the weekends away attending bank meetings plus the annual sports days which shes hasnt been paid a single baht..her current wage is 13,000 bht a month............she currently spends more on petrol and make-up getting to and from work and looking smart than her 13,000 bht a month wage........good job shes married to my friend a good lad from sunny blackpool..............

  10. in our village in the sakhon area kids are throwing water at you for about 2 weeks.......a bunch of friends and myself went to wannon niwat for a few drinks at our local outside road side bar... a fire engine drove past us.....stopped then reversed then opened the hose pipe on us ????..bottles of beer , ciggs , lighters, phones all went west.....plus we were left like drowned rats...........if you dont like water maybe a trip back to your own country for this period could be a good idea......coming to issan for songkran as a non thai makes you a big traget , you will get wet....very very wet.....if you do decide to brave it please wear old clothes as your clothes will be ruined on a daily basis ....

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