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Posts posted by miamiman123

  1. 1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

    Now, they have created new laws. You now have to get a bank history using the income method, and 12 separate statements, including a history of your account, since it was opened. It costs 6,000 baht, to be paid to the bank. Likely a scam that the banking industry established with immigration, to discourage guys from NOT loaning 800,000 to the banks, interest free.


    It becomes more inane each year. It is obvious that the army does not want us here as ex-pats. I will outlast them. They will be gone long before I will leave. The youth will eventually OUST them! 


    I despise the Thai army with every nanogram of my being. They are vampires, sucking the blood of the nation and it's people.



    I don’t think the Thai boys here want be in their army! They have BO choice!! 

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