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Posts posted by PoodMaiDai

  1. We only see a small part of what really goes on and l hope these people are ok because there are many reports where hotel staff are to scared to call the police .

    I watched a scamming taking place around soi 13/1 a while back. I was standing across the street having come out of Starbucks, so I stood there watching for a while. I crossed the street and started walking up beach road and before I got to the incident there were Thai men telling me not to go that way. They have lookouts staking the area out. After this much time and as many scams as they have run, the operation is very well refined and organized.

    I just read on the mayors facebook page that justice is coming any minute now. Any minute....

    Some guy named Mike is on there speaking on his behalf saying they are about to do something. Yea right. Probably more photos on the beach and another meeting. More smoke blown up everyone's bottom.

  2. About two years ago I went to the big place on top of the hill (the one behind the shop houses) for a simple tooth cleaning. First time anyone went tapping on my teeth, but they did. I told them to stop as it was painful. They did and then proceeded to clean my teeth in an aggressive manner.

    An hour later the fake part of a broken tooth fell out. It had been there for about 8 years and had been cleaned twice a year, every year, with no problems. 15 minutes with a Thai dentist is all it needed to be knocked loose and fall out.

  3. One could drive 100 meters anywhere on any main road in Pattaya and find 4 - 5 illegally parked motorbikes. Why would BIB move a bike to get a ticket written ? And if those bikes were own by Thai's do you think it would go unreported?

    Why would you try to use logic when dealing with anything here?

    None of it makes sense. Nothing ever makes sense. But that's how they do things.

    But to answer you question as to WHY, the answer is money. The answer is ALWAYS money. Be it 100b more or 1000b more, the answer is money. Another answer would be, because they can.

  4. had a friend attacked two days ago for taking a photo of the sunset opposite Mikes. he managed to get a police man to come back with him but the guy left on a jetski while the policeman was pleading that he couldnt see anybody

    had my own encounted with the large ladies equaly large son a few nights ago. I accidently said hello to his gf or sister, as it turned out. he went beserk and raced around me on his motorbike swearing at me in Thai while the girl tried to calm him down. everytime he left his anger got the better of him and he would race up to us a swear at me again. after about the 5th time he left for good, but they are very sensitive. all yaabaa adicts Im sure

    About 4 months ago one of my friends had his Nikon D-90 lens broken by one of the guys. He claims to have been taking photos of the sunset (he has no care of the scam so I believe him) and one of the guys ran up and knocked it out of his hand. It (the lens) broke on the sidewalk and he lost a $1000 lens. The camera lived thankfully. They got into a little fight over it and he was able to get away before he was mobbed.

    Long story short, none of the police or tourist police did anything about it. They said there was nothing that could really be done about it because there was no way to find the guy. They didn't even care about the fight he said and they refused to review any of the local CCTV cameras that may have captured the event and ID the attacker. These scammers are so protected it is not even funny. It's painfully obvious where the protecting is coming from. It's a shame Thailand's libel laws or so strict, but I'm sure they set it up on purpose just so the criminals, usually those in power, can get away with everything. For as ignorant as many of them seem, that law was nothing short of pure genius.

  5. I think there is a difference between working to be accepted and trying ingratiate yourself, too many people living in Thailand become apologists and virtually fold away their self respect so that they can hold on to the fantasy that they are accepted.

    Great post. I know way too many living like that.

  6. We will never, ever be truly accepted by them.

    Forget the fact they copy our style, want white skin, and our mixed children dominate their entertainment, we will always be "falang" to them regardless of how well you speak the language and if some of them call you "Pi." Because when you're not around, you're just "falang."

    And no, I will not do anything to make them happy. They can take me as I am or leave me. Doesn't matter to me either way. What language I learn and what little I learn of their backward ways, is for me.

  7. I'm sorry but all I can say is that in Thailand for the past 11 years I have always found that the motorcycle taxis are good to ask about ANYTHING. You might luck out or it might turn into a nightmare but worth a shot. If they bring someone in just see what you think of them.

    This is true. And the quality you will get... flip a coin.

    As someone so eloquently put it before... it's not handymen or builders, it's farmers with hammers.

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