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Posts posted by weegee

  1. That cant be done legally....in roughly 1947 a law was passed that all Australians who are working would be taxed 7.5% on top of what they already paid, to cover the old aged pension upon retirement....a little know fact is that this has never been legally revoked, and everyone has been paying this 7.5%, and the government must pay ALL pensioners, no matter where they live...The government will never revoke this as they will have to reduce our already heavy taxes, by the 7.5% (this figure is approximate)...on top of this, then we were supposed to fund our own super, which most will know, dissappeared in charges and crashed stock markets.

    Example...,the BOB HAWKE government passed a bill through parliment to allow pensioners( especially those who returned to Italy) to still receive their entitlement no matter where they lived in the world....

    Senator O'chee in Queensland uncovered the fact that the Australian government was honoring Social Security Cheques cashed in the Phillipines to the value of $26 million, by Phillipinos who still lived in Australia, and working......He dissappeared from his seat shortly after on full super entitlements...

    If the Australian Government stopped handing out the Tax money to dole bluggers (3rd generation so far) and giving it to anyone who claimed refugee status,

    There would be ample funds to support the real Australians that built the country...and died for it.

    Maybe the Australian Government should ask the Malaysian government to return the millions of debt owed to us...or is that not allowed to be talked about

    Has anyone asked why the Australian government has been handing out millions to Indonesia each year, while pensioners live below the poverty line.

    How much longer will people take to start saying whats required to keep Australia (and the aged pensioners) in a position of quality lifestyle.

    I see the latest Prime minister just gave herself a $110K pay rise....wonderful hey?....to cover it they have found a way to take it off people who live outside Australia....."HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY""

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  2. "As the weeks went by, she hired an agent to organize a Australian Visa. She undertook a medical................."

    I am not aware that Thais require a medical to obtain a tourist visa for Oz - it certainly hasn't been the case for the 3 or 4 visas my TGF/now wife has obtained.

    oooooohhh Sh**.... has he been ripped. Hope he takes the advice from all here...I did, and the problem is stable.

  3. May be a few episodes of "Border Security/ Nothing to Declare" (a fly on the wall documentary on Australia's border force) would enlighten the OP.

    I would say it is fair to say that if someone is deemed to have insufficient funds they check that the person (sponsor) who invited them can and is prepared to fund the visit.

    So my advise is never put money in a girl friends bank account to make it look like they have money, it's a deception, better to write a letter inviting them where you offer to pay all her expenses and provide accommodation for the visit.

    If they insist you need to put money in their bank account you can bet your bottom dollar it is a scam.

    You are absolutely 100% correct with what you have said....

  4. Otherstuff 1957

    You are exactly right.....It's Tea money....for one of the better schools here.

    I have just been informed after using everyones advice and asking straight...whats going on?

    BUT....I cant say too much, or I am told the child will not be admitted, because i spoke out about it.

    Get the picture?

  5. Can anyone inform me of how much i should be paying for High School fees, and is this true, it has to be paid.

    I have been hit up for 100,000 Baht (upfront) for fees for 4 years...

    Being a government school, is there a fee??????

    Sounds expensive to me, so all info would be appreciated.....thanks

  6. Now you might start to understand, what the older generation of Australia was on about....

    We have been around long enough to see the horrific changes in many countries, and because of some narrow minded (usually University student) person, you all follow because you think it wont affect you personally..

    Now it's time to reap the fruits of not listening to your piers....

    As a young man in the USA, I thought those who advocated limiting immigration to be elitist racists who forgot that our country was made up mostly of immigrant stock. However, and this pains me to write, I am shifting my views. When I read about things like this, when I see what is happening in the UK, well, maybe people from certain demographics should not be admitted.

    This is not fair to the millions of immigrants from those demographics who embrace and contribute to their new country. I realize this, and that bothers me.

    I don't know what the answer is. Certainly, some of the violence espousing kooks in the UK need to be deported, citizens now or not. But how do you stop the flow of radicals like these and protect your population?

    You appear to be on the same path of thought I traveled down. The dilemma is I would march with minorities being targeted by xenophobes and racists, but when groups come to a society with no intention of integrating and with the sole intent of changing it to conform with their own racism or prejudices then I will stand against them as strongly as possible. Such realities have been hidden by the PC multiculturalism lobby for too long, but finally I see hope that a tipping point is being reached in people's awareness of the problem and governments will soon be forced to honestly address these issues.

  7. Hi all,

    Just joined so have a lot of reading to do...to catch up.

    Their was one from a guy who has a briggs and stratton engine in a lawn mower (Ride on)....he got from Home Pro for 200000Baht...a while back.....ooops. they are just under 180000Baht in Bangkok and for servicing, you get your filters and parts there as well....although they are 3 to 4 times what you would pay at home.

    I have been through heartache after heartache and own a LT2000 Craftsman....but finally found out how to get your hands on parts to do yourself in Thailand..

    If anyone wants the contacts let me know

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