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Posts posted by peder.klockmann

  1. So maybe it is time to take this to the next level.  I will keep my vote private but, if there is someone that wants to start a website on this matter, let me  know and I will arrange for free web hosting for such a website. 

    There now you have my $50 contribution.  Once the site is up and running I may even give you my opinion.  The only request is that it is kept respectful to the nation, the people and the oposition, totally above board and that all members remember that they are guests here.  If these rules are not followed then I would pull my support.

    I feel that even though we are being taxed in a round about manner through purchases, spouses, other expenditures in Thailand etc., and there is nothing wrong in trying to get a little representation for that taxation.

    Were you offering to pay a portion of a web hosting company, or are you a web hosting company that can help out?

    If so, well let me know our limitiations.


    Diskspace, Bandwidth, POP Emails, ect... (you should know the drill)

    If not, I will just pick a hosting company and register a .org domain

    BTW, I will be using Mambo; if anybody out there is familiar with Mambo (not the dance) and, are willing to lend a hand with the design, let me know.

    With Mambo we will be able to develop our community, with multiple members that can add updates and ect... in an extremely easy (for most) format. There will be a slight learning curve that may intimidate some. :o

  2. Whilst thaivisa.com encourages debate, we do not always condone the subject of said debate.

    Count another vote cast for the yes category.

    Would our cause need a website as to not point a finger in the pacifist direction of Thaivisa.com?

    I have some spare time at work to lend a few hours every day.

  3. The edges of the ring I have at first seemed extremely sharp... it cut the bottom of my left finger on 5 seperate occasions while opening vehicle doors and carrying boxes with handles.

    I have now grown a callous (sp?) on the bottom of my ring finger and havn't had any problems with it in a while.

    Mine as well is stamped with a 98.5% maybe 96.5% can't really tell.

  4. LOL, Tufelhunden; you sure do have some of the most extremely long winded posts of anyone I have ever seen :o



    My questions are: Why did JJ tie his buckle? And, how the heck do you tie a buckle?

    And we do have to remember this complete sentance (it magically has every word starting with the letter "P").

    Proper prior planning prevents piss poor performance.

    I actually like that sentance, it can be applied to many things, I still use it today.

  5. Hello,

    Thank you very much for all those titles. If you have more, I'm still listening  :o

    For the web site to order some movies, I have also found today http://yesasia.com in the ads by Google on the top of this page. They also deliver worldwide, I don't know if they are good or not.


    That Yes Asia site looks, seems, feels and is; a disguised version of amazon.com but with Asia shipping, aweome.

  6. Why not use a type of VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocal) service with your computer?

    All you need is an set of Microphone, Speakers and of course a Credit Card.

    You can even buy a usb telephone that works as a regular telephone if you want, I don't; I just use a headset because I can still surf the net with both hands as I talk.

    I use the following service: http://www.callserve.com/

    You just download the program and set up you billing with it (you have to add money before you can use it but, if you don't like the service they will refund you).

    It looks just like a cell phone on the desktop and ties in the the M$ Office Address Book, so if you already have your numbers stored in there you can use them with the Call Serve thing.

    Calls to a Thailand mobile are:

    8p/min (GB Pounds)

    19c/min (Australian Dollar)

    16c/min (US Dollar)

    (Even cheaper if calling a Land Line but, I think most call Mobiles)

  7. My second post was actually in response to a reference (albeit a little off-topic) regarding Heinz baked beans, and I replaced the "chiefly derogatory" term Limey with the word "lovely" for startling comic effect.  Obviously got a bit lost in translation and has upset you for some reason for which I sincerely apologise :o


    Crap, there were too many pages to go through, sorry I didn't see your earlier post.

    And, um as for 'limey'; It's no more derogatory for an American to call a Brit that, then for a Thai to call a white complected individual a 'farang'.

    It is exacatly the same in my eyes. If they can call us 'farang', then I can refer to Brits as 'limey'.

    Anybody dissagree?

  8. Now you're talking....Heinz baked beans on toast... :o

    Unfortunately for the topic of this thread "why do lovely Brits live in Thailand" the absence of original Heinz baked beans (excluding the sweet veggie variety) is one mark against LOS... :D

    Your post makes me wonder if you understand the meaning behind the word "limey"; let me freshen up your brain cells.

    The history of the word limey

    Because, it was practically impossible to carry fresh fruits and vegetables on long voyages years ago, British Parliament decreed that each sailor must drink a pint of lime juice daily as a preventative against scurvy(ie anti-scorbutic). Thus came the nickname for British ships, and Britishers in general.


    Using the google search box, type in the code 'define:' followed by the word you want to learn about. Here is an example.

  9. This is interesting, but what about Thai customs?

    For example, if it is household goods and the value is 3,000 dollars, do you have to pay Thai customs duties, and if so, how does the package ever get out of BKK to Pattaya? I mean I doubt the USPS form indicates what kind of Thai visa you are in Thailand on.

    Who the ###### knows. All I know is I pick my packages up (with my Thai Wife) at the post office once the note is submitted to the address. No hassels, nothing whatsoever.

    Maybe, the trick is to address it to a Thai individual. I had addressed all of mine to my wife. No Customs hassle whatsoever.

    Maybe, the US Customs is so rough to get through that the Thai Customs let them pass without a second thought. Maybe because of the agreementns/relations between Thailand and US are better than that of the UK, and other European Countries.

    All I know is that for me and my Wife, we have had no hassles with Thai Customs or anybody.

  10. Ah, yes I plum forgot what they are doing in USA.  If your checked in Luggage is locked  security will break the locks.

    Many have complained of this damage.  What they don't understand is some of the luggage is pretty valuable and can go as high as 500 usa dollars for a good decent one.

    Security says to passengers tough shito.

    Well, now someone is going to do some suing last I heard and it will probably become a class action lawsuit.

    The way security is playing with our luggage, they are reducing security outright by damaging the luggage cases.

    Imagine a scenario.  Ok Security busted off the locks on one luggage and passed it on down.  Now inside the tombs of the luggage department, anyone can plant most anything to this luggage even a frickin bomb.  Don't think that terrorists don't know this by now what the American security is doing.

    Put that bag on the plane and boom or put that bag loaded with drugs from the columbian cartel or even diamonds.  Easy way to transport it.

    Now innocent person picks up his duds, and bingo, busted for what man??????  You name it , he got it.

    Actually this security crap has gone way out of line and now threatens the peace of mind of a normal person.


    I'll tell you if I saw some bozo breaking out my luggage locks, and the luggage itself costs me almost 400 dollars, you can bet I will break both of his frickin arms and poke his eyes out literally.

    Why, cause security will not compensate you for damaging your goods in their so called name of security etc bull crap.

    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, this literally gets me pissed off. :o


    I don't know if you've actually traveled through the US or not... but, once you have your luggage checked by US Customs, you can place you lock back on your bag.

    I put small master locks on my luggage, I always remove them at the Customs Check, and I put my locks back on them before I let them send it down. No problem whatsoever. There are even signs that say to Unlock your baggage and that you are free to re-lock them after they are checked.

    Just a little info for the uninformed/missinformed...

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