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Posts posted by jaysun

  1. my inlaws are looking for where to buy high quality baby equipments, stuff from usa/europe. Most stores we usually see the cheap chinese stuff, or outrageously expensive euro stuff with extremely limited selection (anywhere selling stuff more expensive than ordering from amazon is a deal breaker!).

    Any tips on where to find stuff to buy? I wish there was a sticky like for IT stores (in the tech forums).

    specifically looking for things like breast pumps, and baby safety stuff (fence, playpen, anti-furniture-tipping, etc) . I'd prefer a store with an online catelogue, but I'd take any recommendations.

    thanks for the help!


  2. the best way is to learn to code it yourself, but if you are not interested in that, places like godaddy.com (not the only place to try) have apps you can auto-install, including shopping apps. so just find a webhost provider that has what you are looking for.

    alternatively, try somewhere like ebay or amazon marketplace to host your digital item.

  3. The problem with Thais that sell online,... and I include many websites that have been around for 10 years,.. is that they still rely on Web 1.0 technology (just look at their crappy sites with all the wide screen layouts and flashing banners etc).

    They insist on using the old method of getting the buyer to go to the bank to deposit the funds and then call the merchant up to confirm. It is so 1990's its ridiculous.

    I told my wife not to encourage them by making purchases and playing along with their stupid ways. Some even insist on C.O.D which means withdrawing cash and then having to go all the way to the post office to collect.

    I run several online commercial sites and we use PayPal and 2Checkout and they work great.

    I asked my wife why these merchants dont get smart and start using PayPal. Her response was... "too hard for the Thai people to understand. Everybody uses old system".

    To add to that,.. there's the moronic situation of seeing something online and ordering it,.. only to be sent email by the seller "sorry.. out of stock" > this goes on until you're lucky enough to choose something in stock (often several items (and days) later). All of which could be avoided by a simple inventory php script or decent shopping cart attached to the site).

    Sorry if I ranted a little,... thought it may add perspective

    Bottom line... when buying online be careful to whom you send your money as you may not get it back or get the product that you paid for.

    ++ this

    my favorite online store has fantastic prices, stock, and fast delivery... but they ONLY accept payment in cash or bank transfer to BKB! what kind of web store supports that in 2012?!?!? I actually complained and they said credit card processing hasn't shown enough interest :/

  4. http://www.aliexpres...holesalers.html

    1.5ghz dual-core, android ics, battery life about 6-7 hours for video, 16gb, USB and HDMI... can do tons of other things besides play movies (games/internet/apps/photos and videos etc etc..)... $150 shipped... shouldn't be any duty assuming shipper attaches the correct "made in china" forms.

    this looks like a good deal, keep in mind that a few of these chinese android devices can't connect to the android store (i see that for a fake Galaxy S2 that a coworker has) but this tablet happysanook linked shows a working app store, so I'd hope that means it works there. (no one in comments complaining about it either)

    i might just get something like this myself.

  5. also, i'd say android is good for power users, nerds, etc.

    apple has high quality products that work well in their designed consumer workflows, but doing anything they didn't design is a pain in the butt. fine for most people who don't care about tech (caring about their iphone != care about tech)

    i think a better comparison is iphone vs wp7. both are walled gardens compared to android.

    • Like 1
  6. Thanks for the replies. Tablet might be a bit too expensive for what I need. It is just to keep the sprog entertained on flights and long car journeys which aren't a regular occurrence.

    I will have a look at that Google pad though as it seems pretty affordable.

    do your kid a service and pay a little more for a cheap android tablet (or ipad if you want to pay more)

    at least your kid will learn how to use computers (yes, even a smartphone is an educational tool) and as long as you don't fill it with mindless entertainment, it can be a self-learning tool

    if anyone has android and wants some suggestions on kid apps/restrictions, pm me

  7. sorry i can't recomend anything new for you, but i have some suggestions, if you or someone you know is technically inclined:

    change the Wifi Channel (admin settings on your router). you may be having collisions with your neighbors, which would cut your range due to interference

    change the rotation of your router's antena, that may be enough

    check in your router's settings for signal power options, crank it up, naturally.

    other than that: just buy a wifi switch and plug that into your router for another access point, but be sure to change the channel, to avoid interference with your router

    hope that helps!

    PS: most routers are generic that's rebranded for the ISP, so most likely you get another router and it'd be the same hardware as your current.

  8. Yes, perhaps a new one might be better. I just feel its a waste for a computer that can only do 1024x768.

    Does anyone know of the cost of these 2nd hand screens in Pantip?

    if this is for a laptop, then most likely it's the laptop's monitor that's restricted to 1024x768 the video card can most likely go up to 1600x1280 at minimum

    also, cheapest place i see for hardware is cheap.co.th, so it would be interesting to see if you can get something cheaper than that second hand

    also forgot to mention, your laptop would be able to display to both it's built in monitor, plus an external one at the same time, and certainly the external would be able to get up past 1600x1280 (if your laptop is less than 10 years old)

  9. I too would go for a new one.

    The smaller LCD Tv's go for peanuts these days,

    sometimes even given away when you buy a large Tv

    right=) 24" full hd around 5k - plug 3 into your pc turn em horizontal and you've got a dam_n nice workstation =)

    yes, but unfortunatly you need a 3 output video card ($$$) plus most montiors don't rotate by default, you'd need to get custom stands ($$$, rotatable stands i see cost almost as much as the monitor!!!)

    i do wish i could do this (i have a 3 output video) but i'm just too cheap of a bastard to pay 2x more for vertical mounts

  10. my suggestion, format your computer, if you have been rooted, there's almost no way to clean it out reliably

    use Chrome + install the ScriptNo and Adblock extensions. Just Chrome by itself will make drive-by malware almost impossible, but using those 2 extensions you will be protected wherever you go.

    install MSE (free)

    if you understand how to do fine-controll of a firewall, then also install Comodo Firewall (free) and turn it on advanced so you can accept/reject specific app requests for the internet

  11. Yes, perhaps a new one might be better. I just feel its a waste for a computer that can only do 1024x768.

    Does anyone know of the cost of these 2nd hand screens in Pantip?

    if this is for a laptop, then most likely it's the laptop's monitor that's restricted to 1024x768 the video card can most likely go up to 1600x1280 at minimum

    also, cheapest place i see for hardware is cheap.co.th, so it would be interesting to see if you can get something cheaper than that second hand

  12. i have seen voltage problems even through laptops: my wife has a Windows 7 phone, when plugged into a laptop at home it has problems detecting finger presses (actually it gets lots of false positives in addition to the actual press) when i take it to my office or plug it into an "official" phone ac-to-usb charger i don't have the problem.

    after the transformer out on my street blew and had to be replaced, i tried again and then no problems at all. so it seems the voltage flux got through to my laptop's usb power at least.

  13. My friend has 9/1M 3BB package in Chiang mai. I noticed that they have some kind of fair use policy or something, after downloading 10-20Gb from usenet, it throttled bandwidth to 1Mbit. I was downloading via ssl on port 443 so its almost impossible for them to detect p2p/usenet download. On the other hand, I never had any bandwidth throttling in TOT ADSL.

    an important correction in your statement:

    fyi, it's extremely easy for your ISP to detect p2p traffic, it's just difficult for them to figure out the contents of that traffic if you use encryption / ssl

  14. i don't know about a "fit" but if it was on removable storage, you may be in luck by finding data recovery software for your OS of choice.

    if not, or if you don't know how to use data recovery software, try finding someone at MBK or related place who can help you. just beware that they will almost certainly make a copy of the data for themselves to snoop later.

  15. I know better than to publish the price or link in the open forum.smile.png

    why not publish a price / link? seems that people reading this thread would find interest. At least I'm interested, can you at least PM me where to get one?

    edit: i see you kind of say why in the above post. I think you shouldn't mind about what grieffers think. anyway, pm sent!

  16. i would say it does sound like facebook is really telling you you have some adware installed in firefox. Most likely you installed something bad that sneakly installed their adware extensions. If you install crap like "magic mouse pointers!" or other blah, the adware may NOT be sneakly installed (it can be specified in the EULA of free crap)

    Facebook wants your money, so they certainly don't like it if someone is redirecting their ad revenue.

    If you didn't install crapware, Honestly I would be suspicious of what else may be installed on your computer at this point, and I personally would format and reinstall. People don't hack computers for fun anymore, it's a business so if they have their hooks in you the'll do what they can to maximize revenue.

  17. i've seen google politely notify that a computer behind my DSL is infected with malware, so I wouldn't be too supprised if facebook also is REALLY notifying you that some fishy ad-jacking is going on (they want your $$$ afterall)

    however, as happynthailand says, be careful for scams...

    i personally use chrome which is the most secure browser, and MSE for antivirus, and free Comodo firewall for a good firewall.

  18. "Nobody is 'trying their luck' here. Genuine market shortages forcing genuine market prices." - that of course was nonsense.

    i read an article on arstechnica.com a month or so ago that globally HD prices have not gone down to pre-flood prices, and because of this all the mfg competition is focused on the SSD market... that's where all the price dropping is going on.

    a real tragedy for Thailand... party partisanship and local interests cause (not contribute to) floods that now destroys Thailand's only high-tech mfg industry.

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