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Posts posted by GaryNelsonHarper

  1. Seems pretty tame to me..She should have had the guy from Carabao sing his trademark song with her. No one would have any issues with her had she done that. The gold headgear is now worth a fortune and will be on EBAY in about 15 months...and Ladyboy Gaga... will never gin larb tee "East Hollywood, Thaitown" again~wai.gif

  2. I think everyone here has a piece of the puzzle, but this is not clear cut in my mind.

    1) Is the base really a strategic advantage for the US?

    2) Why was Hilliary REALLY here in December, glad handing Thailand and Myanmar?

    3) Is the base an alternative for American warships because Fukushima Tepco is worse than we know?

    4) Do people realize that the United States jacked China big time with junk real estate financing?

    I would think China would like their money back and will be more than willing to help the US out by raising the rent.

    Don't believe I have ever heard of any TARP money coming out of the People's Republic.

    5) Why are the gigantic natural gas reserves on the east border, no longer considered sufficient to meet

    Thailand's energy needs by 2015?

    6) China's lack of love for baby girls is coming back to bite them.

    All the well educated sons are leaving their parent's high and dry, in search of hot chicks and BMW's.

    Chinese businesses are very concerned about trying to find enough available labor to make use of the immense amount of raw

    materials they have been purchasing for the past 15 years.

    Thailand is the nearest, educated place with reasonably abundant energy.

    Thailand stands to benefit more by industrializing on China's yuan, than by cleaning the base chow hall and selling Starbucks.coffee1.gif

  3. Why are so many celebrities—and politicians, come to that—such arrogant idiots? Ms. Germanotta certainly lives up to her stage name. Let's all surf and download her albums for free. Not that I'd want to listen to them.

    Interesting -- Will her comments actually generate more bootlegging of her music...? She may not care.. selling cd's is not exactly all that profitable these days.

  4. Guns Kill.

    It is their primary function.

    It's rather foolish to think that you might not need one.

    I was attacked by feral dogs 15 years ago in Northern California. The next time I went to my ranch, I had a Glock 19 with me.One round over the poochies heads and they were gone.

    Let's see.. then there was the mountain lion that I thought was the neighbor's dog one night, as I tried to entice it to eat some chicken with me. Closer examination awakened me from my Eau De Vie Poire William fantasy, that the neighbor's dog had come to visit. Closed the bottle...went inside the house for a while.

    I no longer own any weapons. Mostly by choice, but also because of theft. This should be a big consideration for anyone living in LOS. The possibility that you may be shot with your own weapon is greater than zero in provinces fueled by YaaBaa, (crank for you Californians).

    There is a very large King Cobra living around our house. I have never killed an animal with a weapon. Snakes are of great benefit when you are overrun with mice. I have no desire to kill it and could probably convince it to leave if I could ever figure out where he/she hangs out. Still, this does not mean I would not like a weapon to even the odds in the event the snake wanted to have it's way with me in the biblical sense.

    Guns are a pain in the ass...if you take it with you.. it owns you..

    Had a crazed man tell me he was going to kill me once. He meant it. My .357 was within a meter of my reach, yet had I gone for it.. he would have dropped me with a small axe, like rice under an Isan scythe. I immediately embraced the man and apologized for whatever indiscretion he felt I had bestowed upon him. Guns can be a rapid ending to a long story.

    To say that people are stupid for owning them is like telling a mechanic he is stupid for using metric tools on a Mercedes. There is a time and place for everything.

    If Christine LaGarde's predictions are correct, I would highly suggest you invest in a magnum, short barreled shotgun and 50 rounds of deer slugs, because if the world economy collapses...you're going to need it Coolio, just not in Thailand.

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