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Posts posted by Steveyf

  1. Hi all.

    my recentley ex girlfriend has told me she is pregnant, i however have my doubts as she has not been forthcoming and refuses to take a test infront of me. she told me she recentley applied for a job at a hospital in bangkok where they done tests as standard procedure and going by the test sheets she showed me they checked everything from diabetes to cholestorol. i am in the belief that she had to of ordered those test to be carried out. even if this is thailand i cant believe that a hospital would check everything before offering a job, hiv,tb and other infectious disesases yes, a drug test yes, a pregnancy test would never of thought of it (unless someone can tell me diffrent)

    anyway we have been arguing trying to be nice then i have tried finding a diplomatic soloution but all turns to hell and she loses the plot. but she wants me to sign the birth certificate.

    i need to know what happens legally with me signing the birth cert as the biological father.

    ( i have no problem paying support as far as im concerned i made the mistake of having sex with no condom and if she is pregnant then shit happens and ill still support the child)

    anyone able to shed some light please

    i have asked her if she conisdered a termination but that was a big no no and she will make it clear to the children (if true) that "papa wanted to kill you" even though i only suggested it

    thanks for you help

  2. as mentioned i had my passport up until landing in chiang mai, had it for bkk immigration, check in for flight, just between flying and arriving i left it in the seat pouch,

    just hope the depatrue card is still in the passport as it had not been stapelled in place, will report it found as soon as i have it in my hands and back in chiang mai


  3. quick update, just got off the phone and they have found my passport in bkk. (cant tell you how relieved i am)

    yes national holiday in the uk until wednesday and i also believe that britsh consulates have this time off aswell or maybe its because of the bhuddist holiday falling at the same point as the jubilee.

    as i done more digging around maybe it might be of use to someone along the same lines as myself,

    once you have the police report the british consulate in chiang mai will deal with the matter but they have to send all the information to the embassy in bkk. the price for the emergency travel document is about the same price as a new passport (£77) and also 50 baht for the police report.

    also i had to use the police report in lieu of my passport to change money at an exchange booth.

    thanks guys

  4. hello

    unfortunantley ive made a boo boo and left my passport on my flight when i got into chiang mai on saturday night (air asia) for some reason i put it into the little pouch infront of me then proceeded to fall asleep and wake up before landing, completley slipped my mind.

    so its gone, been to the police and got a report, been to air asia and asked them to have a look but they phoned this morning to say that its not turned up, so i can only imagine its been lifted from the pocket or they havent checked the pouch properley,

    ( i actually have hopes of getting back on the flight on saturday and finding it where i left it)

    my question is, can i go too the british consulate in chiang mai to report it lost/stolen and get a emergency travel document to get me back to the uk ( i fly back to the uk saturday 9th) and if yes does anyone know what the time frame is for getting the document from what ive read they have to do background checks e.t.c

    or do i have to do it all in bangkok at the embassy

    thanks for any information


  5. Hi

    This is my first attempt at taking an infrared photo and converting it using photoshop, my camera isnt setup for infrared photos since im hoping to pick up a second hand either already converted or get it converted to reduce to exposure times. anyone with infrared experience to give some tips to help with exposure times would be much appreciated

    picture details

    picture location - Khelang Nakorn Park Lampang

    Camera - Nikon D90

    Lens - 18-55mm

    iso - 100

    exposure - 60 seconds

    aperature - f11

    filter - hoya R72 infra red


    channels reversed and altered, general sharpen, crop, noise reduction, border and signature. (still having some trouble removing noise)




  6. Currentley im at Lampang have to say the heat is quite tremendous up here, havent looked at the temperature gauge but felt high up in the 38-39 mark.

    a round of golf at Mae Moh (where the power plant is) after the first two holes it felt like i had done a full 18 back home. and this was in the morning sun, towards noon i just wanted the game to finish. by the end i had 7 empty water bottles in my cart.

    a few days back in chiang mai i noticed a couple of signs up in shops saying "closed too hot will open april 29"

    im actually looking forward to getting back to chiang mai where it felt a little bit cooler

  7. going to chiang mai on the weekends. here is a question, does anyone know of any camera shops in chiang mai / lampang where i could get a monopod. i tried the big electronic store in chiang mai but no luck may aswell brush up on my macro skills but dont want to be lumping my tripod everywhere in this heat.

  8. well im here and meh.

    3rd cup of coffee down at the riverside and trying to think of something to do thanks for the heads up about the cinema thankfully ive got a stock of movies on the laptop that will keep my happy. atleast for today

    the walking street market not much on show depending on which way you look at it i felt more on show than the items were but thats nothing compared to all the looks i got walking through bkk and chiang mai airport wearing a kilt.

    just a note if anyone has the same fortunes as myself and has a prologned stay in lampang the riverside guest house is good quality the same as the restraunt as for me, think ill go play with a couple of stray dogs to keep me amused.

    thanks for all the hints and hell if i find something of intrest ill post up.



  9. well im away to embark on another trip fly out friday but been informed im now staying in lampang for atleast 10 days, as the other half has changed jobs

    apart from having my golf clubs with me whilst the other half is working, during the day what else is there too do around lumpang ? anything like a cinema or something to give a few hours entertainment ?

  10. we have discussed about the bringing up of the child and we would like to try raise the little one ourselves as we(i) dont really see eye to eye with her mother. but that would be dependant on a number of factors but im sure we will talk about that if and when the time comes.

    thank you for the replies, i agree that in my mind the best outcome would be a rotational job not only for the money but not having to do visa runs/reporting to immigration takes out a bit of stress and at 25 ive still got plenty of time for saving up.

    i have very little understanding of how a business is started and how it is operated in thailand, and a joint business adventure between her and myself would be out of the question, things might be roses and rainbows at the moment but 10-15 years down the line everything can change, and personally i dont think i could handle the stress of being my own boss. would rather go in do the job go home get paid.

    once again thanks for the replies


  11. Hi all,

    looking for some advice as i have done all the thinking I can but without any on the ground information i am finding myself at a loose end.


    I met my girlfriend 4 years ago when she had just finished university and started nursing and i have stayed in the UK and mainly me travelling over there to see her 4/5 times a year and she comes over usually around Christmas period unfortunately this is the first year she has been unable to come over due to financial reasons.

    now the time has come and she is asking about starting a family and i am now in the confusion of my own morals, as much as I really do want to start a family I don’t think I could handle being a part time father.

    now the considerations i have got is that I try and gain employment on a rota basis in Africa/middle east 28/28 pattern, whilst I would only be there 6 months of the year the money I would earn would both give me and her a good life and a good chance for and siblings to go to a good school.

    the second is that I make a few less trips this year save all my money and get my feet on the ground and try find a job that way whilst i am prepared for the complete cut in salary and i am not too concerned about it id be there all the time to take share of the responsibilities and watch a child grow up my only concern is saving money for the future and being able to fund a trip back home should anything happen to my family.

    which would come down too how fast I could walk into a job and any money I made from the UK I will just keep in a bank

    most of my skills aren’t really in the Chiang Mai area as i am a grease monkey by trade (mech engineer) but i have got two hands two feet and willing to give most things a try but would rather exhaust all my other options before going for the teaching English route, I give credit to those who do it and do it successfully but I don’t believe I have the skills to keep a class room of children entertained.

    also I do not have a degree probably what has killed of many opportunities for international work, my current employer only has bases in the west of Europe no assets to live off,

    so anyone able to offer some solid advice and a cold slap to the face

    I apologise for the lengthy post but id rather give some background information and a bit more detail rather than post a give me a job,

    thank you for your time


  12. this explains alot as my girl friend is away to the temple today with her friend as her grand mother had passed a short time ago and she was speaking about bones. and being the idle farang assumed the bone was ashes. this clears up alot.

    thanks for taking the time to post

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