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  1. And considered as perfectly normal for a foreigner
  2. For some reason I didn't expect anything but a less than objective response
  3. Not likely their (they're) fault that it's (its) the English language should be ridiculed, or at least spoken so ridiculous might not be rediculous
  4. and just a dash of NPD
  5. Had treatment almost as bad in a few Ontario hospitals, and I is an Ontarioite.
  6. Seems some like they drive
  7. "Many states have one done when a person dies without a doctor present. Twenty-seven states require it if the cause of death is suspected to be from a public health threat, such as a fast-spreading disease or tainted food."(WebMD)
  8. Half of what we see and none of what we hear in most places
  9. Possibly being proactive https://www.facebook.com/CBCPolitics/videos/3351367871815945
  10. Speaking of extra payments wouldn't it be interesting to see how many police officers in non-corrupt countries make it on sunshine lists compared to here ????
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