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Posts posted by stevef

  1. you will receive a letter from the post office in the next few days telling you how much you have to pay then go to the main post office on sukhumvit left hand side of building there is a window you parcel will be there make sure you take your passport with you for i.d then pay the amount and sign for package i get this quite often with things i order it is quite normal,thai tax on the item is what they need paying.

  2. on the third floor in t com is a camera shop turn right after the escalator the guy in charge there is actually a proffessional photographer as well

    he always has the lowest prices on cameras and equipment and will normally discount even further speaks good enough english and is always willing to advise.Hope this is a help.

  3. mmm guess few pops at me here i have been here ten years plus do not have a issarn wife but i cant see anything wrong in that good and bad from all over the world.so i feel i have seen quite a few changes and yes there have been a few improvements like makro etc and yes the schools are one of the best you can get apart from bkk but the rubbish is /was my statement and unless people are blind its not to hard to see that there is a major problem no one is bashing thailand or pattaya just putting simple facts forward and it seems a lot of people seem to be in denial

  4. i enjoy living here to and it really hurts to see it going on a down hill slide thats the reason for the posting hoping people will stop turning a blind eye before it gets beyond repair as it is getting worse year by year unfortunately.

  5. was not trying to dump on thailand they manage to do that very well themselves was just stating that in most other countries third world or not people who earn a living from beach areas tend to have a vested intrest in keeping such areas free of garbage and as far as getting thai buissness interested in cleaning up areas open your eyes and take a look unless there is a profit you have little or no chance of them doing anything maybe were not all such great spellers as yourself but also maybe were not as blind as to what is becoming a ever increasing problem .

  6. what i did notice though were many people stopping getting out of there cars taking one look and getting back in there cars and driving off maybe a sign of things to come they were just to disgusted about it to take there friends and family down there????.

  7. been down to bang saray today could not believe the state of the beach and surrounding sea and area ,.my god people were acatually swimming in what can only be described as a human inspired sesspit the water and beach was awash with every kind of excriment organic man made and probarbley human and animal as well ,just need a few dead dogs or bodies to wash up and make the area complete welcome to beautifull thailand .How the people who visit thailand ever come back after seeing this is beyond me and the strange thing is the only person cleaning it up were farangs the locals just stand amongst this crap oblivious to the fact that they are ruining there childrens heritage but as i have said before they dont give a toss make money today screw the world tomorrow,its amazing you can go to florida spain greece or many other places were the beach vendors and the goverment actually take care of what is essentially there buissness and lively hood but here nothing oh yeah maybe once in a blue moon we will get the v.i.p people down for a photo shoot but that is all ,they want to attract tourists to what might as well take them to the local dump but it appears the beach and surrounding sea is the local dump so sad to see such a lack of caring bet if the area was covered in money or gold they would be there in vasts amounts picking that up but plastic /glass/polystyrene or any other thing is always someone elses problem

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  8. but remember the language is still called english not american or australian just english haha and if he/she cannot follow there own laws which are a lot more enforced than thai law there is no chance on earth with alcohol 24/7 /365 over here they will follow up with there said intentions put a kid in a sweet shop he will eat sweets ???.

  9. the place just gets filthier the people the government do not care about the future of there country its all about making a quick buck today and forget tommorrow i dont think there attitude will ever change till its way to late filthiest beaches i think i have seen anywhere.

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  10. good but wont stop the idiots same as the helmet how many times do you see them put the helmet on if/when they think police are there then take it straight off again but most are that stupid or the thai macho man they wont wear a helmet and the wrong way is because A there to dam_n lazy to go down the road and do a U turn and B it might in there lifetime save them 10 baht in gasoline same as the idiots not using there lights at night think it costs them extra to use them i guess.

  11. yep can just see it motorbike taxis screaming past them b.i.b fining them on every x roads and corner and the pizza delivery boys will skin em alive suppose there would be plenty of girls for pit land normally reffered to as walking street monaco eat your heart out.Of course the champagne will be out just a large bottle of chang for the winner?.

  12. if you can find were they are entering seal these areas with expanding foam and wire wool they have to chew through the foam and wire wool to get in and in doing this they ingest the foam and wool which expands within there stomach and poisons them not the nicest way but it wotks and once you have done it the holes are sealed to prevent any further infestations

  13. if your keeping koi you need hard stemmed plants they will leave them alone soft stemmed plants lillies etc will last about a day it is an advantage to keep plants in some sort of basket covered with stones fish like to dig and will make your water dirty also i would put your pump on a timer once or twice a day for a few hours you have to remember shallow pools get hot and loose oxygen quickly result dead fish also a pump with a few airstones does not cost much more than a light bulb to run and helps with oxygen levels also what type of filter system are you going to run ??? mechanical or biological filters need consant water going through them or the bacteria will die also the waterfall will also create oxygen as the water drops aiding fish life does not have to be run like niagra just gentle turbulence i would fill your pond add your plants and circulate for at least a week to ten days then add fish a few at a time as your filter has to become used to more extreme loads of fish waste then you can continue adding more also remember that carniverous fish also create more waste .

  14. very very often have had three stolen knicked theived whatever way you want to put it and oh yes if you have a decent helmet they will just cutb the strap to get it same as most things the temptation is just to much for most if its not nailed down they think they have the right to take it.

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