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Posts posted by thehelmsman

  1. 18 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    It might already be too late for the entire nation. 45 is that extremely toxic. Even if he is removed or forced to resign with good legal cause he's created a monster of fascistic white resentment politics that might be impossible to put back in the bottle until it's fully played out to it's tragic bloody end.


    Wrong thread,

    You do understand the wall is not a new idea. In 2006 Obama and Clinton both voted in favor of a Wall. But now Trump wants to do it and all the supporters are racist and all kind of phobes. The far left has gone off the deep end with hatred. No longer do you see things with a clear head.



  2. 39 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:





    Got to love the Mexicans. If Trump builds the wall you will have 700-2000 miles of this  :cheesy:

    The French have their immigration policies working just fine. Amazing how the entire world wants to chime in on our immigration problems when they themselves are busting at the seems with waves of unstoppable illegals. 

  3. The "Round Table" spot started at a time of no other bars in the area. But, today it exists simply because it's cheaper. It offers everything a drinking man needs with exception of music. Cold beer, condoms, right in the center of a busy round-a-bout. If you go to a bar in the afternoon, the chances are you will be the only customer and that's if.......they are open.


    So for all the good natured ribbing that is directed at the "Round table" guys, I'll be submitting my application when I stay there full time in the near future. Are their any requirements to be met?

  4. 1 hour ago, Opl said:

    "Five absurd attempts to equate right-wing terrorists with left-wing groups.. Sure, the cancer was aggressive. But the chemotherapy was also very aggressive. There was aggression on both sides.” —Elan Gale. "It would be absurd to pretend members of antifa don’t engage in violence. But when was the last time you heard about the Klan handing out food to poor people or the alt-right setting up education programs for at-risk kids? You haven’t, ever, and if you decide to wait for such an event to take place, you should probably get your affairs in order first."



    If the Klan handed out food to only white kids? What would be said?

  5. 23 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    It's odd. When Obama was in power, the right wing blamed him for not providing leadership in getting legislation passed. And this was with a congress that was at least partially controlled by Republicans for 6 years. Now that the Republicans control both houses, the right wing wants to exempt Trump from any responsibility for getting legislation passed.

    I thought we were supposed to leave Obama out of things. What happened??

  6. On ‎8‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 3:07 PM, thaihome said:

    If a vessel,  military or otherwise, chooses to not broadcast their position via AIS then it is their obligation to avoid other ships that are doing so. As the below link states,  Singapore's ship control network,  equivalent to a traffic control system did not even know the McCain was there. This is along with other collisions shows that the US Navy has systematic issues and hopefully the relieving of the overall comander and worldwide safety shutdown will improve the the attitude. 



    Not transmitting on AIS does not mean you don't show up on the other's radar. An AIS target usually is seen as a triangle. The merchant ship should have seen a blimp on their radar and acquired it.

  7. 19 minutes ago, mikebike said:

    Legal immigrants have been strongly on the side of the dreamers. They understand that these children had no choice in where they ended up and that humanity dictates caring for them.

    No one asked me or my family who immigrated the painfully legal way. No, you're wrong to make such a statement.

    Their parents knowingly put their kids in harms way. When will this insanity stop.


    You want to legalize these 800,000, won't be long before you have double that.

  8. 20 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

    I have absolutely no interest in the blame game. That is half of what is wrong in America, that people are too quick to point the finger and too slow to do what is morally right. How this came about is of far less importance than the correct, fair and decent solution being found.

    Someone has to clean up Obama's mess. Don't blame Trump for being left this mess to clean up. put the blame where it belongs.

  9. 10 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    Mexicans, like most immigrants, are often the backbone of building communities, wherever they go.  If you're an American (unless you're pure Native American) your ancestors were immigrants. Look at any part of the USA:  You can see the Americans whose ancestors came tens or hundreds of years ago, and 75% are fat, lazy, and getting gov't hand-outs.  (yes, even Trump gets hand-outs, despite claiming to be worth $10 billion. He got rent subsidies in NYC. That's part of the reason he won't release his tax statements).


    Look at the same communities, and look at the recent immigrants.  75% are working hard at everyday jobs, studying at colleges, doing all they can to make things work for themselves and their families.   Look at the real people out there, not just the showcase families you might see in Norman Rockwell paintings.  

    yes, our family got in line, did all the necessary paperwork 50 yrs ago...the legal way. The legal way. Not be confused with crossing the border Illegally.


    The folks swimming across the river, climbing fences are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens. Here in the USA illegally.



  10. 3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                                Let's not forget, there are already long hefty chunks of wall along that 1,000 mile border.  Even so, there are dozens of reasons why making a bigger wall is stupid and wasteful.  Trump shouting about the wall was purely electioneering geared towards getting cheers from rednecks.  On that level, it worked.  Trump is too much of an imbicile to let the idea die.  None of his base (that's all he ever talks to, anymore), is clamoring for that wall, except maybe some building contractors who stand to make millions on contracts.


                       Actually, I have a general contractor's licence in California, #375685 (now inactive, but could be activated. It doesn't expire until I die).  I could re-activate my license, get insurance, and put out a bid on a part of the wall.  .....about as likely as me rowing solo across the Pacific in a bathtub.


                       If Trump isn't out of office within months, there will probably be parts of a wall built, even if he has to get some of his billionaire friends to pay for it - only because he will want to say (when he's locked up at Rikers Island) that he fulfilled his campaign promises. 

    Remodeling a bathroom doesn't exactly qualify you to bid on the wall.

  11. 10 hours ago, iReason said:


    "Only a deeply disturbed individual would equate Antifa with the alt-right."

    I believe there is a simple explanation for that.

    They are of the "alt-right". They are one of them.


    I have flat out asked two posters, several times on this very thread; "Do you support White Supremacy and an Ethno-State?" Both refuse to answer.


    On forums such as this, they spend their time deflecting, misdirecting and spreading misinformation.

    While attempting to take the spotlight off their evil, hateful allegiances.


    And, I'll take it a step further, where it belongs; As has been documented, movement leader Richard Spencer, the fervent White Supremacist and Ethno-State advocate, admits to coining the term "alt-right" to soften up public perception of his lot.  We need to continue to call them out for what they really are: Violent, Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist, Ethno-State advocating, Racist, Bigots.


    Even though, they cowardly attempt to hide behind their self-fabricated label, they are easy to see. I, myself have fallen for that deceptively invented term.


    No more.




    Not everyone's life revolves around TV or this thread. Step away, have a soapy and a cold beer. Or both at the same time.....up to you.

  12. On ‎8‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 10:30 AM, Berkshire said:

    But wouldn't it be even better if the stock market was doing well AND the dollar was strong?  Especially if one is an expat?  Probably too much to ask you to look at two different issues at the same time.  I mean, you're a Trump guy afterall.     

    I just purchased my second home in Thailand so yes having a better exchange rate would be beneficial to my bank account. Stock market today up across the board, DJ peaked 22,000. I'll take what I can get. I'm stuffing my portfolio so when I say adios to my job in a few years I won't be devastated by the changing exchange rate. I'll be having income from rent, stocks, savings, SS and pension. And of course whatever business I decide to open in LOS.

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