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Everything posted by arick

  1. You can't contact them because it says my email is wrong
  2. The national id number isn't mine. But they can't change that. I think I am a female Thai!
  3. I reinstalled the app enter my password. And guess what the app is in English now, My nationlity is Thai. However my missing vaccine is still missing.
  4. Moderna as changed into my second vaccine and my second astra. They are in the village today I will see if they have the computer system. I spent one hour last time because they didn't know his to enter things
  5. I think I will buy two piglets and butcher one at a time can put the meat in my freezer and share the other half with the family.
  6. Depends what retirement or family so are you saying 45 days for retirement. I would report all of them to the general of immgration
  7. Jomethian is a <deleted> hole their lucky they have anybody wanting to stay there for one day
  8. My third Moderna vaccine is showing up as my second? And the app! Any body else with this problem. The app has just been <deleted> the whole time luckily I have vaccine certificate stamped. Or does the system not want to show farang with three vaccines before the general public? 555
  9. Looks like all the little piggies went home and didn't stop at the market.
  10. Maybe they should go back to riding a buffaloo. Canadian RCMP mounties were riding horses until the London Met sold them their used cars!
  11. Always blame the Northern provinces if bloody Loe owes that much how much do the bigs cities owe
  12. body temperature scanners installed in most offices and public venues not catching asymptomatic cases I thought the QR code would prevent the 5th wave!
  13. Why don't you go and try some then and see if they help against corvid? I know that some people are still being prescribed AZT why not start with that one.
  14. They will get a 100,000 baht pay out from their insurance when taking the vaccine
  15. A friend of mine has had corvid twice first time 6 weeks in bed second time 6 days. He has more antivirals in his System for over thirty years. Also vaccinated. So HIV meds? So I don't think so!
  16. The the latest scientific data. It looks like getting the Omicron is the best thing to happen to us it protects us far better from delta then a vaccine. I might volunteer at KKU hospital!
  17. Come on even in Canada we were told to sit down and not stand up in the car. The cars in Canada back then where made from steel not fabric
  18. And what will happen to him? LINE_MOVIE_1637557962978.mp4
  19. This country you can drive with no tax no insurance and drunk and the most that will happen is up to a 10,000 baht fine. However if you cheat somebody out of a buffalo you could be looking at 10 years in jail same with snatching something from a shop.
  20. Imagine there was vehicles on the roads this year! This year up country there were no vehicles and nobody visiting relatives dead as my pet turtle.
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