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Posts posted by Sydney_Tom

  1. With all the rain in Bangkok at the mo, could this be the transport of the future?

    I doubt it

    Its stopped raining in the "Devils Playground" (nana-nua) to get out and eat.

    What makes me laugh about those things in the picture - the promo girls ride them around like they have just had bowel surgery.

    Whats more funny is to "accidently" drop something in front of those toys that block Sukhumvit, and watch them come off :o:D:D

  2. Ah, ok. :o

    This was an open invitation to all members with webcams located in Thailand. We can host a few of them on our server. PM me if interested.

    What software are you using for the FTP uploads, mgnewman?

    How far do I have to run the USB cable to get from Soi 4 ?

  3. Not being qualified to teach English, I marvel at the command of the English language the "Concerned Father" has.

    I know my Grammar goes back to High school, but the only mistake I could see was he started a sentance with "And".

    Maybe the "Concerned Father" is a native speaker ?

    Or am i being far far too cynical ?


  4. Well, I am off on holidays soon, the grinding wheels of the factory are slowing, my internet bill is growing

    Well, while you go and escape - some of us are working.

    I admit I am jealous, but I do have your wife's phone number :o

    Her cousin told me last night - looking forward to seeeing you in a few weeks at the big shin-dig !!! :D

  5. Thanks for your response, but the problem I have is there doesn't seem to be a clear political agenda, even on their website.

    Its almost like a "Blue - Sky" statement " we want to be seperate, thats it.

    It reminds me of a "Miss World" pagent, but in reverse - "I want world peace"

    No actual plan, milestones or objectives on how this can be achieved.

    Or am I off the mark ?

  6. The problem is they are changeable. The Last bus in some periods of the year may actually leave at 10:00 but at other times because of traffic etc, won't leave until 1:00am. Its really hard to pick.

    If you are going to Chaing Mai for New Year, try to beek your ticket as soon as possible.

  7. Hi;

    I hope I am posting this in the correct place, But I think Phuket is as near as any of the forums to where I live.

    I know I am new to this so I will try to make this interesting - there are many interesting things here.

    I live in Surat Thani. Of course there is "unrest" here, of sorts.

    I would really like someone to point me in the correct direction, or tell me, what are the actual claims of those causing the unrest?

    When a militant organization has claims, and are willing to kill for them, somehow formally their claims are clearly stated. Normally like other organizations people can come and negotiate something that is satisfactory for everyone.

    All I ever hear, and I ask people, it, "they want to be seperate". Even that is not well articulated.

    It doesn't even seem like they have a clear leadership or structure to say what they are and do.

    Or have I just totally missed the forest for the trees ?

    Anyone I am interested in other people's opinions.


  8. Hello Thai Visa Forum, I will start my first post here :o:D

    Nobody forces to apply for a card and nobody forces to buy anything.

    Thats not entirely true.

    There are many cases of "unsolicited credit" where a credit provider will give consumer credit as an offer or promotion.

    What is very common in Australia and the UK, is the "credit binge", where someone is sent an offer in the post, and all you have to do is sign it and send it back.

    I was in this case 10 years ago when my wife and I got this offer from a Bank in the UK, signed it, sent it back, and we got a credit card with a 25,000 pound credit limit. Now I know they never checked to see who I worked for, or any assets. Now I had a job that I could support that level of personal gearing, but, they had no idea, who I really worked for, or what I was paid, particularly since the company I worked for, my family owned and they weren't customers of the bank.

    There are many other companies doing the same thing.

    Now, In Australia when they launched "Bankcard", which is now nearly defunct, the banks sent these credit cards to almost anyone who fitted the customer profile. Didn't matter if the ages and occupations were wrong. They just wanted consumers with their bankcards in their hands.

    So of course no one "forces" you to have credit, they just pressure you alot.

    So whose fault is it really, the consumer, who doesn't have a huge amount of will-power of the credit provider who knows 10 - 15 % of their loans book will be bad within 2 years.

    What do you think ?

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