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Posts posted by Sydney_Tom

  1. .......Vast difference between fraud and debt. One illegal, one not..............

    Interesting, if it is fraud, you would have to be charged and convicted of that offence. I am sure the local authorities would be happy to escort someone convicted of fraud to the airport etc.

    If its only a charge, then the debt collectors would only be able to apply for your extradition, to face such charges. With a good defence team, people should be able to beat the extradition order. Obviously for a serious fraud, people should be extradited to pace what awaits.

    As for a debt that is not fraudluant, the debt collectors would only be able to serve notice on you. Knowing the dubious business practices of these agencies, I am sure they would be putting all sorts of people on a commission to assist them with getting debts repaid.

    I saw an 80-year old Grand mother lose everything including her house, retirement savings personal effects because she agreed to be a guarentor for a loan for a relative who killed himself. I am sure the debt collectors felt good about turfing out an old grannie onto the street.

    I certainly feel sorry for those who have lost money in loans etc etc, and their right to have their funds returned. Its just the debt collectors who are low-life scum and they have seen another avenue to make money.

  2. But that is one of the nice things of cricket, its from the opinion of the umpire. That is what makes the game. Does anyone really want to have computers all that nonsence running the game.

    Sure everyone will make a mistake, so what. That time it went Englands way, next time it will go another way.

  3. ............what 'work' can I legally do whilst waiting for everything to be finalised...........

    If you have been here for more than 10 days - N O T H I N G

    But it depends how much you want to consult in prison. :o

    Stop being Lazy, get your company finalizes with the proper paperwork, then go your hardest. And Good Luck.

    How much do like it when foreigners set up dodgy businesses back in OZ ? Same here sunshine.

  4. If you want something with a bit of GO in it, I just bought a second hand (Numbaa-too) AS/400 6000 series, it does a peak of 12,000 MIPS on a 64 bit floating Point instruction set for $5000-USD

    It also came with a "complimentary 8Tb of Disk"

    Sorry to explain better, it has 12 x 1000 MIP Engines that are tightly coupled.

  5. Hire an accountant, this will pay for itself many times over.

    I get claims for myself, for my noon-working wife, the baby, her grandmother, you name it you can get it.

    I think my last claim-back was about 130,000 Baht, for the full year.

    There are only certain times you can submit the claim, from memory its like april or May.

    I cannot advise an accountant, other than maybe the Forum Sponsor may help.

  6. Sorry, it was Mae West - "Chickadee"

    Hopefully, well away from the FC.  :o

    There's a decent "fall offalong" bar about 3 km south.

    Or we can go to that really "interesting sing-along" Go down Hwy 214 until you get to the Hwy 2121 Junction, its a "grass hut" about 500m further on the left. You would have passed it if you ever do a visa-run.

    But I want Mr Lampard to take me on a tour of Soi Cola.

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