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Everything posted by Stubby

  1. True, but then Christianity is based on thousands of years of old teachings, and many Christians refuse to modernize their beliefs, too. Heck, most of the coffin-dodgers I know who got much younger women pregnant were of a particular Christian denomination. But why is that? Well, it has something to do with their god telling them (in a book written by one of 50 some blokes) that the deity disapproves of birth control, and the flock obeys. So when one bashes Islam as some crackpot religion, I suppose the question is... "Compared to what?
  2. Thanks, Charlie. From what I can fathom, PKFB is a pharmaceutical manufacturing company that makes supplements for the "The Nature" brand, though I still can't find anything on the latter. It's also quite possible that I don't know what the heck I'm talking about. That happens quite a lot ;)
  3. Thank you, fvw53, Ithat's useful ;)
  4. The vitamin D3 content is very confusing for the layperson. It reads: Vitamin D3 (100000 IU/g) 1.68 mg. (or 168 IU per capsule). I mean, I take 1000 IU per day in a single tablet. So what 100000 IU/g and 168 IU mean in the same sentence, I have no idea. Maybe there's only a super-low dose of 168 IU contained in the product? If someone's reading here who's switched on to all these measurements, please let us know.
  5. Who makes them, Charlie, do you know? It says the brand is called 'The Nature' and the bottles are in English, but I can't seem to find any brand info.
  6. OK, thank you ;)
  7. I think you mean mg right? But 10mg of vitam C isn't much considering most supplements average 500mg. Or perhaps I've not grasped your message?
  8. Thank you, 4MyEgo, good advice. ???? I'm not sure about IU, though, as that advice seem to change seems between "experts."
  9. I used to buy into that line until I opened my mind and started to read scientific studies about soil degradation. If there's one thing I've learned in this life, it's that people believe in anything if they want it to be true... and discard anything to the contrary. The counterargument—not only on nutrition but anything—usually goes something like thing: "Oh, that's BS, that is!" I don't want to take or pay for supplements, but hey, if they fill a few nutrition caps, then why not.
  10. Interesting, thank you.
  11. I hear what you're saying, but the counterargument also makes sense. Here's one of many extracts of similar research: Several studies of historical food composition tables show an apparent decline in food nutrient content over the past 70 years. This decline has been attributed to soil degradation and the "mining" of soil fertility by industrial agriculture. Source. And I think even the honest producers of vitamins and minerals say not to replace a healthy balanced diet with supplements. Instead, use them with food to ensure the body gets all it needs. Stubby
  12. How much zinc? I pop a Berocca Performance tablet every morning. That Has 10mg of zinc. I also read that fatty food significantly enhances absorption of vitamin D-3 supplements. So now we have Zinc, fat or oil, and K2 to get the most out of a D3 pill. Anything else, I wonder?
  13. 10,000 IU sounds a little extreme? In the UK, when you're lucky to see any sun under the low grey soggy winder cloud cover, the recommendation is 2,000 IU per day. Still, if there's no harm in high doses, then it why not ????
  14. Hi folks. I just want to apologize for my late response. Usually, this forum notifies me of any updates, but I didn't get auto-announcements this time, hence my absence. I only popped in this morning as I was curious that there wasn't a single response. Then I saw all these replies. Strange! I've go to pop out now, but I'll go through them all this evening when I get back home. Thank you all for taking the time to respond. Stubby
  15. Thanks, Hummin, it's another online suggestion, though. I may go down that route if I don't have any joy in local stores. And yes, I will get D3 levels checked at my next medical checkup, but it's not for a while. Still, I know that lack adequate exposure to sunshine the past few months will mean low levels.
  16. Thank you, RS, that's interesting. I have seen some incredible deals online, but I was put off by what the lady said about not trusting online supplements. That's why I posted here. I think she was insinuating they were probably not the products they claim to be. Of course, the only way to know is to wait a couple of months and get tested for D3 levels. Despite that, I have made a note of your suggestion in case I have no luck in the real-world. Stubby.
  17. Yes, I also looked for the K2 with D3 combo pill but was told they're not available in Thailand pharmacies ???? I usually make sure I eaten little fat when I take mine.
  18. Howdy, Folks. Is anyone on here taking vitamin D3 supplements? And if yes, would you mind telling me how much you pay for how many and at what strength? I've been paying around 600 Baht for 600 x 1000 IU. It's all the high-street pharmacies seem to sell. But online, I can see products such as 240 and 250 D3 supplements at 2,000 IU for less than 280 Baht. I asked one of the women in my local pharmacy about that, and she said not to trust online supplements. She's probably right. So, if I want 2000 IU, is my only choice really to fork out 1,200 Baht for two bottles of 1000 IU? Just curious, that's all. Thank you in advance. Stubby
  19. I notice that vitamin supplements are pretty expensive in Thailand for some reason. I eat a varied diet and take a few vitamins to make sure I'm topped up. One vitamin I take is D3, but ideally, I'd prefer a D3+K2 supplement rather than different pills, which also increases the price. However, I've been to three of the bigger pharmacies but haven't had any luck. I know it's possible to order online, but one never knows whether online supplements are genuine or not. So, if anyone here knows of a pharmacy chain in Thailand that sells them, please let me know. Thanks in advance, Stubby
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