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Jai Noi

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Posts posted by Jai Noi

  1. you could bet on that!  :o

    Explorer  :D

    The appropriate examples here e.g. Sexxx life after marriage problems, help! my gtg girlfriend is cheathing on me, thai students. where can i meet 'em and so on. When you mention on Thai women, doesn't matter good or bad, your topic will be moved/closed. But if you talk about Thai men, nevermind good or bad, the topic will be interesting and they will discuss proudly and never ending. More futher, topics on Farang girls, even if asking for date or where they live/what they are, topics will never be banned. One fairly good example of this is the topic " where I can meet Farang girls", this topic still exists no moved/banned. But if you ask where you can meet Thai women, your topic will be killed.

  2. This is your only flaw my sweethearts and it's caused me a lot of unnescessary hassle and wasted oppertunity.

    Clearly such innuendi belongs in *Barladies.com* !!!!

    There's no mention of bar girls or gogos?

    Now there is!!! :o


    Since this forum has been converted from Farang girls into Ladies in Thailand, many guys ( both expats & locals) frequent to this forum a lot more than the previous time, nice job farang girls :D

  3. I met a very kind guy who treats me pretty well and wants me to be his gf. But I'd like him just to be my friend. He is younger than me and very simple. He is far different from those men I had ever met. So I dont wanna hurt him and wonder how to tell him. Any advice?  :o

    Keep distance between you & him. Do not pick up a phone call from him regularly. Tell him you're busy. These can hint how you feel to him.

    Good luck :D

  4. It's happened to me a few times that I can remember.  Now that you mention the Russian thing I have to think again  :D

    Funny enough, the first time I was approached by a young Indian male in the Silom area.  I was just walking down the road, going about my business, and he passed me and then turned around and approached me.  He was a young, very good-looking guy, and he had an older male with him.  He asked me if I would like to have dinner with him.  Even though he seemed interesting, I know that for most Indian men meeting a Western woman on the street  would be the same as picking up a prostitute.  So I told him no, because I don't meet men on the street.

    Another time, when I was too early to meet a friend near the Nana BTS station, I went into the local Starbucks to pass some time.  BIG MISTAKE.  That place is like a swap meet of men and women looking to wile away some time I'm sure.  I will never go back to that place again unless I am with people.  Actually, I don't even like to go to Nana at all, because you walk down the street and all the old geezers are like "young lady, young lady".  I'm sure they thought I was Russian  :o

    Another time, a young Greek guy (anyway, that's what HE said), started talking to me while I was buying DVDs in the Silom area.  He seemed contemporary and aware, so after some conversation I agreed to meet up with him for dinner.  At first I declined, because I told him that I don't meet men on the streets because I don't like giving the wrong impression.  He assured me that if he wanted to meet a working girl, Bangkok was full of them.  Seemed logical to me, so I agreed to meet him.  Turns out, after some sort of address confusion, he wanted me to meet him in the lobby of his hotel.  I took that as a sign and called it a night and went home - without him!  I was burnt though, because in this particular case it seemed like any other "normal" male/female interaction that would happen anywhere, but this isn't normal, it's Bangkok.

    No surprise for Indian guys, but are you any thai guys approach you this way?

  5. "judge not, lest ye be judged".

    Anyone remember this one?

    Yeah, but if I know (or suspect) that someone has fiddled with kids then I judge that character unfit to be near the children in my family. Am I wrong?

    This thread has noting whatsoever to do with that. :o


    I was merely using it as an example that everyone does and, in my opinion should, use their own judgement.What's the point in gaining experience if you're not prepared to use it?

    Using your judgement and judging others is not the same thing.

    Calling a woman who sleeps with more than a few men a "butt ugly slag" is judging someone. Looking both ways before crossing the street is using your judgement. I personally didn't sleep around when I was single, but it is not for me to say that someone who does is "easy" or a "slag". That is what I mean by judge not lest ye be judged.

    Who wants easy girl to become his permanent wife?

    But easy girls also wanna marry. Who gonna marry them?

    Yeah when they are tired of sex.

  6. "judge not, lest ye be judged".

    Anyone remember this one?

    Yeah, but if I know (or suspect) that someone has fiddled with kids then I judge that character unfit to be near the children in my family. Am I wrong?

    This thread has noting whatsoever to do with that. :o


    I was merely using it as an example that everyone does and, in my opinion should, use their own judgement.What's the point in gaining experience if you're not prepared to use it?

    Using your judgement and judging others is not the same thing.

    Calling a woman who sleeps with more than a few men a "butt ugly slag" is judging someone. Looking both ways before crossing the street is using your judgement. I personally didn't sleep around when I was single, but it is not for me to say that someone who does is "easy" or a "slag". That is what I mean by judge not lest ye be judged.

    Who wants easy girl to become his permanent wife?

  7. Some women and men (not all)  have sex with a lot of their opposite sex. When they get married, they cannot get rid out of their behave, cheating on their lovers.  You never know.

    How old/young are you Jai Noi? 14? :o


    From the research, the couples who used to change many bf/gf before they get married. Many of them end up with disaster.

  8. I do not want my wife who used to have sex with many men before.

    yeah right, typical hyprocrite, but's ok for you to shag many gals :o

    what do you like the woman or the hoy :D

    get real :D

    Some women and men (not all) have sex with a lot of their opposite sex. When they get married, they cannot get rid out of their behave, cheating on their lovers. You never know.

  9. LOL, I love this thread, very informative & no flaming...yet :D

    Wanderingdude, you are right in many aspects, women do need an emotional attachment (romance, courting etc) to a guy before getting into bed with them but sometimes (not often mind) our baser instincts do take over & sometimes we just want a really good shag & as the old song goes, if you can't be with the one you love, love the one your with :D

    Sometimes you just meet a guy that you know will be awesome in the sack & if your single & the hormones are raging... well two consenting adults & all that :D  And just as a guy wouldn't considering marrying a girl who was "easy" so most women would think twice about getting serious with a serial shagger (to save potential heartache in the future)

    It is true though that women who sleep around a lot are still considered to be sluts whilst a guy doing it is just sowing his oats & in many was thats wrong...BUT... a reputation sticks to a women like she's covered in glue & not so for men & it can be hard for some men to ignore a womens past & that can damage a potentially great relationship :D  How many times have you asked/or ladies been asked "how many guys have you slept with?" :D  Or as I call it "the old relationship killer" :o

    & chuchok  :D

    I do not want my wife who used to have sex with many men before.

  10. although most farang girls visiting thailand are not sex tourists, i've always thought that while in thailand, most farang girls do want to try sex with a thai guy.

    what i mean is that most farang girls have never had sex with asian guys before.  and while in thailand, it's is a good opportunity to get that experience.

    this doesn't mean hanging out with a thai guy, for most or any part of their vacation, either.

    I agree with rjr, completely.

    I have worked in hotels on Krabi, Phi Phi and Phuket, and I have seen a lot of what farang girls do while they're in Thailand. Most do want to try sex with a Thai guy, that's for sure.

    The single farang girls, usually bring a Thai guy back to their room at night. Sometimes, this happens only once, during their stay; other times, it happens every night during their stay. It depends on the girl.

    I have seen this with my own eyes, and also, have been told many stories from co-workers.

    PS - you should hear what some attached farang women do, in reguards to Thai men.

    When I was in Koh Lanta. I saw a farang girl was surrounded by 5-6 Thai men in a hut at night. Guess what. :o

  11. Upstairs at the Drop In, Had Rin, those guys are having a great time, good luck to them. This is the other side. The general view is that old guys come to Thailand and pay thier way to get a shag and in a lot cases this is the truth, but there are also girls and am not talking about old women but women in there twenties who are doing the same. OK, its not money on the table after being humped but they pay the guys nevertheless.

    As I say, good luck to them, there is definetely a market out there for that sort of thing as most of the tourist guys are getting it on with the local girls which leaves the tourist girls on their lonesome.

    Sad but true. :o

  12. hey!!

    actually I dont know how I got here, I dont know what is farang...

    anyway, I read about the island guys ('drop in' guys) especially yasamira's story.

    I was in thailand before 3 weeks. in phangan and phi phi.

    in phangan I'v been every night in drop in bar and I  know all the guys there.

    there is a thai guy in the drop in that his wife or girlfriend is scandinavian and thay have a little girl together. i think that his the manneger now. maybe its him!!

    actully- I been "up stairs" the drop in too. with a thai guy, and also my friends.

    the thai guy that I knew was o.k and very sweet. me and my friends met them every day in 3 weeks, so I saw the girls that they go out with- most of them from scandinavia, nurway and sweaden. the one I been with asked me for money once and I said that i dont have anough or something. they ask for money because they realy dont have, but they making the girls believe that thay realy want them but the only things they want is money!! the guy I met wasn't like that, he was sweet and felt bed whan he asked me for money. he even cried when I left.

    in phi phi it was so diffrent!! the guys so sweet!!

    I met there a thai guy from a tatoo shop and he was amazing!! I miss him sooo much!! :o

    p.s- I'm sorry about my english!!! its not so good!!

    Time will tell. :D

  13. Jai Noi........good for you then!!!  I am sure your wife would love to hear more about this..........can I have her no? :D Just kidding

    I have had no wife thats why I do not have mai nois :D Just Returned from Full Moon Party and met a really nice English girl. Sadly, I was totally drunk then I lost her :o

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