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Posts posted by Sortapundit

  1. My apartment comes with a parking space in the multi-storey lot in the development, and I have no plans to use it. My landlord just called to tell me a tenant in the building would like to rent it from me for 1,000 baht a month (on a 12 month contract). Is this a fair price for a space a few hundred metres from Rama 9 MRT, or could I get more if I tried to find my own renter?

  2. Update:

    It appears the MEA app has been removed from the iTunes app store.

    I was just about to head out to the Huay Kwang MEA office but decided to give 7-Eleven a try first. 11 days after the due date they allowed me to pay, no questions asked. I'm told it can be difficult to pay there after the due date, so if you find yourself overdue and would like to try, this was the branch at the entrance of A Space Asoke-Ratchada on Din Daeng (Rama 9 MRT).

  3. "and over a month went by before I discovered I have a mailbox here". Was it hidden?? wink.png

    Kind of :P I assumed bills and mail were slipped under the door like in my last place, but here the mail room is hidden in a room behind reception. It's stupid to go a month without noticing it, but not completely stupid :)

    I'm close to Rama 9, so Huay Kwang looks like the best office for me. Thanks :)

  4. Thanks guys :) I'll head down to an MEA office to get the total owed. The other two bills for March and April are only a couple of hundred baht each (the apartment was empty), so if they tell me I owe them it's not the end of the world. What kind of grace period is there before the power is shut off? This latest bill looks like it was due on May 30th, and it might be a couple of days before I can get down to the office.

  5. I moved into a condo in BKK on April 27th, and over a month went by before I discovered I have a mailbox here. In the box I found three electricity bills from the Metropolitan Electricity Authority, and I'm having a hard time figuring out the reading dates. Here's the most recent bill:


    Towards the top left of the bill is the date 19/05/57, which I assume is the date of the most recent meter reading, and in the box beneath the total are six previous dates, presumably marking previous readings. Can anyone confirm for me that 19/05/57 is the date of the last meter reading, and not just the issue date of the bill?

    Also, can anyone tell me if this most recent bill represents only the electricity used this month, or if it's a cumulative total of all charges due? The reason I ask is that I also have two bills issued before I moved into the apartment, and I'd like to avoid having to pay anything more than I owe.

    Thanks :)

  6. Last week I bought a used washing machine from a departing expat, and I just got around to setting it up. While attaching the inlet hose to a faucet I couldn't figure out how to securely attach it without the pressure blowing off the hose as soon as water starts to flow. Here's what I have:


    It took a few minutes before I figured out I was missing a part. I'm missing the part that screws securely to the faucet, onto which this hose clips (with the locking clip on the blue attachment). I assume it's still attached to the faucet at the home of the previous owner, who has now left the country.

    Can anyone:

    1) Let me know if the missing part is a one size fits all kinda thing? I know nothing about plumbing.

    2) Point me towards a place someone who doesn't speak Thai can buy the missing part (or a new complete hose if you can't buy the missing part on its own)? My language skills are laughable, so if they stock this kind of thing with the washing machines at Tesco that would be fantastic.

    Thanks smile.png

  7. Thanks for your help last night, rideswings :)

    I ended up going with a guy I found on a bahtsold listing here.

    I highly recommend this guy. He's an Englishman called Mark, and his prices are very reasonable. I hired him for half a day for 650 baht plus a couple of hundred for diesel, and for that price he picked me up from home in Ratchada, drove me across town to On Nut, helped with the heavy lifting and drove me back. He speaks Thai, knows the streets, and since he's English he's good for a chat when you're stuck in traffic. Worth every penny :) I recommend you all bookmark his page on bahtsold for future reference.
    In case the listing expires and you've found this in the future through the search, here are his contact details:
    Landline: 02-574-5810
    Mobile: 090-659-1065.
    LINE ID: windsor-th
    • Like 1
  8. I've arranged to buy a washing machine and coffee table from a departing expat in the On Nut area, and on Friday need to get them to my home in Ratchada. Both are too big to fit in a cab (and I wouldn't fancy the prospect of manhandling them across the city anyway), so I was hoping someone may be able to give me a recommendation for a driver/odd job man/delivery service who could collect and drop off the stuff on Friday morning.

    In a perfect world I'd like to wait at home while somebody does the whole job for me, but I'd be happy to meet them in On Nut at the roadside and just have them drive me home. Any ideas?

  9. I think the truth is that it probably slipped out of my pocket at some point between the bank and arriving home (maybe in the cab). I guessed I'd left it in the ATM as I'm very careful with the contents of my pockets (I've never in my life lost so much as a 20 baht note, to my knowledge). After checking the bank I returned to the bar I visited on Suk 11, but they hadn't found it, so it likely slipped out of my pocket as I was fumbling for money in the cab. There were no charges on the card in the 24 hours between losing and cancelling it, so I guess I got lucky this time.

  10. This evening I realised my ATM card was missing after a night out in BKK. My cash, phone and keys were untouched, and since I'm usually very careful with the contents of my pockets I suspect I left the card in a Kbank ATM around Sukhumvit soi 15, as I withdrew a little cash in a rush as my friends walked on ahead.

    I called the issuing overseas bank who confirmed that no attempt has been made to use the card before putting a temporary block on it, then told me they can reactivate it if I find it within a week.

    Has anyone ever lost a card to an ATM and managed to get it back? The ATM I used was on the outer wall of a Kbank branch rather than remote, and I'm wondering if they keep hold of retained cards or destroy them immediately.

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  11. It was the final stage of the root canal, in which the dentist planed down the remaining tooth bed to create a flat surface on which to attach a crown. In theory the area should have been completely dead, and I should only have been able to feel the pressure of the drill but no pain, so he didn't bother giving me a local before starting up the drill. It took five minutes of the most horrific shooting agony before he stopped, during which he ignored my howls of pain and just repeated 'is there pain?' time and again.

    This was a Vietnamese dentist in HCMC, by the way. I'm sure it was an isolated incident, but I'll be a little gun shy for a while yet.

  12. Can anyone give me any tips on where to find Crest Whitestrips (or similar home tooth whitening kits) in Bangkok? I searched the forum and found a thread from several years ago that pointed towards Boots, but I've checked out the Boots and Watsons in Central Rama 9 (and a Boots in K Village) with no luck.

    I'm not at all keen on visiting a dentist for tooth whitening as I've heard it can be quite painful, and I had a traumatic experience involving root canal surgery without anaesthetic last year that has made me more than a little hesitant to set foot inside a dental surgery :P

    Thanks :)

  13. But if she had a one year visa without a re-entry permit, why did she go to Cambodia???

    So in theory (without re-entry permit), her 1 year extension ended when she left the Thai border..

    She had a single re-entry permit (from what I understand), so when she re-entered at the Cambodian border and was assured it wouldn't be counted as a genuine re-entry she assumed she still had one entry remaining.

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