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Posts posted by belg

  1. tell the truth, go to jail ... thainesssssssssssssssssssss

    it is easier than to tackle the real problem that those major companies are part of the human trafficking ring in the end, supplying cheap labour that can be deposed off easely with the co-operation of the immigration department for jailing & deportation, when those big companies sees fit ...

    paying a descent wager, would "hurt" to much in their huge profits

    rich want to be richer, not share or give to the poor

  2. what about those people who have debts with loanshars ... why not ask them to go to police, tell them who is the loanshark, what is the amount due, what is the intrest demanded... collect all the info to verify ... bring all the loansharks together and put them in prison ?

    now is that too much to ask or to difficult to do or is there some kind of conflict of intrest amongst the people who should enfore the law ??????

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