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Posts posted by belg

  1. meanwhile on KT, they are preparing a big fest to bring back the dollars, sorry, tourists

    i am suprised that the general or the police did not try this kind of thainess:

    - if the british tourists would not have come to the beach in thailand, they would still be alive ....

    - if the myanmar illegal workers, would not have come to thailand, they would still be free

  2. Sounds like he wanted to practice his Engrish and you obliged.

    The correct action would have been to ask, "Am I being detain or arrested, officer? If not, am I free to go?"

    As far as having been in Thailand for five years without learning any Thai passed hello and thank you -- yes, they are right it is an outrage.

    Would it be OK for a Mexican to move to your hometown in New York and not learn any English? Wait...don't answer that...

    a Mexican moving to New York would learn English. people living here should learn some basic Thai phrases.

    1.000.000 muslims in my home country don't have a propper education, nor job

    nor do they want to learn any of the 3 official languages

    what they do know, is how to get social welfare, housing, children allocation

    and raising the tension and conflicts and crime rates

    we humble western farangs do not cost thailand anything, we bring money into the country, support families and make lives better

  3. vote with your feeth in those dubious double, triple pricing scams

    just tell yourself this : rich thais, and there are a lot, earning & owning 10 - 100 times of your salary or pension, are getting in for almost free

    this country loves to show they are so much better and smarter, by not even giving nationality to husbands married to thais ...

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