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Posts posted by belg

  1. how can UK governement tax you when / if you can inherit here, for example a condo from your father, you have to bring it the same amount of money that the condo is worth ...

    how is this inheritance ? never understand that crazy rule ... like if you own a condo 50/50 with your spouce, upon her death, you have to bring in again 50% of the value to "inhetit" what? you paid full pice by yourself !

  2. sadly my wife has become over the years, twice the weight of your wife now ... who wants to F a big flubber, i certainly do not see any appeal ... when i talk to her about how unhealthy it is , she is not happy because of the weight, but for the rest, does nothing... no exercise, and still eat like a pig

  3. the problem will never go away

    in a country where 90% of the people have less than 5% of everything

    poor will not become middleclass overnight, specially not uneducated farmers and schools like to give just that: uneducated people, that follows and never questions

    next step I see, is like in the USA and many western countries: impose a policy of making the average person overweight, fat, obese ...

    did you ever see obese people comming onto the streets to protest ????

    who is protesting ? slim muslims that are tired of the regime ....

    laugh if you want, but look at the USA/Western countries : as good as no protests and governement is robbing the working class, taxing them to go the money away in social programs to immigrants that never worked or paid ...

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