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Posts posted by belg

  1. smallpox, the new aids?

    and who knows how much garbage is spreak secretly in the air, water, food

    30.000 chemicals in the food business

    and someone, at a point, said, this amount is safe for humans (aka not killing them right away, but maybe in the long run)

    obesity, autism, astma, adhd, like never seen before

  2. went to several hi-so weddings with wife & kids in the most expensive hotels (face) to keep such a weddings... if you are late, aka, dont show up in advance, they also run out of 'good' food and you are left with leftovers and soda... one time, the place was so crowded, you could hardly move and off course, the food ran out pretty quickly...Ending up in the drive true of macdo to fill the stomac a bit.

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