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Posts posted by belg

  1. i start to think that some of these people are in the debt collection business and tell yourself : now they can go get the full amount at once + the punters will be able to get a fresh new loan from the shark to buy more useless crap they don't need and cannot repay

    long live to create more debt

    a loan in thailand is seen as gift

    a loan from a shark = extortion

  2. NON-Immigrant visas , the next target in the crazy sceme

    so you there at a checkpoint with a valid 60 day tourist visa, gotten from an embassy , totally worthless to cross over the boarder and ordered to take a bus and fly into the country

    has someone lost their minds ?

    28 million tourists they want next year right, or should they send them the money & stay home instead ?

  3. where to buy an Acid reflux pillow in Bangkok ?

    Went to some major shopping malls, furniture departments, but it seems impossible to find ?

    I don't need the north eastern triangle pillow shape, that is way too steep.

    Thanks in advance

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