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Posts posted by kyb789

  1. At the risk of insulting myself.. AND.. getting flamed by nearly everyone on this thread, I'm going to come out and agree with this guy. Let's face it, if life was so good back home, why are you (we) here??

    I have many Thai women friends, and NO farang friends here. Its the same story:

    "Why is it I can't find a good man?" <Thai woman>

    "Where are you looking? In the bar?"

    "Well, yes"

    "Maybe that's your problem. I've met lots of 'em. Haven't found one yet I want as my friend."

    "I know! Are all farangs like this back home?"

    "No. Just in Thailand. Know plenty of kind, honest people back home. They have no reason to leave. Have a good life, happy, etc."

    Of course this is a generalization, so lets not go down that road. Just something to think about. I've got my reasons for being here, so does everyone. Good thing I don't teach English.. :o

  2. I have a non-Imm B VISA and been using one for years to visit a subcontractor in Thailand...usually just a few days, then I'm out of the country. My company does not exist in Thailand, only the Thai subcontractor.

    Now my work wants me here permanently...for say a few years. I don't understand this whole work permit rules in my case. Since I am not working for a Thai company, and my paycheck is still back in the US, at what point does the law say..."OK, you've been in Thailand XXX number of days, so you have to get a work permit".

    Should I always have had one before? Even for just a 3 day visit to a subcontractor ? I think that I would need to get one now, since I will be staying permanently in Thailand. Where is the switchover point, from not needing one, to needing one?

    I understand the rules when you are hired in Thailand and working with a Thai registered company, but what about me?

  3. I dated a self-proclaimed Hi-so girl in Bangkok for a while. She had her own business, money, flew around Thailand, etc. Only wanted "jai dee". Then one day she demanded 50K baht, "I want support!" That's when I learned her game.

    I stepped out of the taxi in the middle of the street. That was the last time I saw her. If she lost face in front of her friends, who cares (we were on the way to meet them for lunch). She didn't deserve face anyway.

    • Confused 1
  4. I promised a good friend back in the States I'd look for a few Burmese Tortoises for him. I just don't know where to go or who to contact. Can anyone connect me to an exporter? I don't want anything illegal.

    My friend is a registered breeder and professional in the States. This isn't about finding a pet. Can anyone help? Thanks. :o

  5. Ah, the beauties of double pricing. Yes it's unfair. We're no better nor worse than the Thais are, but we were dealt quite a better hand. I have a Thai friend with a Master's degree earning $15k/year -- here in the U.S., a bus driver would consider it low. Now, *that* is unfair. Not 5 baht here or there on an already cheap 10 baht fare. Try using public transportation in the west for $.25 per ride. Last time I vacationed in the Caribbean, a van ride equivalent to a 20 THB one in Pattaya cost me well over $20. Put it in perspective.

    Thanks for all the comments. I've enjoyed them all. Let me summarize a few of these.

    Its Ok to cheat the Farang as long as its not a lot of money. After all, if they can get us to pay it, its fair game.

    What about the taxi driver who will not turn his meter on in Bangkok? Aftere all, paying an extra $2 on a 50cent taxi ride is not too much, right? At least not for a $90k/yr visitor from the US on a 2 week vacation maybe. But what about the Farangs living in Bangkok on a $10/yr income? What about those from India on vacation they saved 5 yrs to afford? What about those here on retirement?

    A few years ago I couldn't find a taxi at 2am who would turn his meter on. Today, there is no problem..I just get out and hop into the taxi behind him. Maybe more people expecting honesty and fairness like this would help Thailand rise above its 3rd-world image. Just a thought.

  6. Maybe this is an old subject, but please help the Newbie here. I used to pay 10 baht for a 1-way trip down Beach Street. I've since learned what a sucker I was. Now I know the going rate is 5 baht, JUST AS THE SIGN SAYS, but it just isn't working.

    Everytime I hand over the 5, I get complaints and arguements from the taxi drivers. They have even followed me down the street. I showed my Thai girl once, and she was even socked, and yelled back at the driver.

    I want to know about you expats out there. What do you pay? Daytime, nighttime? Am I the only guy trying to keep from getting ripped off?? Yes, its the principle.


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