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Posts posted by kyb789

  1. I brought a box from home because Graham Crackers were no where to be found in Thailand. Then, I started to see them on the shelves (I think Villa Market). Now that I am fresh out, they have disappeared again.

    It is such an essential part of home-made desserts and cooking, i can't believe there are 50+ brands of the same cracker on the shelves, but no Graham Crakers.

    Anyone seen any recently?

  2. And yes, if not used to the sequence where the pass comes out last, a lot of people forget them. :o

    Been there, done that. What a nightmare. It was an overseas bank ATM card and they wouldn't send the replacement ATM card to Thailand. I had to pull money off my VISA card for 6 weeks with outrageous cash advance fees.

    The local Thailand bank staff were no help at all.

  3. I bought the Toshiba ER-C10 model here in Thailand. It does the job, but I think I could do without all the bells and whistles. Paid way too much for lots of programming tricks that I never use. It was about 20kbbaht. The built in fan also doesn't blow the heat evenly, so one side of the food always burns. I think I prefer the old style with the heating element on top. Other than that, it has been a good convention oven/microwave. I use it everyday.

  4. I bought the Toshiba ER-C10 model here in Thailand. It does the job, but I think I could do without all the bells and whistles. Paid way too much for lots of programming tricks that I never use. It was about 20kbbaht. The built in fan also doesn't blow the heat evenly, so one side of the food always burns. I think I prefer the old style with the heating element on top. Other than that, it has been a good convention oven/microwave. I use it everyday.

  5. I watched some begger from a window on Sukhumvit once. In about 30 minutes he had put away about 100 baht. When his cup got too many coins, he put the money in his pocket. That's about 800baht for 8 hrs of begging, tax free. Now a factory worker or restaurant staff will make 300 baht per day and work a 12 hr shift.

    Once I even gave a small bag of fruit to a begger. She gave me a dirty look and tossed the bag to her side.

    A Thai friend told me the blind guys singing karaote from a box will take in 2,000baht per day.

  6. Employees are the biggest reason if you are successful in providing a good experience. We are open 24 hours a day at many of our branches and serve over 10,000 subs a week. I repeat its all about the employees getting the job done and training by mgmt.

    Well said. I work in a company that supplies to the automotive industry. Training is critical to our success. Most failures can be attributed to improper training and poor process control. Restaurants and retail outlets fail miserably due to poor training. They hire some poor employee making minimum wage and spend only a few hours with them, then set them free. This is criminal. Good managment needs to constantly retrain, monitor their staff, and obtain customer feedback to ensure quality service. There also needs to be a detailed training program. Unfortunately that just doesn't usually exist in retail and restaurant services.

  7. I think most of the comments so far were not that useful to you. I will just give you my opinion. For that salary you can live like a king. My salary is similar, and I live in the center of downtown and have everything I need. Beware of expat condos (Centerpoint, etc), they are there to rip off the 2 yr contract employee. There is so much more to find at a good price when looking yourself. You can get a lot for your money if you are willing to live in a Thai area. Now,,,, that is not a bad thing. Thai areas can be the best around. Foreigner areas can be full of snakes and mafia. Beware. Since you have a family already, you don't really need to be in the center of the foreigner area with all the foreigner restaurants and tourist bars. Those places are good for single people. Concentrate on a good family neighborhood. Thai is good. In Bangkok you can find lots of people who speak English, and your wife can help with that also. Din Dang is a good place. I recommend living there near your work.. you dont' need to be around Sukhumvik and Siam with all the riff-raff and scam artists. Life in a normal community. You will be glad you did.

  8. OK. I have to give respect to Subway for their great marketing and expansion campaign. They have basically cornered the sub-sandwich market. But personally I think they are the worst. For you Americans....Remember Togos? What every happened to that market giant? They packed their sandwiches so full of meat you couldn't fit the thing in your mouth. It would be dripping on the table. Now there was a sandwich I would drive miles to buy.

    The subway in my home town was like that but i have not been their for 10 years. I am not sure it they cut back on the meat or not.

    Subway has lots of meat in their subs. Just watch when they put it on your sub. If you want more meat just ask for the double meat option. For me, when I try double meat, it’s just way too much; the sandwich takes better without so much meat. I like crunch of the veggies and the meat rather than eating a loaf of ham. You get the combination of flavors then with still a very good portion of meat.

    Oh, please. Just stack a Subway sandwich next to a Togo, Blimpi's, or any other sub-franshise sandwich in America. Easy to see that Subway is just a veggie sandwich with a slice of meat. I can see them put the meat on in a small pre-wrapped paper package. I only complain because I like a meaty sandwich. Nothing against Subway for those who like a veggie sandwich.

  9. Anyone been down Sukhumvit Soi 6 in the morning or evening? I live nearby and can't help but walk in fear everyday on that tiny soi. It is a one-way street, but motorbikes are zooming by in both directions at top speed. There is barely room enough for the cars and a few pedestrians. I have been nicked a few times by passing motorbikes, and my girlfriend was sideswiped by a careless taxi. That soi is ready to kill somebody. Some simple speed bumps is all it needs. But the police don't seem to care, because they are standing at the mouth of the soi everyday directing traffic. :o

  10. Hi guys, i am looking for a international buffet restaurent to bring my wife to for dinner. I rmemebred years ago my familly stayed at the Baiyoke Sky hotel, and we had our dinner at the 70odd storey high buffet restaurent. I do remmeber it was pretty ok.

    How about you guys? is it still as good? any suggestion?

    And since i am not a hotel guest, do i need to make an advanced reservation?

    I went there one time last year. Flooring looked old. Tables cafeteria style. The place overall could use remodeling. Children were running around. Noise level was too loud to enjoy the dinner. It felt more like a high school cafeteria. Employees were too busy to keep up with the drink orders. Food was just average low quality buffet food. I won't be going back.

  11. OK. I have to give respect to Subway for their great marketing and expansion campaign. They have basically cornered the sub-sandwich market. But personally I think they are the worst. For you Americans....Remember Togos? What every happened to that market giant? They packed their sandwiches so full of meat you couldn't fit the thing in your mouth. It would be dripping on the table. Now there was a sandwich I would drive miles to buy.

  12. I think what they are asking is what they will take.

    When you see nonsense prices just keep on looking. Let their unit sit empty.

    I don't think many of them are into haggling.

    You are not kidding. When I was looking, I found prices laughable. If the owners don't get want they ask, the place just sits empty. They don't understand simple economics and definitely don't understand how much they are loosing month after month without a tenant.

    I finally got a great 1 bedroom near Nana for 18k (they wanted 25k!). Fortunately the owner had many empty places and had was willing to negotiate. In return, I spent a lot of my own money to fix the place nice. Now I have a beautiful place in a great location for a decent price.

    There is a huge abundance of empty condos now.

  13. With Kasikorn, you need K-Cyber Banking and then you get the K-Web Shopping Card through your account online. It's a virtual card that works with Paypal. :D

    Didn't work with Moneybookers for me though. :o

    Once I have the K-Web Shopping Card, how do I transfer the money into Paypal? Is it done on the Paypal website of the K-Cyber Banking site? I am asking because when I look at my Paypal account I only see an option to transfer money from my U.S. Bank Account. It doesn't let me transfer from a credit card.

    whe you pay for something and there is not enough money in the paypal account it deducts it from the K bank cyber card

    OK. I get it.. Unfortunately that wasn't what I wanted to hear. I was hoping this was a cheap way to transfer money from my Thailand bank to my U.S. bank. last week I had to pay about $45USD in transfer fees with Kasakorn. Ouch.

  14. With Kasikorn, you need K-Cyber Banking and then you get the K-Web Shopping Card through your account online. It's a virtual card that works with Paypal. :D

    Didn't work with Moneybookers for me though. :o

    Once I have the K-Web Shopping Card, how do I transfer the money into Paypal? Is it done on the Paypal website of the K-Cyber Banking site? I am asking because when I look at my Paypal account I only see an option to transfer money from my U.S. Bank Account. It doesn't let me transfer from a credit card.

  15. Prices don't seem to get driven down because of Thais reluctance to sell at a loss. At very worst they will stay at 100,000

    When I was looking for a rental apartment, I saw an endless supply of vacant condos barely furnished. With almost no exception each unit was "for rent" AND "for sale". If the owner didn't get the price they wanted, the unit would sit empty. Month after month. Someone please do the math and explain their losses to them.

  16. Hi all, any bodybuilders or gym regulars here? Looking for a better deal on whey protein, creatine and other non-steroid bodybuilding supplements than GNC. Their prices are outrageous, easily twice that of the U.S.! :o Aren't these kind of products also produced locally or regionally, instead of being imported from the U.S. and Europe? Amazing that steroids here are cheaper and more readily available than legit supplements! :D Any advice greatly appreciated.

    Instead of telling you how to live your life and tell you what is right and wrong (like a few other posters here), I'll offer some help since I am sure you are all grown up now and a big boy and can make your own decisions.

    There is ProFlex protein powder. I heard it was local and is a bit cheaper than the imported stuff. You can find it at a health food shop in the bottom floor of Home Pro building at Ploenchit and Wireless Rd.

    I'm no expert, but I hope that helps.

  17. Phone turned off.

    Not in an area that has coverage.

    Busy with other things.

    Add to that..

    Extra SIM card (different phone number) in her phone right now. .. The real number we are not allowed to have.

    I am seeing a girl that does this all the time. She makes the excuses, but I've been here long enough to know the game. Putting up with it is a small price to pay for admission. Everything else is free. :o

  18. ^Come now, I was just kidding. I actually have some isopropyl alcohol and I'm going to give your suggestion a shot on some plastic dishes that still have semi-peeled labels on them....

    I've never seen Isopropyl alcohol do anything but smear the glue around. Acetone does the trick. Or women's fingernail polish remover...which is an expensive bottled version of the same thing. But keep acetone away from plastic. it will disolve it and leave a bigger mess. Glass and metal are OK.

  19. Its a place everyone must try once.



    Noisy from the roof aircon units


    Food just average

    I haven't been back. The best part is when it starts to rain and watch everyone run for cover.

    But I do enjoy Saffron Thai restaurant a few floors down. Great Thai food, quiet, romantic, nice view. Then I stop by the roof top for a quick drink before heading home.

  20. Are vitamins just a scam in the end? For an industry which is supposed to be out to help people 75% of its products seem to be junk money-makers.

    Big pharma hasn't been slow to jump on the supplements bandwagon. When they are involved I try to steer clear.

    An excellent book called 'The China Study' by T.Colin Campbell ('The Einstein of Nutrition') states...

    'Because nutrition operates as an infinitely complex biochemical system involving thousands of chemicals and thousands of effects on your health, it makes no little or no sense that isolated nutrients taken as supplements can substitute for whole foods. Supplements will not lead to long-lasting health and may cause unforeseen side effects.'

    'Supplements allow people to think they can take the easy way out by eating the same diet, plus a supplement or two, when it is the diet which needs to be changed.'

    'Large number of trials costing hundreds of millions of dollars have been conducted to determine if vit A,C & E, multivitamins with folic acid, or antioxidant combinations prevent heart disease and cancer. They could not determine any benefit.'

    I've noticed that my hair grows faster....and my pee turns yellow. That's about it. :o

  21. I have also had a 'screen' at Bumrungrad late last year for blephoplasty, at the interview the doctor I spoke to for the consulatation left me cold and uneasy enough for me to re-consider/abort the procedure. I will follow this thread with intense interest, as I would also really like to know who is the person to see.

    Was it the details of the procedure that left you cold or the surgeon himself? I had same experience with a surgeon in Phuket - in my case it was the surgeon himself who put me off - just seemed cold and didnt have any confidence that he really cared! Not very scientific I know - but think its essential to have confidence in the man not only his paper credentials? Understand if you dont want to say who it was but it would be useful.

    I couldn't have said it any better. That is the big reason why it is taking me so long to make my own decision. I actually consulted a well known surgeon in the U.S., he made me feel great about it, but it was the looks of his secretaries that scared me this time. I hope it wasn't him that did the work ! :o

  22. I'm looking for a good doctor to perform some cosmetic eyelid surgery. I've been to Yanhee and they bragged about how many they do each year, but no one was willing to show me photos before and after. Hmmmm.... why is that?

    The internet has lots of photos, but only the kind where the cut is made on the inside of the eyelid. Two different doctors recommended cutting along the outside to remove extra sagging skin.

    I would really like to know anyone's experience here in Bangkok. Any doctor recommendations? Any hospital recommendations? Private practice? Prices seem to be all over the place. Any photos you might be willing to share with me would be appreciated. I'm a bit scared of what the scarring will look like, and I have yet to see some final results from others. You can private PM me if you like.

    Thanks much in advance.

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