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Posts posted by sotonfarang

  1. I am disgusted to see that some people on here find it okay to put links on here to peoples personal youtube and other accounts

    there are many victims in this case. both parties have families making it a very traumatic time for them

    the british driver does not need people joking about his name and background,especially strangers.how do you know that he wont see this posting on here himself?

    do you have nothing better to do? grow up and respect these people at a very difficult time. he was not speeding.

    To post that so confidently you must have some inside info or you are clairvoyant, if it is the latter, will the price of gold per troy ounce reach over 2100 USD sometime this year?

    i see that people are still finding it funny to take the piss. haha you crack me up!

  2. I am disgusted to see that some people on here find it okay to put links on here to peoples personal youtube and other accounts

    there are many victims in this case. both parties have families making it a very traumatic time for them

    the british driver does not need people joking about his name and background,especially strangers.how do you know that he wont see this posting on here himself?

    do you have nothing better to do? grow up and respect these people at a very difficult time. he was not speeding.

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