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Everything posted by SuwadeeS

  1. No matter of crime. Countries who do not comply with human rights if prisoners should be banned from International trade. Imagine you would end up like this but have done no crime. Typical Thai. Always show off in beautiful uniforms but unter the uniform are stil cruel stoneage minds. All the human rights organisations should blame the Thai government und bring it to the United Nations. Expose the cruel of inhuman treatment of prisoners!!!
  2. The Thai government must make a final confiscation of the driver license same this. It is that easy.
  3. Always the bad foreigners to blame. Get a life. Check your local people.....
  4. That is schizophren. The should punish traffic law offenders with this 150.000 Baht, but no, because the are fake in morality.
  5. I wish, they really would put that kind of afford into traffic controls of their own national. I am not kidding. I see millions and millions of them breaking the traffic laws, don't stop at red traffic lights, counterfloor motorcycles, too dark foil on the car windows,,phone during driving etc. Never get any tickets. Always focus on foreigners.
  6. Does't matter what they say. Issan and Phuket. What a BS. I think because of a lack of Informations and objectivity. Look. At Phuket island the first experience is a rip off for the transportation from the airport. In Issan on an, corner the, point at you and call you "farang" insteed of "khon tang chard". That is totally disrimination. Time Magazine go back to school.
  7. Sex toys are illegal. Just proves once moe that Thailand, specially the government is social political still in stone age.
  8. Another hit and run in Thailand. Hey Thailand. Why not enforce your traffic laws? I personal see it every day. Uncountable times. Break the traffic law is normal.
  9. It is the fault of Russia and Thailand. Russia's poor or none maintainance. Thailand for their greed to let these planes enter their air space.
  10. Sure not much will happen. As you know, with a certain position in society you automatically gain immunity. We have see thousands of times.
  11. As long the RTP does not treat everybody equally, this country will never lose his 3rd world image. In Thailand the rich always walk away.
  12. With millions and millions of virus cases in China...... and the Thai government will welcome them. They most be out of their mind.
  13. Amazing Thailand. Crackdowns are only applied to foreigners and tourists. I am wondering, why all these other crackdowns never ever one worked out. It must have to do with racism. No other explaination.
  14. Thailand has so much money from dual pricing and rip off people for decades. Thailand has so much money, because even thought it's only a short distance they still pay for a motorcycle Taxi. Thailand has so much money from all the fees collected by the Immigranten. So they should also pay the full price. Or, do they give a discount to expats??? .
  15. On one side, the Thai Army ask the US to buy F-35. On the other side they invite Putin and Xi as friends. Inviting Putin is a total face lost for this government.
  16. Amazing Thailand. How fast they act when it comes to punish foreigners. How about doing their job and sie all the millions of motorcycle drivers on the sidewalk??? I forgotten, they are Thais. They are getting worse, because not slow riding their Motor bike any more. By now they are even speeding on the sidewalk. For me, it's a total lost of face.
  17. 1. I do not believe that this law will be nationwide and strict enforced. 2. Since the people even do not care to darken their Windows completly, how will they check it. The police is even afraid of enforcing this against the rich and powerful. 3. As we all know, Thais do not care at all about the traffic laws. Remember how long the law exist against .motorcycles on the sidewalk. It's still the Same. 4. Thais are learning resistent when it comes to the laws. 5. The RTP is to lazy too to do their job excepted when it comes to foreigners who ate easy to rip off. 6. As long they do not use automated camaras for speeding and phone using Systems, nothing will happen. 7.Thailand never will improve. We could go forever.
  18. For me this means a total lost for the face.
  19. Hahahaha. So funny. On one side, Thailand ask the US to sale them F-35, but then be good friend and meet with the enemy. I hope this is a wake up call for US intelligence, to see the real face of Thai.
  20. That is not completly correct. In Germany everybody has the total freedom to express their opinion. No matter what nationality. Even can become a politician or major.
  21. I would not do that because of all the trouble he will get, because there a law Prohibition foreigners getting Involved in any political activities. But totally understand him, because every foreign political spirit (PKK etc.) can do it in Germany. Thailand Protests to be free, but it isn't.
  22. Sorry, I do not believe it. They try it already. They even promissed a 1000 Baht reward for wach report. Nothing. They are fake
  23. Give a Honda Wave to a 14 years young child. How, uneducated the father must be. .. and after the kid died he cries. Many lifes could be saved, by strikly enforcing the traffic law. I know, ...Thailand will never change or improve
  24. You can believe it or you don't believe it. I do not believe it!!! The last crackdown on motorcycles on the sidewalk with a promissed reward was a big lie as well. I never got 1 Baht. As long the police is corrupted, nothing will change.
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