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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. 38 minutes ago, baboon said:

    Why on earth would they denuclearize now? Try and put yourself in their place for a moment. Would you?

    You said put yourself in their place. As long as they have the protection of Big Brother China, why not?

    How would anyone know what China has guaranteed North Korea in terms of defence?

    China already said months ago that they would defend North Korea if there was a first strike by USA.


    • Like 1
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  2. 45 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

    Second report that I am aware of.

    And even more sparse with information than the other.

    After a minivan odyssey in January (after arriving from Phuket) I would love to know details about this new bus service.



    they did it like this even up in Chiang Mai. Deliberately keeping it low key like the world's best kept secret.
    Obviously the taxi Mafia wouldn't want too many people to know about this service. 

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, InMyShadow said:

    Around 10 years is about right for the grass is Greener move

    But let's not forget that you all left your home countries because they went down hill, to cold, violence etc

    It's just a big merry ground. Many want to leave but havnt been back in years or went back for a few weeks holiday mode.

    Hats off to those that are heading back for children's education. It's sad your in the minority.

    ..............while others suffer from the frog in boiling water syndrome and won't  do anything about until its too late:giggle:

    • Like 1
  4. 16 hours ago, champers said:

    I thought Air Asia were fine when I went to Chiang Mai with them. Even if you don't like the airline, it is only a 1 hour flight. Better than the bus, that's for sure.

    you might consider it'sbetter for you but I don't consider it better for me.I have tried both and hands down its a waste of time flying in so many ways when you live in Pattaya

    If I was living where the airport was situated I would have no argument but with Pattaya being away from both airports I find it much more convenient to go up the road from where I live to Sukhumvit  and just 10 minutes before departure walk on the first class bus. the seats are superbly comfortable and I can sleep very easily on them.

    Flying from Pattaya you have to  do deal with the taxi Mafia who want to charge you almost half the price of the air ticket just to take you to Utapao airport.Then you have to do go through security, then you have to do queue up and wait for buses to take you from the terminal to the aircraft ,board the aircraft,then when you arrive you again you have to  queue to disembark, then get on more buses again to take you to the terminal-meanwhile I have been sleeping soundly in my first class seat and when I arrive in Chiang Mai I simply disembark from the bus and step into another vehicle to go to where I'm staying.


  5. On ‎28‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 9:45 PM, champers said:

    There are direct flights between Chiang Mai & Pattaya. Why would you go via Bangkok?


    There are two flights a day with just one airline-air Asia. What if you don’t want to fly on that airline? And neither of the times are suitable methe first one leaves at 6.25 in the morning which I hardly call convenient. The second one leaves at 16.25 which is a bit better but still arrives too late in the afternoon for me.

  6. 17 minutes ago, jayboy said:

    Anti Semites often try to justify their behaviour by saying it's just legitimate criticism of the state of Israel.Of course criticism of Israel is justified and has nothing to do with anti Semitism.But when Israel is constantly singled out - as for example at the UN - when far worse abusers are ignored, then one begins to wonder.Another tell tale indicator is the comparison of the actions of the Israel state with Nazi Germany.I agree your comments on the video.

    which countries are the far worse abusers that you refer  to?

    • Confused 1
  7. 2 hours ago, bontang said:

    I will never fly Air Asia ever as they are a bunch of Turkeys & not flexible in any way,

    I will fly with them to adjoining countries but I have finished flying with any airline to another part of Thailand if it means leaving from Bangkok.

    After Songkran my journey from Chiang Mai to Bangkok and then on to Pattaya took 7 hours leaving Chang Mai at 1 PM and arriving in Pattaya at 8 PM.this was firstly because of a one-hour delay for the air Asia flight to depart and then a 3 1/2 hour bus journey from Mochit to Pattaya because of very heavy traffic.

    It's much easier to go to Sukhumvit Road in Pattaya and catch a very comfortable 1st class Nakhon Chai Air bus(no security, no check-in, no waiting). To Chiang Mai it takes 10 hours.

    They also have a 1st class service from Pattaya to Ubon

    • Like 2
  8. hard to describe it as buzzing when you have the windows of the closed down coffee shop outside covered in brown paper and now immediately next door as of this morning (6 of March) SCB   bank vacating the premises ?:sad:let's see who ends up going in that space

  9. On ‎17‎/‎01‎/‎2018 at 12:12 PM, THAILIBAN said:


    I'd say 250 would be the lowest you will be able to negotiate, no matter if yellow-blue/red cab or Sawngthaew.

    As has been mentioned, the apps offer a much more cheaper option


    They actually wanted 350 which is an extortionate price so they can continue to sit around on their bums because I won’t be using them because I found a better solution:smile:

    Bell Travel is much closer to me at the bus station and they will pick me up at a hotel which is only three minutes walk from where I live for NOTHING !!

    So the Pattaya taxi Mafia lose out again:giggle:

  10. I usually only travel with small suitcases so its no problem to use motorcycles or baht buses but this time I will have a larger suitcase and I want to go from near Big C Extra to the bus station where the Suvarnabhumi Airport bus leaves from on Thappraya Rd.

    I can only think of using a Pattaya taxi as a means of getting there. I don’t think I have ever used one here ever before so I don’t know anything about their costs.

    How much should I pay and are they likely to penalise me (by overcharging) for not using their services all the way to Suvarnabhumi Airport?

  11. 10 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

    I did China Southern once, for exactly the reason that the price was really really attractive. The flight from Guangzhou to BKK was nearly 3 hours late, which meant we were never going to make onward connections. So they moved us to a TG flight to Guangzhou. Bags were apparently all moved and rechecked.
    Arrived at Guangzhou, and the flight to Los Angeles was also delayed, nearly 4 hours. OK I thought not so bad at least it ensures the bags all get on the flight.
    When we got to LAX, there were 6 of us who had been on the flight from BKK, no bags. I was flying on to Boston, took them 8 days to find and get my bag to me.
    As for the flight itself, it was fine a brand new A380, so so was OK. Service and food OK, nothing to write home about, but I was figure it's a few hours of my life, so who really cares.

    Now I should have known better about any flight that connects in mainland China, I lived there for many years and flight delays are endemic, generally due to the fact that ATC is in the hands of the military



    " The flight from Guangzhou to BKK was nearly 3 hours late, which meant we were never going to make onward connections"


    Almost the very same thing happened to me except my delayed flight was from Shanghai to Guangzhou which was 4 hours late and so I missed the onward flight to Bangkok also on CSA.


    I have flown a lot on various airlines but I’ve never had such a bad experience as with this airline.

    Firstly most of this 4 hours was spent on the aircraft at the gate and no one ever explained what had happened. No apologies nothing.


    The next flight to Bangkok wasn’t until 9:30 AM the next morning but even more amazingly I even had to put up a strong fight just for them to agree to accommodate me at their expense   involving supervisors and what seemed like an army of people simply to make this decision.


    When they agreed they took me to a hotel in  Guangzhou which had to be one of the grottiest hotels I’ve ever stayed in - a filthy disgusting fleapit.


    In my book this airline is nothing more than an overrated cut-price airline which I wouldn’t touch with a barge pole ever again.

  12. 13 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

    The whole management and attitude about pedestrians need to change....


    very few actual lighted pedestrian crossings via smart signals....actually never seen one as part of a 4 way intersection...they do have a couple in CM city but not at intersections...


    pedestrians themselves are at blame here also as they cross anywhere everywhere and not use overpasses bridges walkways....to minimize at risk vs drivers here who don't stop or yield to pedestrians anyway...


    starts with education ( in theory) and proper gov leadership


    I tried to draw attention to this fact when I started this thread  last September. Some posters were even quite dismissive about the whole situation at that time insinuating that the responsibility lies with the pedestrians even when using pedestrian crossings and not the speeding motorists.

    Nothing has changed and in my view nothing will ever change:sad:




  13. OP what was the cause of your card being chewed up? has it ever happened to you before?This is what concerns me about taking my card overseas and relying on it to get cash out of ATMs instead of the old days when we had good old travellers cheques.

    My bank has told me if I had any problems I would have to contact the Thailand had head office while I am away and then you would have the likely added difficulty of not very clear communication as in your case

  14. 2 hours ago, watcharacters said:

    I'm going to go out on a limb and guess Thailand will opt for your  "spend billions ripping up the streets and installing a massively up sized comprehensive drainage system that we all are used to having in our own countries."


    Just a hunch...


    " Just a hunch... "


    or is it because on September 22, 2017 Chonburi Governor warned that could be the only solution



  15. Pattaya City is concentrating on one thing at the moment and that is making the area around Bali Hai look  good for the Navy review  next month. But at an estimated cost of 800 million baht I couldn't be optimistic there would be much money left over for other projects such as solving the growing crisis regarding rubbish disposal on Koh Larn Island .:sad:

    And it doesn't matter that the rest of the place is falling apart- Dongtan beach walkway has literally collapsed in two places but no one does a thing about it.


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